Memories Of The Night - 303 Chapter 303: Carl Anderson Got Sick

303 Chapter 303: Carl Anderson Got Sick

Bob clears his throat to get her attention. She snaps out of her daze and shuffles out of the elevator. They bid each other goodbye and go their separate ways to start their s.h.i.+ft.

Farrah keeps secretly pining after Bob for the rest of the day.

Two weeks pa.s.s by. Katrina and Aaron's relations.h.i.+p remains the same. She still lives in his villa, and he still sleeps with her every night. Despite their occasional quarrels, their relations.h.i.+p seems to strengthen with time. Aaron still expresses his love for Katrina. Although she often glared at him, he simply ignores her tantrums. He wants the two of them to have some progress, so he prefers to accept Katrina's every curse. When Katrina was angry, Aaron was quiet. She felt strange by a sudden change that Aaron showed her. Often, he takes a lot more patience than before.

One morning, Farrah is on her way to the head of another department to deliver a doc.u.ment for Bob. She is pa.s.sing by a hospital room when she hears a familiar voice.

"Dad, Katrina refuses to see you. The day she left the Anderson family, she left our family behind. Why do you insist on seeing her?"

Farrah perks up at the mention of Katrina's name. She approaches the room and peeks through the crack in the door, only to see Samuel standing in front of the hospital bed. Sophie and Winnie are standing close by.

A frail voice comes from the hospital bed. "I don't believe that. Katrina isn't that kind of person. Call her… I want to see her because I have an important matter to tell her," The words are cut off by a series of coughs.

Farrah is shocked into silence. Is that Mr. Anderson? He sounds so weak! I wouldn't have believed it was him if Samuel hadn't called him dad!

Mr. Anderson is only in his 50s. And Katrina never mentioned anything about him being sick. He looks so vulnerable this time!

Farrah looks up at the room and sees that Carl is admitted inside the Intensive Care Unit. Her eyes widen in disbelief. Oh my G.o.d, is he terminally ill? Did Katrina know his situation?

Despite the amount of time Farrah had spent in the hospital, she is stunned to find out that someone she knows is going to die.

Inside the room, the conversation continues.

"Dad, I've called her countless times. That heartless woman just won't pick up! What can I do? I even went to see her at work, but she refused to see you when she heard you were ill! She even said that you're not her father, and your illness has nothing to do with her!"

Samuel continues, "Dad, Katrina's grown up and left us. Now that she can live on her own, she doesn't need our family anymore. She has no reason to care about you anymore."

"Dad, is it not enough to have us by your side? Why do you want to see that woman? She's only an outsider! She is not a part of our family. You give her shelter for a very long time, and I think it's enough. She had her own life now. You should stop caring about her," Sophie interjects.

Farrah cannot believe her ears. There's no way Katrina would refuse to see Mr. Anderson! She's completely grateful for everything he did for her! Even when Sophie and Samuel bullied her, she endured everything for Mr. Anderson's sake!

This is bulls.h.i.+t! She gets angrier the more she thinks about it. They're making her look like an ungrateful person! I bet they never even called her!

As soon as Farrah delivers the doc.u.ments, she goes to a supply room to call Katrina in private.

Katrina is at work, writing a report when Farrah's personal ringtone chimes. She continues writing and picks up the phone with her other hand. "Hi, Farrah!"

Farrah doesn't bother with pleasantries. "Katrina, did you know that Mr. Anderson is in the hospital?"

Katrina freezes, and her eyes widen at the news. "What? Is uncle Anderson in the hospital? What's wrong with him? Is it serious?"

As Farrah expected, her best friend is completely oblivious. "His condition is very serious. I asked the doctor, and his cancer is terminal. There's no cure, and he might not even last a month!"

The news strikes Katrina like a lightning bolt. Her face pales, and the hand holding the pen starts to tremble.

That's impossible! The last time I saw Uncle Anderson, he was so healthy! How could he become terminally ill in only two months?

No! This can't be happening! Uncle Anderson is too young to die… I need to see him!

Katrina's mind is a mess. She pushes the morbid thoughts out of her head. "Farrah, which room is Uncle Anderson in? I'll go visit him now!"

Farrah lets out a helpless sigh. "Katrina, I understand how you feel. I'll tell you about his room, but you need to prepare yourself before you visit. Samuel, Sophie, and Ms. Green don't seem to want you there."

Farrah relays everything she overheard in the hospital room to Katrina.

Katrina's eyes darken, and her mood worsens even more. No wonder I had no idea about his condition, they deliberately hid everything from me!

They're so cruel! Uncle Anderson is badly ill, but they won't even let him see me! They're even lying to him about me!

If Farrah hadn't stumbled upon them by accident, I probably wouldn't even know he was ill until he pa.s.sed away…

Katrina's eyes blur with angry tears.

They probably did it for the family property! They must be afraid that Uncle Anderson will still leave something to me at his deathbed!

This is horrible! Uncle Anderson is dying, and all they care about is their property! They don't care about what he wants at all!

They look down on me too much! If Uncle Anderson leaves me something, I'll give it back. I won't take anything that doesn't belong to me!