Memories Of The Night - 298 Chapter 298: He Is Out Of Her League

298 Chapter 298: He Is Out Of Her League

As soon as Farrah enters, the saleslady comes over with a warm smile and asks, "Miss, what kind of watch are you looking for?"

Farrah takes out the watch and hands it over. "Actually, the strap of my friend's watch broke. I want to know if it can be replaced."

The woman takes the watch and looks at it carefully. "Please wait for a while. I'll check with the manager for you."

Farrah nods and takes a seat in front of the counter.

Just then, a tall and fas.h.i.+onable girl in high heels and comes in. From head to toe, she is clothed in famous brands.

Even the saleslady perks up at her appearance. "Miss, what kind of watch are you looking for?"

The girl takes off her to peruse the watches on the counter. She points at a watch casually. "Show me this one."

After the woman carefully takes the watch out, the girl tries it on her wrist. After studying it for a while, she says, "Show me another one."

Several watches later, the girl finally finds one that satisfies her. "I'm getting this one, wrap it up. How much?" she asks, handing her credit card over.

"That will be $40,000." Swiping the girl's credit card, the saleslady wraps up the watch and places it in a fancy box.

After the girl signs the receipt, she pockets her card and leaves the shop with her new purchase.

Farrah gapes at the scene. A $40,000 watch! And she just bought it just like that, and she didn't even consider it!

What a rich girl! Even if I wanted to buy myself a $400 watch, I'd have to think about it for a long time. Some people live a life I can't even imagine. They have a lavish life while I have the most deprived life, I think!"

As Farrah marvels at the girl's wealth, the manager comes out with Bob's watch, followed by the saleslady.

Farrah immediately stands up. "h.e.l.lo, is the strap replaceable?"

"Of course," says the manager. He hesitates for a moment before adding, "But this watch is a limited-edition piece. There are only a handful worldwide. We don't carry the replacement parts in our shop, so we have to send it to the manufacturer."

He continues, "Miss, if you'd like to have the strap replaced, we'll need a deposit and your contact information and address. We'll deliver it to you as soon as it's repaired."

Farrah blinks in awe. Wow, they'll deliver it to me after it's repaired? Watch services are so good nowadays! "Okay, how much deposit do I need to pay?"

"The new strap costs $10,000. We require a 10% deposit, so that will be $1,000. Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?"

Farrah's eyes widen in disbelief. What? $10,000 to replace the strap? A 10% deposit of $1,000? Thinking she misheard, she asks again, "I'm sorry, h- how much is the deposit?"

From Farrah's reaction, the manager knows that she finds the price too expensive. Because the watch is very expensive, its parts and accessories are also costly.

He explains with a smile, "Miss, this watch is worth millions of dollars. It's a limited-edition item, and there is only a handful worldwide. Considering that, $10,000 for a strap replacement isn't actually expensive."

Farrah is shocked into silence again. Is this watch worth millions?

Bob is a very famous and important doctor. But because of his age, he hasn't been a doctor long. Even if his annual salary is high, he wouldn't be able to buy a watch worth millions of dollars on his salary alone.

He just left it on his desk so casually. The memory makes Farrah pause, and realization dawns on her. He's not just a kind and skilled doctor.

"Miss, the watch..."

"Sorry, I changed my mind. Thank you!" Farrah takes the watch and leaves without looking back. She felt so embarra.s.sed about the fact that she can't afford to pay for the strap replacement.

Farrah feels her mood significantly drop as she exits the mall. As an ordinary nurse, she already thinks there's a big gap between her and Bob. But it's a gap she had thought she could bridge.

If his watch is worth millions of dollars, he must come from a n.o.ble family. He's way out of my league. He has expensive things!

How could I be so ridiculous? I'll never be with an excellent man like him!

I thought I could surprise him by having his watch fixed, but there's nothing I can do at all. Even if I starve myself for a year, I won't be able to save up $10,000. That kind of money must be nothing to him.

I promised myself I'd find a financially-stable man, but now that I have, it's not as easy as I thought. It's not easy to be his woman.

Now I understand why Katrina broke up with Marcellus. Bob is completely out of my reach. I will never be good enough for him…

The watch suddenly feels too heavy in her bag. I can't afford to lose this, and I have to return it immediately! If he finds out, I took it, and he might think I stole it!

When Farrah enters the hospital, she goes straight to Bob's office. No one answers when she knocks on the door. Breathing a sigh of relief, she rushes inside and puts the watch back in place. Her head drops while she's walking in the hallway.

After leaving the office, she heads for the hospital entrance when she sees a familiar figure. Bob is walking towards her with a young and beautiful girl with him. Farrah can't help but be jealous. She felt so sad seeing another woman clinging in Bob's arm.

"Do you like the new watch I gave you?" she asks with a smile.