Memories Of The Night - 296 Chapter 296: He Is A Good Boyfriend

296 Chapter 296: He Is A Good Boyfriend

She has always been certain that Farrah will have a good future.

Since the beginning, Farrah has lived a more difficult life than she had. Despite growing up an orphan with a mentally-challenged brother to support, she kept working hard and never gave up on herself. She balanced her studies with part-time jobs and worked hard to finish college and get a stable job. Her struggle becomes her strength to work harder.

In spite of her difficult life, she remained warm and kind. Surely, she'll be blessed with G.o.d's favor! Katrina thinks confidently.

Farrah's eyes glimmer with hope upon hearing Katrina's encouragement. "Thank you, Katrina!" she exclaims, the support boosting her confidence and filling her with relief. She feels happy.

While she looks at Katrina happily, a thought occurs to her. "By the way, how are things with your boyfriend?" "Our meeting was so brief, and I haven't seen him since then. I hope he's treating her well." Farrah thought in silence.

At the mention of Aaron's name, Katrina's smile freezes. She looks at her bowl of rice and says flippantly, "Nothing unusual."

Sensing Katrina's discomfort, Farrah's eyes widened in shock. "What's wrong? Is he bullying you? Is he not good for you? Did he hurt you?"

Not wanting Farrah to misunderstand her, Katrina quickly shakes her head. "No! He is treating me fairly,"

"Aaron is good for me. He gives in to what I want and takes good care of me. But he's just too insatiable sometimes." Katrina wanted to tell her thoughts to Farrah; however, she keeps it to herself to make Farrah at ease.

Every night, Aaron sleeps with Katrina in his arms, saying that holding her makes him sleep better. But after holding her for a while, he begins to caress her. After saying that he just wants to touch her, he strips her naked and ends up having s.e.x with her.

Like a tireless machine, Aaron takes his pleasure with Katrina and never gives her body reprieve despite her pleas to stop. Aaron never gets tired of doing it often.

Katrina's body is completely exhausted. Every morning, she's too weak to even get out of bed. But Aaron always brings her breakfast in bed, feeding her and coaxing her gently afterward and treating her like a treasure.

He could just exert a little more control, she thinks bitterly. She gets irritated whenever she thinks about it.

But despite her displeasure, there's no real problem with her relations.h.i.+p with Aaron. "When it gets too much, I can just go back to my apartment and stay away from him for a few days." She thought in silence.

Katrina is too ashamed to tell Farrah about something so intimate. To ease her friend's worries, she says firmly, "He's very good to me! He pampers me every day," She added.

"That's good!" Farrah nods, breathing a sigh of relief. "Katrina is glowing and looks so deeply in love with her new boyfriend," she thinks with a smile as she observes her best friend.

While they are catching up with each other, the waiter comes over with the restaurant's specialty and places it on the table.

After a small bite, Farrah's eyes light up in surprise. "This is good!" She quickly turns to the waiter and says, "I'll order another one to go."

At Katrina's curious look, Farrah elaborates with a blush, "Dr. Woods is on the night s.h.i.+ft today. I don't think he's had dinner yet, so I'll drop by and take it to him."

Katrina smiles in understanding. "You're so thoughtful! He'll definitely appreciate your kindness!" Considerate and caring girls like Farrah are very rare. She'll definitely get the happiness she deserves, she thinks to herself.

After dinner, Katrina and Farrah part ways, and Katrina takes a taxi back to Aaron's villa, while Farrah returns to the hospital.

On Farrah's way to Bob's office, she sees a harried-looking nurse rus.h.i.+ng to the operating room. Farrah stops her in her tracks and asks, "What happened?"

The nurse replies quickly, "A critical patient just arrived at the hospital, we're preparing for surgery now!"

"Where's Dr. Woods?"

"He's the patient's surgeon, and he's already scrubbing in."

Farrah nods and quickly ushers the nurse back to work, not daring to delay the nurse any further with more questions.

After the nurse leaves, Farrah falls into deep thought. I wanted to bring him dinner personally, but if the patient is in critical condition, the surgery will probably take at least two hours… I can't wait until he's done. I have to go back home to Patton.

With a sigh, Farrah goes to Bob's office and leaves the takeout on his desk. At least this way, he'll have something to eat as soon as his surgery is done.

Thinking of Bob eating the food she brought him makes Farrah sighed in satisfaction. As she turns to leave, a watch on the table catches her eye. It's the watch that Bob usually wears at work, but the strap is currently broken.

I knew something was missing when I saw him today! He only takes his watch off when he goes into surgery.

Farrah takes the watch and looks at it closely. He always wears this, it must be very important to him. But he probably doesn't have time to have it repaired.

Her eyes light up at an idea. It's my day off tomorrow, and I'll surprise him and have it repaired! She thinks, slipping the watch into her bag carefully.

With a smile, Farrah leaves the hospital, imagining how happy Bob will be with her surprise.

Meanwhile, Katrina has just arrived at Aaron's villa. As soon as she enters, she notices that the atmosphere in the house is a little strange.

Aaron is sitting on the sofa and watching TV with a bored look on his face. He keeps flipping the channels with obvious disinterest.

When Katrina comes in, he quickly turns to the door.