Memories Of The Night - 294 Chapter 294: Love Struck

294 Chapter 294: Love Struck

The man waves his other hand into a fist and pounces on Bob, only for Bob to grab the arm and twist it behind the man's back with a resounding pop.

The man howls in pain. With both limbs incapacitated, he has no means to fight back.

Bob looks at the subdued man in satisfaction.

At that moment, Farrah was filled with indescribable admiration and grat.i.tude. "He just dislocated the man's arm so accurately! With his knowledge and practical skills, he could be a medical professor!"

"I thought he was just some weak doctor! And couldn't fight against bad people." Farrah thought in silence. The man looks at Bob in disbelief, ashamed at getting defeated so easily.

Unable to move his arms, he can only shout, "What kind of doctor bullies patients? What's your name? I'm going to file a complaint! I'll call the police and sue you! This purely against the law of this hospital,"

Bob looks at him with a small grin and says in an indifferent tone, "Dr. Bob Woods. Do whatever you want. Do you want to scare me? Go ahead and file your complaint."

The man's threats fail to intimidate Bob. "Even if this man takes me to court, he can't touch me. The hospital paid a lot to hire me, and they won't suspend me over an unreasonable patient. Once the police find out what happened, he'll be arrested for extorting a nurse and causing a public disturbance." Bob thought in his mind. He won't allow this man to threaten him and Farrah.

Bob takes Farrah's arm and herds her out of the room.

Farrah can feel the warmth and strength of his hands through her sleeve. The contact makes her face flush red, and the corners of her lips unconsciously quirk into a smile.

"That was the worst encounter I've ever experienced since I became a nurse! It's a good thing Dr. Woods came just in time to save me. I felt secure under his protection. His gentleness impressed me today!"

Farrah's happiness overshadows the horrible experience.

The man is stunned to watch Bob and Farrah leave the room. Despite his threats, Bob doesn't seem fazed at all. Without his arms, he can't hit people, let alone drink a gla.s.s of water.

"I can't let them leave like this!" The man rushes out of the room and chases the couple. "Hey, Dr. Woods! Dr. Woods! Wait!"

In a completely apologetic tone, he says, "I'm sorry, Doctor, I was impulsive. Can you please put my arm back in place?"

Bob says with a smile, "Sorry, sir. You have to register for an appointment first. And let me remind you, don't hara.s.s any woman in the future,"

"Y-you!" The man almost flares up in anger again. "It will only take a few seconds to treat me, but he wants me to register again? This is unreasonable! He's the one who dislocated my arm, and he should have no trouble putting it back! I can't be like this!"

In the end, the man doesn't fight back. "If I provoke him again, he might not fix my arm. I'll be no different from an invalid. I need to beg him!"

"Okay, Doctor, I'll register now." The man nods and turns to the lobby.

Before he leaves, Bob reminds him, "Remember to ask for me. If you get a different doctor, you might not get your arm back to normal." He wears a mocking smile afterward.

Bob's technique is unique. Not every doctor will be able to reset the man's arm back successfully. If the arm is not reset properly, the injury will become more serious. It may even cause the man's hand to fall back to normal.

But the warning is only half true. Bob can't resist the urge to frighten the man after what he witnessed.

The man's eyes widened in fear. He scurries to the lobby urgently.

After the man leaves, Farrah can't help giggling.

Bob loosens his hold on Farrah's arm and looks at her curiously. "What are you laughing at? He finds her amusing.

Farrah praises, "Dr. Woods, you're amazing! Your skill is unique, and the man looks frightened after his arm dislocated,"

"Everyone knows that his registration fee is much higher than a general pract.i.tioner! It takes half a day just to queue up for an appointment!

If he were anyone else, I'd feel sorry for the man. But he just tried to extort money from me, and he deserves to be taught a lesson!"

Farrah can't help rejoicing in her heart for the turn of events. "Who knows what would've happened if Dr. Woods hadn't shown up? That man could've hit me! And I would be in danger!"

She drops her smile and bows in front of Bob. "Thank you so much, Dr. Woods! Without you, I can't quite imagine what I would have come up with."

Bob chuckles and waves it off. "You've helped me so much these past few days. I'm only returning the favor." He smiled at her immediately. He even looks more handsome with his gesture.

Farrah is addicted to Bob's laugh. "He looked so cold and fierce with the man just now, but he's so attractive when he laughs! When he smiles at me, I feel like I'm on cloud nine."

Amidst her daydreaming, she hears Bob say, "I'll go ahead, Farrah. I have patients waiting for me. See you around,"

Farrah nods quickly. "Yes, of course! Once again, thank you so much for saving me today."

As soon as Bob turns and leaves, Farrah looks at him with a lovestruck look in her eyes. "Even his back is attractive! He looks like a model strutting around in that white coat! How I wish one day, I could get his attention and admiration. I think I am beginning to love him!"

At that moment, Farrah falls deeper and deeper in love with Bob.