Memories Of The Night - 292 Chapter 292: My Hard Work Finally Pays Off

292 Chapter 292: My Hard Work Finally Pays Off

Farrah checks her appearance in the mirror before she heads out to start her s.h.i.+ft. Before she can leave the locker room, one of the nurses suddenly grabs her arm.

"Farrah, did you hear?" she gushes, "A very handsome doctor just started working at the hospital! Apparently, he graduated with a Master's degree from a top medical university abroad! He's already a chief physician at such a young age!" Excitement added to the woman's voice.

Farrah smiles indulgently at nurses' excitement. "Sure."

"He's in your department!" the other nurse cries out. "Why are you so calm? Aren't you curious how handsome this doctor is?"

She shrugs in response. "We'll see him when we meet him in person. What's the big deal?"

Farrah had heard about the new chief physician. Since the hospital had spent a lot of money to hire him, everyone has been buzzing about his ident.i.ty lately.

Apparently, the doctor is young and skilled, with great achievements under his belt. Because of his good looks, he's been dubbed the "Brad Pitt" of the medical field.

Countless female nurses and doctors are full of excitement. Everyone wants to find out how handsome the mysterious doctor looks.

But considering reality, chief physicians are generally middle-aged people who are over 40 years old. No matter how young they say the doctor is, he would still be old.

Given the busy schedule of a medical pract.i.tioner, the doctor would have spent his school days studying all day and all night, in addition to taking long s.h.i.+fts at the hospital during his residency. Due to stress, male doctors begin to lose their hair at an early age.

Even a young G.o.d-like doctor would be no exception.

Farrah doesn't bother getting worked up over the doctor. Despite the doctor's arrival causing a stir among the staff, she has little expectation for the newcomer.

People tend to exaggerate anyway, she muses to herself. I'll meet him when the time comes.

The nurse blinks in surprise. "Farrah, all the single women in the entire hospital, are going crazy over him! Everyone's waiting for the doctor's arrival with bated breath, and you're the only one who doesn't care!"

A thought occurs to the other nurse, and she asks eagerly, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Farrah scoffs. "Of course, I don't."

"Then why aren't you interested in him? Doctors and nurses work together. We have endless topics in common, and we'll be able to relate to each other well… What's your ideal boyfriend?"

The question makes Farrah pause. My ideal boyfriend… I want a handsome and virtuous gentleman who comes from a proper family. Even if I can't find a man as excellent as Katrina's boyfriend, I want my future spouse to be exceptional in his own way…

She keeps her thoughts to herself and hurries to deflect further questions. "I'm off to work. You should both hurry up, or the head nurse will scold you again!"

The nurses stick out their tongues and back off, a sheepish look on their faces.

During the start of Farrah's rounds, the head nurse suddenly calls her, "Farrah, come here!"

"Coming!" Farrah puts down the tray at the nurses' station and follows the head nurse to an office.

When the nurse knocks on the door, a pleasant male voice answers, "Come in!"

As soon as the nurse leads Farrah into the room, Farrah is caught off guard by the young man in a white coat sitting at the desk.

He looks like he's in his late twenties, she thinks, her gaze tracing his deep eyes, tall nose, and sharp cheekbones. He's so handsome! I've never seen a doctor look so stylish in a white coat before. He looks like a model ready to go on stage!

Farrah is stunned into silence. No matter how much she had fantasized about her ideal partner, none of her fantasies compare to the man in front of her.

One look at him, and she feels like she is falling into an infinite abyss. Her heartbeat picks up at an alarming rate, and she starts to feel lightheaded.

Is this love at first sight?

The head nurse greets him with a smile. "Dr. Woods, this is Farrah Jones, a nurse in our department. She's very hardworking and reliable. I'm a.s.signing her to a.s.sist you while you familiarize yourself with the hospital. Please don't hesitate to tell her if you need anything."

He lights up with a gentle smile. "Okay. I'll be counting on you later, Farrah."

Farrah gets into a trance, lost in his melodious voice. The conversation doesn't register in her brain, and she keeps gawking at him in silence.

"Farrah, this is..." the head nurse trails off when she notices the distracted look on Farrah's face. "Farrah! Farrah!" she calls impatiently until Farrah jerks out of her daze and looks at her superior.

"Farrah, this is Dr. Bob Woods, the new chief physician of our hospital. Dr. Woods has just returned from abroad. For the next few days, you will a.s.sist Dr. Woods and familiarize him with the hospital."

Farrah quickly nods. "Oh, okay!" She turns to Bob and says in a shy tone, "I look forward to working with you, Dr. Woods."

This is the new chief physician everyone's been talking about? He really is as young and handsome as everyone says! I thought everyone was exaggerating, but the rumors are true. He really is the "Brad Pitt" of the medical field…

With one glance, Farrah is instantly fascinated by Bob. My ideal boyfriend, she sighs.

My hard work finally pays off! She silently congratulates herself for getting a.s.signed as Bob's temporary a.s.sistant. No one else has the privilege of getting close to him upon his arrival.