Memories Of The Night - 272 Chapter 272: Sleepless Nigh

272 Chapter 272: Sleepless Nigh

"There, I'm done! Now leave me alone!" she shouts.

Finally, Aaron walks away from her door. She heard nothing from him again. "Did he really go to sleep? I felt annoyed with him and wanted to hurt him physically," She muttered.

The next morning, Katrina comes out of the room, looking completely exhausted. She didn't get any sleep last night. "I don't know why, but I can't stop seeing him naked for some reason! His naked image keeps coming into my mind! This is really so insane,"

In the living room, Aaron was fully dressed sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper leisurely. When he hears the door open, he looks up and sees the dark circles under her eyes. His eyebrows raise at sight. "She must have barely slept last night."

"She just accidentally saw me naked last night! How could she lose sleep over that?"

Aaron frowns. "I've always been confident in my figure. But if it gives Katrina nightmares, this isn't good. Did she scare looking at my body? Do I look so terrible?"

Turning a page, he says, "Why do you look so miserable? I'm the one who suffered last night."

When Katrina woke up, she decided never to mention what happened the night before to Aaron. Unexpectedly, as soon as she comes out of the room, he says it casually. Miserable and tired, her eyes snap open, and she glares at him. "Shut up! You are making me annoyed,"

"What the h.e.l.l? He's the one who suffered? He makes it sound like I took advantage of him! This devil really so proud of himself,"

"Who wants to see him naked? I never wanted to help him bathe, but he made me anyway! What did he think was going the happen?"

"I never wanted any of this! I didn't even get any sleep! His naked body disturb my sleep the entire night!"

Katrina proceeds to ignore Aaron for the rest of the morning. She never repeated any words to make him realize that she is severely affected by his presence.


After breakfast, Aaron drives Katrina to work as he did yesterday.

All her colleagues see the luxury car when it stops at the police station gate, and Katrina rushes inside to escape the attention.

As soon as she sits down at her desk, Colin asks in a sly voice, "Didn't sleep well last night? Did you stay over at Mr. Wilson's place?"

Still furious about the events of the night before, she takes a small steamed bun from the table and stuffs it into his mouth. "Stop spouting nonsense from your mouth! It's too early to start gossip. I didn't stay with him, okay?" She lied immediately.

After about coughs, Colin complains, "Katrina, you're getting more and more violent recently. Where's the girl who used to be so kind and lovely?"

Colin doesn't mean anything by his words, but the rebuke makes Katrina seriously reflect on herself.

That's true… Since I met Aaron, I've become more and more irritable. He easily provokes me and can always drive me mad.

When I was with Marcellus, we always got along. He always respected my boundaries and never bullies or teases me.

On the other hand, Aaron teases me like a hooligan, always embarra.s.sing me and making me mad. But sometimes, he takes care of me and makes me feel warm. When I'm in trouble, he doesn't spare any effort to help me.

Aaron makes me express my true feelings, she realizes. I don't know if that's a good thing, but for some reason, he's the only person I can really be myself with.

Just as Katrina and Aaron return home in the evening, Katrina receives a call from Farrah.

"Hi, Katrina! Do you want to have some hot pot tonight? I just bought some ingredients, and I can come over right now!"

Katrina is completely taken aback by Farrah's call. Cold sweat instantly beads on her forehead. "Farrah, I don't have an appet.i.te right now. How about another day?"

Farrah can't come over while Aaron is here! She'll suddenly find out about his existence!

I never told her about him. He was never supposed to stay in my life. If he hadn't risked his life during Black Wolf's arrest, I would've never thought about giving him a chance!

If she finds out that a man is living in my house and I never told her…

Katrina starts to panic.

Unexpectedly, her excuse only worries Farrah. "Katrina, are you sick? I'd better come over and see you! Give me a few minutes! I'll be right there!"

Katrina hurries to say, "No, no, I'm fine! There's nothing wrong!"

Farrah doesn't buy her excuses and insists, "Katrina, I'm on my way. I'll be there soon!"

Katrina is startled to hear the busy tone when Farrah hangs up.

This is a disaster! She's coming over! I don't want her to see Aaron!

When she looks up, she finds Aaron standing in front of her. He's too tall to hide in my small apartment! There's no place for him to hide!

She suddenly approaches Aaron, grabs his arm, and runs to her room.

Aaron follows her in confusion. She forbade me from entering her room. Why is she taking me here now?

Katrina opens the wardrobe and pushes the clothes to one side to make room for him. But even if the wardrobe is empty, he still wouldn't fit inside. Why is he so tall? She despairs to herself.

At that moment, Aaron realizes her intentions. "She wants to hide me in the wardrobe because she has a visitor coming over! This d.a.m.n woman! Is she so ashamed of me that she has to hide me? Am I some shameful secret love affair?"

Aaron is fuming.