Memories Of The Night - 266 Chapter 266: Conditions

266 Chapter 266: Conditions

Katrina hasn't come out of her room, afraid of walking in on Aaron again.

Knowing she is too embarra.s.sed, he takes the initiative and knocks on her door. He doesn't want to make her upset.

She checks her watch and her eyes widen at the time. I can't be late on the first day after my promotion! It will look like I'm getting a big head!

She quickly opens the door and finds Aaron fully clothed. The memory of him in his underwear makes her turn red again. She looks down and avoids his eyes.

"Aren't you working at home?" Katrina asks as she walks away, "Why are you all dressed up?"

Aaron trails after her and says, "I'm going back to the office starting today." As the CEO of a big company, he can't work from home all year round. Besides, it's boring to stay at home when you're not here. He wanted to tell her but dare not voice out his thoughts. It won't change the fact that Katrina felt embarra.s.sed a moment ago.

Katrina and Aaron make their way downstairs in silence.

When they reach the building entrance, they find Aaron's driver standing next to a fancy car, "Mr. Wilson, Miss Miller," he greets, opening the door of the car for them when they approach.

Aaron wraps his arm around Katrina. "Let's go. I'll take you to work."

She hurriedly shakes her head. "No, I live near work! You don't need to take me! I don't want to delay your time," My colleagues already think we have some kind of relations.h.i.+p! I don't want them to think we're actually together!" She wanted to add this thought, but she can't bear to make him feel humiliated in front of his employee.

Aaron doesn't reply and pushes her into the car, successfully silencing her protests. She doesn't live far from my office. Having breakfast and going to work together every day is nice. Why this stupid woman refuse me again? Did we start to have a good talk this morning?

In the car, Aaron reads the day's financial report and says, "I'll pick you up after work."

Katrina purses her lips in disapproval. He never listens to me! This stubborn b.a.s.t.a.r.d is taking over my life! I felt annoyed by the way he acted recently. How can I avoid him?

With a huff, she says, "Aaron, I agreed to let you stay in my apartment, but we need to make some rules! I want to have a private life and don't want my colleague to misunderstand about our current set-up, "

Aaron's gaze s.h.i.+fts from the report to her face, and his lips curve in interest. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?'

Katrina glances at the driver who is paying attention to the road ahead. Although he is a professional, he can easily listen to their conversation without even trying. "Let's talk about it at home tonight."

Understanding her concern, he presses a b.u.t.ton, and a tinted window rises in between the front and back seats. The people at the back can see and hear what's happening in front, but the people in front can't see or hear anything from the back.

Aaron folds his arms and looks at his Katrina. "He can't see or hear us. Can we talk now? Speak all your concern," His stern voice rang between the two of them.

Katrina nods. "First, I sleep in my room, and you sleep in the living room. You are not allowed to enter my room without my permission under any circ.u.mstances." Knowing this pervert, I need to make sure he'll behave. I can't let him touch me again.

"Second, you are not allowed to casually take off your clothes and walk around naked in the living room. If you're going to change, you have to let me know in advance." I don't want to walk in on him again!

"And third, when you are well enough to move on your own, you have to leave my house and go back to your own." He has a point about needing help to dress his wound, but he can't stay with me forever. I can't let him stay at my house forever. This is a frustrating moment of my life.

"These are the only rules I have for now, but I'll add more if I think of something else."

To her surprise, Aaron nods his head without hesitation. "Okay, I promise."

She's only protecting herself. I don't want her to think I'm only living with her to sleep with her. I'll give her some peace of mind. Besides, I might be able to change her opinion later on.

Even though she saw me half-naked, I'm the one who got aroused when it happened. Avoiding similar situations would be good for me.

And her apartment is too small and shabby. I don't want to live there forever. I'll just find a way to trick her into living with me. I need to convince her to come back with me in the villa.

Aaron continues, "I also have my own conditions."

"Alright, go ahead." Katrina nods. That's fair. I'll agree as long as they're reasonable.

"First, you will help me change the bandages of my wound when it needs to get redressed."

"Second, my wound has affected my life and work. When it prevents me from doing something, you must help me do stuff like carrying things."

"Third, you must treat me like a patient. You can't yell at me, scold me, or chase me away without any reason until my wound heals." His voice was filled with a serious tone.

"Honestly, I don't want to scare you. I confessed to you several times and risked my life to prove how pure my love is. However, you hesitate to accept me. Katrina, as I said, I won't hurt you in the future!"