Memories Of The Night - 261 Chapter 261: She Thinks That I Am Trying To Sabotage

261 Chapter 261: She Thinks That I Am Trying To Sabotage

She just humiliated Cindy in public even though she didn't do anything. It's like her better background ent.i.tles her to behave so arrogantly. Even if she didn't mean to, Cindy obviously didn't take it well…

This must happen a lot, Katrina realizes. If Sophie treats Cindy like this all the time, it's no wonder she secretly feels this way.

Realization dawns on her face. Cindy always defers to Sophie, but she must be plotting against her in secret. Sophie needs to watch out for her.

Should I warn Sophie? She thinks, picking up her cell phone. Despite everything, she's still Uncle Anderson's daughter. Whatever Cindy plans to do, I don't want to see something bad happen to her.

Katrina pauses before dialing Sophie's number. Cindy is Sophie's best friend, and Sophie hates me. There's no way Sophie is going to believe me. She'll just think that I'm trying to sabotage her friends.h.i.+p with Cindy.

She sighs in defeat and sets aside her phone. Warning her would be pointless, she'll just get another reason to make trouble for me.

"Miss, where's the other lady?" The waiter's voice snaps Katrina out of her thoughts. When he finished packing the leftovers, he realized that the table was empty. Confused, he walked over to Katrina to ask about Sophie's whereabouts.

Katrina gives him an apologetic look. "Oh, she changed her mind and left. I'm sorry for troubling you like this."

"Oh, it's no problem," he rea.s.sures with a smile and walks away with Sophie's takeout.

A few minutes later, Farrah rushes into the restaurant, panting.

"Katrina! I'm so sorry!" she pauses to catch her breath. "There was an emergency at the hospital, and I couldn't leave immediately! Did you wait long? Why didn't you order something to eat while waiting?"

Katrina shrugs away her friend's worries with a smile. "Don't worry about it, you're here now." It's not like I got bored waiting, she thinks. I got to turn the tables on Sophie and discovered something about Cindy.

She calls the waiter, handing the menu on the table to Farrah. "What do you want to eat, Farrah? Choose anything you want, my treat!"

Farrah doesn't want to take advantage of her best friend, especially when she made her wait so long. Katrina works hard every day to pay the rent and feed herself. I know how difficult it is to earn money.

"Actually, I'm on a diet, so I don't eat much at night. This should be enough for us," she says, ordering two of the cheapest dishes on the menu.

Katrina immediately sees through the excuse. "Farrah, we're celebrating my promotion! That's not enough!" She takes the menu and adds two more dishes as the waiter dutifully notes it down.

"That's enough!" Farrah cries, "Ordering more will be too much!"

"Farrah, you like shrimp, right? The shrimp here is good. Let's order some." Katrina closes the menu and hands it to the waiter, adding, "Four shrimps, please."

"Okay! We'll serve the dishes in a few minutes," he says, walking away with the menu.

"Katrina, are you crazy? A shrimp costs $7!" Farrah lowers her voice and hisses, "Spending $28 for shrimp is too much! Cancel the order!" Even if we're celebrating her promotion, I don't want to waste her money like this!

Katrina grins. Farrah is such a considerate best friend. I'm really lucky to have her, she thinks, remembering Sophie and Cindy.

"It's just a few shrimps!" she says, "If you like it, I'll take you here once a month from now on!"

Farrah stares at Katrina in bewilderment. "Katrina... Did you win the lottery?" Even if she got promoted, there's no need to be so extravagant!

Katrina shakes her head with a smile.

The vague response makes Farrah more curious. "What's going on, Katrina?"

"Farrah, I accomplished a big task at work. I got a commendation from the Chief of Police, got promoted three levels, and a double salary increase! Farrah, if you need money in the future, just let me know! I have the money to help you now!"

Compared to Katrina, Farrah has a more difficult life because she also takes care of her mentally-handicapped brother. Katrina's offer instantly makes Farrah emotional.

I'm so lucky to have such a caring and selfless best friend! she thinks, grabbing Katrina's hands with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Katrina! Thank you so much!"

Katrina squeezes Farrah's hands and smiles. "We'll always be best friends, Farrah. You've helped me so much in the past, I want to help you when I can."

Farrah composes herself and nods. "Yes, you're right! We'll be best friends forever! Even when we're old and grey, we'll still be best friends!"

At that moment, the waiter arrives and serves the dishes on the table.

Katrina helps Farrah to the shrimp. "Have some shrimp, Farrah!"

While peeling the shrimp, Farrah asks, "Oh, what big task did you accomplish?" What important case did she work on that she got such a big promotion?

"Oh, that's not important," Katrina shrugs off casually, not wanting Farrah to worry. "Let's talk about something else."

Farrah shoots her a disapproving look. "Katrina, didn't you say we'll always be best friends? Of course, I want to know what happened to you!"

She has a point, Katrina sighs in defeat. "All right."

Putting down the chopsticks, says calmly, "We followed a suspect who committed a felony to Thailand. He usually hangs out in the red-light district, so we went undercover as civilians to monitor him."

"Because he's always surrounded by his bodyguards, we couldn't get close to him, so I disguised myself as a prost.i.tute. In the end, my team and I finally captured him," she explains, glossing over the dangerous parts of what happened—no need to worry Farrah.

"What? Undercover?" Farrah asks, clutching her chest in fright. A criminal who commits a felony must be dangerous! If she was discovered, she could've died!