Memories Of The Night - 242 Chapter 242: I'm Waiting For You

242 Chapter 242: I'm Waiting For You

"Y-you…" He's lying! She tells herself, but the possibility horrifies her so much that she is rendered speechless.

Aaron brightens, even more, when Katrina sputters helplessly. He folds his arms and shakes his head, smirking. "You said you don't want me to come near you, but your body seeks me in the middle of the night. "

Katrina flushes an angrier shade of red. She gets up from the ground and marches to the bathroom in a huff, taking a set of clothes with her. My colleagues are downstairs waiting for me. I don't have time to listen to this b.a.s.t.a.r.d's nonsense!

After a few minutes, Katrina comes out of the bathroom, fully dressed. While Aaron freshens up inside, she dials the front desk using the landline on the table. "h.e.l.lo, do you have a room available?"

Aaron had insisted on staying with her last night, claiming he couldn't book a room for himself. I can't give him another chance to hara.s.s me, she thinks. If my colleagues see him in my room, it would be a disaster!

Katrina breathes a sigh of relief when the receptionist tells her that there are several rooms available. She feels better after she makes a reservation for Aaron. Now he doesn't have an excuse to stay here!

She walks to the bathroom and knocks on the door twice.

After a moment, Aaron opens the door, holding a razor to his face. Does she need to pee? "I'm almost done, but I don't mind if you come in," he says, flas.h.i.+ng her a smile.

Aaron had been shaving when Katrina knocked, and there's some shaving cream on one side of his chin. "I have to admit, and he's really handsome. He makes shaving look attractive."

Katrina realizes the implication in Aaron's words and glares at him. Would it kill him to stop flirting for one second? Well, I already reserved a room for him. I'll be safe from this nonsense tonight! The thought comforts her a little.

"Aaron, I just called the front desk. Someone checked out today, and I reserved a room for you. Don't forget to check-in when you go downstairs. I'm going down for breakfast." With that, she turns around and leaves the room.

Aaron almost scratches himself with the razor in surprise. She booked a room behind my back! When did this woman learn to be so clever? She can be really resourceful when it comes to avoiding me!

In the hotel restaurant, Katrina's mind is adrift while she eats breakfast with her colleagues. Did he check-in already? What if he goes down to have breakfast? Should I greet him or pretend I don't know him?

Katrina lets out a heavy sigh. Aaron's sudden appearance is really troublesome, not to mention his presence always makes her feel uneasy.

Colin senses Katrina's anxiety and pats her on the shoulder in comfort. He lowers his voice and says, "Are you worried about the mission? Don't worry, Black Wolf is under surveillance. Everything should go smoothly."

Katrina looks up at Colin and nods with a smile.

After breakfast, the captain calls everyone to his room and a.s.signs the day's a.s.signments. Once Katrina receives hers, she returns to her room to get her cell phone.

But when she opens the door, she is greeted by the sight of Aaron sitting leisurely on the sofa and enjoying his breakfast. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d ordered room service! How long does he plan to stay here? She thinks in disbelief.

"Why are you still here?" she demands.

Aaron looks up with a smile. "I'm waiting for you."

Katrina starts to get anxious. "Did you go to the front desk to check-in at all? They said they could only reserve your room for an hour! They have to give the room to other guests after that!"

She checks her watch and sees red. It's been over an hour since I called! It's the peak season, and there might not be any room left anymore! I managed to book a room for him, but he didn't check in at all!

Katrina growls, "Don't expect me to take you in tonight! I don't care if you have to sleep in the streets! If you think you can stay in my room tonight, you've got another thing coming!"

Aaron shakes his head and sighs loudly. "Cruel woman!" He picks up his phone from the table with a flourish. "Have you forgotten about online payment?"

Katrina is taken aback by Aaron's words. In her anger, she completely forgot that online payment is possible.

Now that she knows Aaron already paid for his room, she has nothing more to say. She takes her cell phone from the bed and says, "I'm leaving. My colleagues are waiting for me."

Katrina is about to leave the room when she feels a warm and firm hand pulling her arm. She turns around to ask Aaron what he wants.

Suddenly, Aaron gathers her into a tight embrace. He rests his chin on her shoulder and says in a serious tone, "Be careful. Come back safely."

She was stunned when she heard his words. She doesn't expect that Aaron would utter those words that are full of concern and affection. Is she still dreaming or just that this daredevil plays tricks on her? But what about last night? His love confession made Katrina feel secured, although he had an overbearing presence, she can't deny that this man is every woman's dream.

"I will. Let me go now. I get suffocated by your tight embrace," Katrina immediately said while placing her tiny hands on his chest, pus.h.i.+ng him.

"I might scare you, but I am seriously doting on you. As I've said last night, I will not leave you," His eyes are looking at her beautiful face seriously. A declaration of love and affection was added to it. She blinks her eyes quickly, trying to ignore his handsome face.