Memories Of The Night - 210 Chapter 210: She Never Fully Accepted Him

210 Chapter 210: She Never Fully Accepted Him

Unlike in Hadley City, her movements are no longer restricted by Aaron.

Randy doesn't stop Katrina's departure. Instead, he asks with a kind smile, "Miss Miller, are you going home? I'll send the driver to take you back."

"No, Randy," she replies. "Please drop me off at the flower shop on J Road."

Randy doesn't ask much. He nods and says, "Yes, Miss Miller."

Because Randy has some errands to run, he accompanies Katrina. When the car stops at the flower shop on J Road, Katrina says goodbye to him before she enters the shop.

The shop a.s.sistant greets her with a smile. "Katrina, you're here again. Which one do you want today? White chrysanthemum?"

Katrina smiles back. "Yes, please."

After taking the bouquet of white chrysanthemums from the florist, Katrina goes to a nearby store to buy a bottle of wine.

Katrina is going to visit her father in the cemetery today.

After the car leaves, Randy watches Katrina from the rearview mirror and sees her walking out of the store with a bouquet of white chrysanthemums.

Randy blinks in surprise at the flowers. Is she going to attend someone's funeral?

He shakes the thought away.

All his orders from Aaron are to give Katrina a ride when she wants to leave. And he has already carried out his task.

It's not his business, nor his place to ask questions.

After buying flowers and wine, Katrina takes a bus to the cemetery in the suburbs.

When Katrina gets out of the bus, she immediately sees the cemetery groundskeeper under a tree in front of the cabin.

During her last visit, the old man told her that he would retire to his hometown soon. He was very concerned about her, hoping that she would get a boyfriend to take care of her.

To rea.s.sure him, Katrina promised that the next time she visits, she would bring her boyfriend with her.

But she doesn't expect that she would get a boyfriend only break up with him the day before she comes back to the cemetery.

Seeing Katrina with the flowers and wine, the man recognizes her from a distance. "Miss Miller, you're here!" he exclaims in surprise. "No work today?"

Although Katrina was drunk and heartbroken last night, she doesn't want to let the caretaker know that something is wrong. She doesn't want him to worry about her.

Katrina smiles. "It's my day off today, so I came to visit. How are you?"

"Quite good, thank you." The man nods in earnest, glancing behind Katrina from time to time.

After confirming that Katrina is alone, the man asks in disappointment, "Why are you alone?"

At the question, worry flashes on Katrina's face. "He... He is very busy with work. He went on an emergency business trip yesterday, so he couldn't come with me today. But don't worry, he is very kind to me. He loves me very much," Katrina says to ease the man's worries.

"That's good," the old man replies, still feeling a bit worried.

Unfortunately, he can't meet Katrina's boyfriend before he retires. He doesn't know what kind of boyfriend she has. Knowing that Katrina doesn't have a family, he always worries about her future. She is afraid that she might not have anyone she can trust and depend on.

"Um... I'll go see my father now."

"Of course! Go ahead."

Katrina walks to her father's grave. Settling down in front of the grave, she opens the wine and pours a gla.s.s of her father's favorite drink.

"Dad, I had a dream about you last night. It felt so real, you carried me on your back and took care of me as you did before."

She lets out a sigh before continuing, "Dad, I got a good boyfriend recently. I wanted to bring him to meet you, but... his mother doesn't like me. He was born into a rich and prominent family, completely out of my league. Dad, I… I broke up with him."

Katrina sniffs, "Dad, if you were here, you'd support my decision, right?"

Her father was just a minimum wage store clerk, but he was a man of integrity. He wasn't the kind of person who would take advantage of rich people for social status and money.

Even in his final moments, he gave up his life all to save a man from drowning.

For Katrina, her father was a hero.

Years after he pa.s.sed, no one remembers her father except for her. But it doesn't make him any less great.

Before he died, she told her to find someone who loves her. It doesn't matter if he is rich or poor, as long as he can be good to her. He didn't want her to be with a rich man who doesn't pay attention to her. He'd rather that she doesn't marry at all than have her suffer.

If her father knew that Claire dislikes her enough to hire someone to kill her, he definitely wouldn't have approved of her relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus.

She doesn't belong in the same cla.s.s as Marcellus, and she has no intention of using Marcellus to become rich. For the future development of the Brook family and Marcellus's career, she chooses to let him go.

"Dad, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Katrina pauses. "Although I was upset and depressed after the break-up... I also felt a sense of relief. After all... we really don't fit together."

Now, Katrina doesn't have to worry about Marcellus hurting his career because of her. She doesn't have to worry about Claire scheming behind her back.

After clearing her thoughts, Katrina realizes that she isn't as upset as she thought she would be. After drinking her sadness away, she feels much better.

Maybe I really don't love Marcellus enough, Katrina thinks ironically. I hope he can find a woman who loves him more than I do.

When she agreed to be with him, she didn't know if she did it because she felt grateful for his kindness and couldn't bear to refuse him, or if she also liked him back.

In the end, they don't feel the same way about each other.

While they were together, Katrina couldn't be affectionate with Marcellus. Despite all her efforts to be receptive to his touch, she always felt nervous and s.h.i.+ed away from instinct.

She never fully accepted him.