Memories Of The Night - 204 Chapter 204: She Is Not Vulnerable

204 Chapter 204: She Is Not Vulnerable

For her, he investigated the truth behind the car accident, spent a lot of time and resources to get the recording, and warned her to be careful of Claire Brook. But she repaid his kindness with ingrat.i.tude, going as far as to think that he was deliberately destroying her relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus.

Thinking of her heartless actions makes him furious. He doesn't want to think about her anymore.

However, after hearing that she almost got into a car accident, he spared no effort to pursue the truth. After seeing her walk dejectedly along the street, he felt so worried about her that he followed her in secret. After seeing her walk to the river and thinking that she wants to commit suicide, he rushed in to drag her to safety.

Despite everything, Aaron cares about her a lot. In more than 20 years of his life, he has never cared so much about a woman.

Although he is unwilling to admit it, he has already put her in a very important place in his heart. Even when she ran away from him and found a new boyfriend, he still doesn't give up on her.

Aaron doesn't say a word, sitting down next to Katrina.

Katrina is too depressed to drive Aaron away ruthlessly.

Additionally, she had misunderstood him before. She doesn't know why he pesters her nonstop, but his actions show that he really cares about her. He spent a lot of time to investigate the truth behind the car accident and pulled her away from the edge of the river because he thought she was about to commit suicide.

Even if he is overbearing, always forcing her to do things against her will, at the end of the day.

Aaron is not as horrible as she originally thought.

With Aaron's personality, even if she drives him away now, he won't leave unless he wants to. Besides, she doesn't need to make him leave. Since he is here, she might as well drink with him. Drinking with someone is better than drinking alone.

Katrina grabs a bottle of beer from the six-pack and hands it to Aaron. She reaches for another bottle and tries several times to open it without success.

Aaron rolls his eyes at her futile attempts. This stupid alcoholic!

Katrina resumes drinking even though she is already tipsy. Although Aaron looks disapproving, he opens his bottle and hands it to her. Then he takes the one from her hand and drinks along with her.

Katrina and Marcellus are not meant to be together.

She is his woman. Her body and her first time belong to him, and her heart should also belong to him. If she finds another man as her boyfriend, breaking up is only a matter of course.

Now, she is drinking because of that man.

Despite his bitterness, Aaron sits down next to her and accompanies her. As a possessive man, this is an amazing feat for him. After meeting her, he makes exceptions for her again and again.

Katrina looks up and drinks a mouthful of beer. After wiping the corners of her mouth, she says, "Don't worry, even if I kill myself, I'm not going to do it that way."

Despite the slight smile on her lips, her expression looks very pained. There is a deep sadness in her eyes.

"My father died in drowning. After so many years, I still can't forget the way he looked when he died." Katrina closes her eyes at the painful memory.

He was the only family she had ever known, the only man who loved and protected her. In the young Katrina's heart, her father is a strong mountain, her rock, and shelter.

Remembering how weak he looked when he died still brings unspeakable grief to her heart. "It was horrible, and his whole body swelled up. If I want to go, I will choose a better way than drowning."

Katrina's nose turns sour at the memory. Even with her eyes closed, tears stream down her cheeks uncontrollably. The sadness in her voice is unmistakable, and her body starts to tremble as she cries.

The scene makes Aaron realize that her father's death must have been a significant blow to Katrina. After so many years, the thought of his death can still make her burst into tears.

Aaron finally realizes why Katrina is so afraid of water.

It's no wonder she panicked and almost drowned when Victoria pushed her into the pool at the party last time. She must have felt desperate and scared.

At that time, he didn't think that it was a big deal that she didn't know how to swim. The memory makes him feel guilty for not protecting her well.

After that, Aaron was determined to teach her how to swim. But knowing the trauma behind her fear, he can't bear to be so cruel as to force her to do it.

If something happens to her in the future, he will save her instead.

The night is cold, and Katrina is depressed from the breakup and the memory of her dead father. Feeling a sudden chill all over her body, she shakes uncontrollably.

Aaron takes off his coat and drapes it over Katrina's shoulders. Because he is more significant than her, the coat engulfs her small frame completely.

The familiar scent on the coat makes Katrina feel warm and gives her a sense of comfort. Shaking off her gloomy thoughts, she wipes away the tears from her eyes and puts on a tough façade. "I can't kill myself. If I do, you will look down on me."

Resolve fills Katrina at the thought.

Even if she's upset, she's not as vulnerable as Aaron thinks.

Four years ago, an a.s.shole took away her innocence indiscriminately. In Hadley City, Aaron also took her by force again and again. These experiences are nothing compared to a small break up. She was able to overcome them, and she will be able to overcome this.

Just because she's upset and drinking away her sorrows doesn't mean that she would succ.u.mb to her negative emotions and kill herself.

At her father's deathbed, he was extremely worried about her. Later, Carl adopted her and raised her as his own. How could she take her life for granted after that?

Katrina will never kill herself. No matter how tough the difficulties are, she will soldier on. There is no way that she would let down the people who care about her.