Memories Of The Night - 198 Chapter 198: Doubt Him

198 Chapter 198: Doubt Him

Without waiting for a response, he immediately hangs up.

Katrina blinks in surprise. Aaron seems angry.

Why the h.e.l.l is he so angry? He's the one trying to mess with my relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus with a fake recording. I'm the one who should be angry! What gives him the right to shout at me?

Hanging up the phone in a huff, Katrina sits on the bed and takes a pillow in her arms. The dialogue on the recording buzzes in her mind in a loop. According to the recording, Claire hired someone to fake a car accident that night.

Katrina's mind is in a mess.

Although she hasn't known Claire for a long time, she thinks the older woman is a very kind person after just a few days of knowing her. She can't believe that such a gentle and cordial person could do such a terrible thing.

Then again, although Aaron is domineering and always disrespects and bullies her, he is always frank and forthright with her. He doesn't need to undermine her relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus in this way.

Katrina hates and fears Aaron from the bottom of her heart. She wants to avoid him every chance she gets. But despite how she feels about him, Aaron is not the type of person to use such methods. He would opt for a direct approach.

After calming down, Katrina thinks carefully and begins to doubt the authenticity of the recording. Although she couldn't believe Aaron at first, she starts to consider the possibility that he isn't lying.

A chill runs down Katrina's spine.

Why would Claire do such a thing? How could she hate her enough to do something so horrible just to get rid of her? Since they met, Claire always behaved warmly towards her. She seemed to like her so much, giving her gifts and buying her clothes.

If Claire really is behind it…

It would not be very comforting. A seemingly friendly person who is ready to stab you in the back when you're not prepared is more unnerving than a person who blatantly expresses their dislike for you.

The uncertainty makes Katrina immensely restless.

Although she wants to know the truth, she is also afraid of discovering something she would rather not want to know.

With trembling fingers, she scrolls through her contact list for the phone number of her colleague in the Technical a.n.a.lysis Department. She wants to ask him to check the authenticity of the recording.

Katrina hesitates for a while after typing out a message. In the end, she doesn't have the courage to tap the Send b.u.t.ton. She doesn't know if she can face the truth.

She doesn't want to doubt Claire or believe that she is the mastermind behind the accident.

She needs a few days to calm down.

For now, she will pretend that nothing happened and that she didn't receive any incriminating recording.

Her colleagues will be able to give her a satisfactory answer.

Earlier this afternoon, they called her to tell her that the driver has been traced and will be caught soon.

She should wait for the results of their investigation. She shouldn't jump to conclusions right now.

For the next few days, Katrina is distracted at work. She is troubled during the day and restless at night. Her low spirits don't escape the notice of the people around her.

Her colleagues a.s.sume that Katrina is worried about Marcellus's health. They say in comfort, "Katrina, don't worry about Marcellus. His recovery is steady and he will be discharged soon. Don't worry, a minor injury is nothing to men like us. He'll be fine!"

Katrina smiles at their concern. "Thank you."

The reason she has been so listless in the past few days is not that she is worried about Marcellus. She is troubled by the recording.

Without knowing the truth, she won't be able to move on from her heavy thoughts.

Katrina hasn't gone to visit Marcellus in the hospital for days. She can't face Claire right now. She's afraid that she will unconsciously think about the recording and accidentally reveal her thoughts and worry Marcellus.

The best way to deal with it right now is to avoid it.

In the afternoon, the officer in charge of the case updates Katrina, "The driver of the accident has been caught and interrogated."

Katrina holds her breath.

"It's a regular drunk driving case. The driver hit someone under the influence and panicked. He was afraid of going to jail, so he fled the scene. His license has already been revoked, and his court date is already scheduled. The court will decide on his sentence soon."

Katrina asks cautiously, "Is that it? I mean, Marcellus just finished a big case. I'm worried that his compet.i.tors are plotting to retaliate against him."

Her colleague smiles in rea.s.surance. "Katrina, you're worrying too much. The driver's background has been investigated, and there's nothing unusual about it."

Katrina is secretly relieved to hear her colleague's words. "Oh, thank you!"

It is more sensible to trust her colleagues than a doubtful recording. Katrina chooses to treat the recording as a fake.

The burden in her heart lightens a great deal.

Katrina feels guilty about not visiting Marcellus recently.

After work, she takes the bus to the hospital to see him.

After getting off the bus, she goes to the fruit stand on the side of the road to buy some apples for Marcellus before she makes her way to his room.

In order to express her regret for not visiting him for so many days, she wants to peel some apples for him.

In a few minutes, Katrina gets off the elevator on the floor of his ward.

Just as Katrina approaches the room, she suddenly sees a beautiful young girl storming out in a bad mood.

Katrina is stunned.

Who is this girl?

Why did she come out of Marcellus's ward?

What is her relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus?