Memories Of The Night - 191 Chapter 191: Marcellus Is In Better Condition

191 Chapter 191: Marcellus Is In Better Condition

Katrina blinks in surprise, a bit taken aback. "Thank you, but I'm not hurt."

"A gentleman told me just now that you've skinned your knees and wrists," says the nurse, looking at the injuries.

Katrina looks down and realizes that she has light scratches on her body. Out of extreme worry for Marcellus's operation, she doesn't even notice the pain.

The person that the nurse is referring to is probably Aaron. He was sarcastic and taunting the moment he saw her, but he immediately found a nurse to help her with her wounds as soon as he left.

"Oh, thank you." Katrina falls silent with mixed feelings. She sits still, allowing the nurse to sterilize her wounds and cover them with Band-Aids. The nurse leaves as soon as she's done.

"Katrina!" Looking up, Katrina sees the operating room doors swing open as Farrah comes out. She stands up from her chair and rushes to Farrah, asking anxiously, "Farrah, how's he doing?"

Farrah takes off her mask and says, "Katrina, don't worry. Marcellus is fine. He's in stable condition now."

Katrina breathes a long sigh of relief at Farrah's words. She would never forgive herself if something happened to him.

They sit down on the bench, and Farrah asks her worriedly, "Katrina, how are you? How did the accident happen? Has the driver been found?"

When she last saw Katrina and Marcellus, everything was fine. They looked very happy and sweet together. She does not expect such a horrible thing to happen when things were finally starting to go well for them.

Katrina shakes her head in dismay. "It happened at the gate of my neighborhood. It was a hit-and-run by a van without a license plate. I already called the police, and they will contact us if they find the driver."

When she saw Marcellus lying in a pool of blood, she was so scared and worried for him that she didn't focus much on the driver. The only thing she could do at the time was called the police. The driver must still be missing, or her colleagues would have contacted her already.

Katrina hopes it was just an accident. But a van without a license plate means it was planned beforehand. It couldn't possibly have been just an accident.

The lights in the operating room suddenly dim.

In a few minutes, the doctor comes out and updates them, "The surgery was very successful. He just needs some time to recuperate, and he'll recover completely."

After a while, Marcellus is wheeled out of the operating room and into a private ward. Katrina and Farrah follow close behind.

The effects of the anesthesia haven't worn off, and Marcellus is still sleeping with his eyes closed. His face is a little pale, but his breathing is steady, and he looks much better with his wounds wrapped in gauze.

Inside the room, Katrina settles herself in a chair beside the bed. She holds Marcellus's hand tightly, staring at him with great worry. Farrah stands next to her, looking concerned.

"Katrina, I'm working the night s.h.i.+ft today," says Farrah. "I'm going to check in later. There's a bed for you to lie down and get some rest. You don't have to stay there the whole time. Marcellus will be fine."

It's late in the evening, and Farrah can't bear to watch Katrina sit in an uncomfortable chair all night. Katrina must be physically and mentally exhausted after the ordeal.

To ease Farrah's worries, Katrina flashes a smile. "I'll stay with him a little longer, and then I'll go to bed at once. Go back to work, and don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Farrah is hesitant, but she has to get back to work. "Okay. But go to bed soon, or you'll get tired and fall ill. If you become sick while Marcellus hasn't recovered yet, you'll be a pair of an unfortunate couple."

Katrina can't help but laugh at Farrah's words. Since Marcellus got together with her, his luck has turned for the worse. She watches Marcellus's still figure with a sad look on her face.

The next day, Katrina wakes up to a slight movement against her palm. When she realizes where she is, she immediately opens her eyes.

Marcellus is still lying on the bed, but his eyes are open, and his fingertips are twitching against her hand.

At the sight of Marcellus awake, Katrina smiles in surprise. "Marcellus, how do you feel? Is something wrong? Does it hurt anywhere?" she asks worriedly.

Afraid that Marcellus wouldn't see her when he wakes up, Katrina chose to sit on the chair beside him and hold his hand all night. After a while, she gave in to exhaustion, slumping against the bed and falling asleep.

Now, Katrina has dark circles under her eyes. It's obvious that she did not have a good rest.

"Katrina." Seeing his favorite person the moment he opens his eyes, Marcellus's pale face lights up with a smile. "Katrina, I'm fine."

But he is distressed to see her bloodshot eyes. He reaches out to touch her face. "Katrina, you must be tired." She must have stayed by his side the entire night.

Katrina shakes her head. Her exhaustion is nothing compared to what Marcellus went through. Remembering the events of the night before, she feels immensely guilty. If it hadn't been for Marcellus, she probably wouldn't be alive right now.

"Wait," Katrina says, letting go of his hands and standing up. "I'll call the doctor."

Still worried about his health, she hurries out to call for a doctor to make sure he is all right. Only then can she rest a.s.sured.

After a while, a doctor comes in.

"Doctor, how is he?" Katrina asks nervously.

The doctor checks Marcellus carefully, making notes on his chart. "He is recovering well, but It will take some time for him to heal completely. He will be fine," he says with a smile.

Marcellus's doctor is a young man in his thirties. Seeing Katrina's evident concern, he can't help but make a joke, "You need to get better soon. Your girlfriend was so worried about you, she waited outside the operating room and stayed by your bedside all night. She suffered no less than you."

The doctor's words make Marcellus feel guilty. At the same time, a smile unconsciously appears on his face. He looks at Katrina tenderly, feeling his heart warm at the knowledge.

It turns out that Katrina was very worried about him. She really cares about him a great deal.

Although the accident is upsetting, Marcellus feels happy and content to have Katrina by his side.