Memories Of The Night - 174 Chapter 174: She Doesn't Expect Aaron To Be Obstinate

174 Chapter 174: She Doesn't Expect Aaron To Be Obstinate

"Katrina, I'm outside."

"Okay," Katrina replies. "I'll be out right away."

After hanging up the phone, Katrina hastily turns off her computer and puts her cell phone inside her bag, getting ready to leave.

"Katrina, why are you in such a hurry?" a colleague asks. "Are you going on a date?"

Another colleague pipes in, "Was that Attorney Brook on the phone?"

Katrina's face unconsciously turns red at the inquiries. Although she does have a date with Marcellus, she feels a bit shy at her colleagues' direct questioning.

Instead of answering their questions, she says, "I'll go ahead now. See you tomorrow." Her evasive behavior explains everything.

Although Katrina's colleagues enjoy teasing her, they are delighted to see that the only girl in the team has finally gotten a boyfriend. Katrina deserves a handsome and good man like Marcellus.

Since it's Katrina's first official date with Marcellus, she is somewhat nervous. While getting ready this morning, she even put light makeup on her face. As she exits the police station, she takes out her phone and turns on the front camera to check her makeup.

Just then, the phone rings, and the incongruous ringing startles Katrina. She is so stunned to see the familiar number that she almost drops the phone to the ground.

Katrina quickly stretches out her hand to catch the phone, the action making her accidentally answer the call.

Aaron's voice comes from the phone, "Are you off work?"

Hearing the low voice makes Katrina's mood turn sour.

Why is Aaron everywhere? Why does he keep haunting her?

Even though it isn't with her, he manages to upset her with a simple phone call.

What on earth does he want this time?

Katrina forces herself to speak calmly, "Aaron, why the h.e.l.l are you looking for me?"

Unbothered, Aaron says in a relaxed tone, "I just got off the plane. Let's have dinner tonight."

Taking a deep breath, Katrina says firmly, "Aaron, I have already made myself clear last time. We don't have any kind of relations.h.i.+p, and I don't want to have anything to do with you. I'm living a peaceful life now. Please let me go and stop bothering me."

The only reason Katrina agreed to have dinner with him last time was to make her position clear with him. She doesn't want him to bother her anymore. After bluntly telling him to leave her alone, Katrina doesn't expect him to keep calling and hara.s.sing her, let alone invite her for dinner.

This time, she won't agree to meet him again.

For the sake of her relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus, she has to keep a good distance from Aaron.

But despite Katrina's refusal, Aaron is reluctant to give up. "I have also made myself clear last time. I want you. Since you seduced me, how could you withdraw so easily?"

Aaron's words make Katrina blow up.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How could you be so unreasonable? What do you mean I seduced you? When did I seduce you?"

Aaron was the one who firmly accused her of being a thief despite all her reasoning, determinedly imprisoning her in his private villa and refusing to let her go. He was the one who flirted with her, kissed her, and even accosted her in bed and raped her. He did all these on his own initiative.

Despite how much she wanted to rebel, she was completely helpless against him. But now, he has the audacity to say that she seduced him?

How could such a shameless person exist?

Katrina is extremely p.i.s.sed off.

On the other end of the phone, Aaron says casually, "You seduced me the moment you appeared in my life."

Katrina is done with Aaron's deviousness. He keeps distorting facts to his own benefit.

When she was in the Hadley, she was forced to do things against her will because he kept oppressing her.

Now that she's back in Abbe, she no longer needs to cowardly pander to him.

Despite Katrina's clear aversion, Aaron has already made his own decision. "Wait for me at the entrance of the police station. I'll see you in twenty minutes."

The first thing Aaron does after returning to Abbe is to see Katrina and have dinner with her. He is currently sitting in his own car, driving towards the police station.

Full of rage, Katrina is on the verge of spitting obscenities at Aaron to reject him. But with Aaron's temper, she is afraid it won't do her any good if she annoys him.

Calming down, Katrina says, "I'm working overtime tonight. I don't have time to have dinner with you."

If she can't get rid of him by refusing rudely, she will avoid him by using a different approach.

"Overtime?" Aaron's voice seems dissatisfied. "Who's your boss? I'll talk to him."

His words infuriate Katrina. "Aaron, what do you want? Haven't you hara.s.sed me enough? Don't interfere with my job!"

Aaron suppresses the desire to talk to her boss about letting her off work. "What time will it end? I'll wait for you."

Katrina doesn't expect Aaron to be so obstinate.

Despite lying about working overtime to deceive him, he still refuses to let her go.

Since she has already lied, she has to keep lying to convince him.

Katrina says, "Our task force has a raid tonight. It will end very late. Don't wait for me."

Last time, she b.u.mped into him while their task force was doing rounds at a hotel. He would believe that the police often work until the middle of the night and that she wouldn't have time to have dinner with him.

At Katrina's words, Aaron finally gives up, inviting her to have dinner together.

Just then, Marcellus approaches Katrina and calls her warmly, "Katrina."

Katrina looks up. Upon seeing Marcellus, she quickly ends the call. "I have to go. We're gearing up now. Goodbye."

After Katrina hangs up the phone, she walks up to Marcellus. "Sorry, Marcellus. I just got a phone call. Sorry to keep you waiting."

Marcellus smiles gently. "Silly girl, I just got worried about you. I don't mind waiting for you."

He takes Katrina's hand and leads her to the car.