Memories Of The Night - 157 Chapter 157: I Came To See You

157 Chapter 157: I Came To See You

Katrina's colleagues leave one after another. Soon, she is left alone, wondering what to do with the bouquet of roses.

It's better for her to take a taxi back home.

Katrina walks outside with the roses in her arms. The large bouquet obscures most of her vision. Before she can reach the curb, she notices a pair of spotless black shoes less than half a meter away.

She quickly stops right before she hits the person. Then she moves to walk around him to continue on her path.

But the owner of the shoes follows her movements and stands directly in front of her.

How strange. Is this man doing this on purpose?

Katrina lowers the roses from her face and raises her eyes to a handsome and familiar face.

The man wears a faint smile on his face, his dark eyes looking at her casually.


Why is he here?

Katrina is stunned to see Aaron. Her mouth falls open, her jaw-dropping to the ground. It takes a few minutes for her to recover from her shock before she calms down.

"Excuse me, sir," she says stiffly. "I'm off duty. If you have an urgent matter, please consult the policemen on duty inside."

Aaron can't help but frown at Katrina's words.


After a few days apart, she becomes formal with him all of a sudden?

When she saw him at dinner last night, she couldn't wait to flee away.

Now that he's visiting her, she pretends that they're strangers and directs him towards her colleagues.

This G.o.dd.a.m.n woman! Doesn't she want to see him?

"I came to see you!" Aaron growls, emphasizing the last word. "We're going out for dinner tonight!"

With that, he reaches for her shoulder and moves to shove her into the car.

Having just relocated to Abbe, Aaron's company needs to stabilize. To achieve this, Aaron has been busy with work and socializing almost every day. Finally, he has some free time today to stop by the police station to see Katrina.

But Katrina quickly moves aside, dodging his touch and looking at him defensively. "Sir, I don't know you. I don't want to have dinner with you. Please get out of my way!"

Doesn't she know him?

That's the excuse she's using to keep away from him?

Aaron's eyes darken as he stares at Katrina emotionlessly.

To be honest, Katrina feels extremely nervous as she looks at Aaron's imposing figure in front of her.

Will he get mad at her for turning him down so rudely? Will he lose his temper and bully her again?

No one has dared to refuse Aaron before.

But no, she can't back down now.

That was before, and this is now.

It hasn't been long since Aaron came to Abbe. He can't be bold enough to do something to her in public.

Taking a deep breath, Katrina forces herself to be brave and keep calm. She turns around and prepares to leave immediately.

But behind her, Aaron says, "You don't recognize the person you have slept with?"

Upon hearing this, Katrina bursts into flames.

She turns on her heel and marches up to Aaron. Standing on her tiptoes, she frees up one hand to cover his mouth. "Aaron, stop talking nonsense!"

This is the thorn in Katrina's heart.

She doesn't want to be reminded of what she went through, nor does she want anyone to discover her relations.h.i.+p with Aaron.

Why can't he just forgive her and let her go?

Why does he keep pestering her and rubbing salt on her wounds?

Since they are standing at the entrance of the police station, there's a good chance that one of her colleagues will pa.s.s by and overhear them.

How could he casually blurt out that they have slept together?

She would die from mortification if one of her colleagues heard him.

What would they think of her?

There's no way she could explain her relations.h.i.+p with him!

Because Aaron is so tall, Katrina struggles to keep her balance on her tiptoes to cover his mouth.

In the face of Katrina's anxious and enraged face, Aaron doesn't get angry and chuckles instead. He sticks out the tip of his tongue to lick the palm of her hand. "Have you forgotten already?"

What nonsense is she talking about? He's telling the truth!

He knows every sensitive part of her body. They obviously have an intimate relations.h.i.+p.

How could she say that she doesn't know him?

The sudden warm and wet feeling on her skin is like a shock of electricity. Katrina quickly releases Aaron's mouth and backs away two steps.

She absolutely can't stand him!

The b.a.s.t.a.r.d licked her hand!

Because Katrina was previously standing on her tiptoes, she loses her footing and nearly falls when she suddenly steps back.

Aaron quickly hooks his arm around Katrina's slim waist and gathers her in his arms. If not for the bouquet of roses in her arms, they would be pressed tightly against each other.

Katrina wants to avoid Aaron. But instead, she ends up holding onto him in broad daylight. If an acquaintance sees them, she won't be able to explain it at all.

"Let me go, Aaron!" Katrina exclaims anxiously.

Unrelenting, Aaron whispers into her ear, "What? Still, think we're strangers? Do you want me to remind you how well we know each other?"

As Aaron gets closer and closer, his searing breath spills over her skin. Katrina worries that he might do something more outrageous.

She never expected Aaron to be such a vindictive person.

All she did was refuse to have dinner with him, but he uses their past against her!

Does he have to torture her at her workplace?

Katrina becomes increasingly nervous. "Aaron," she says with a mournful face. "Whatever you have to say, let's get in the car first."

That's what Aaron wants. Katrina finally decides to get into his car willingly. His method works like a charm.

Aaron releases Katrina and opens the pa.s.senger door for her.

Although Katrina is reluctant, she has no choice but to get into the car unhappily.

Inside the car, Aaron is in a good mood, with a small smile on his face.

On the other hand, Katrina is in a bad mood. She's pursing her lips so hard, and it could easily hold a pencil. She sulks in silence beside him.

Aaron is inwardly hurt to see Katrina so unhappy.

What did he do this time? He hasn't come onto her yet! Is she still angry with him?

All of a sudden, Aaron notices the large bouquet of roses in Katrina's arms.

He had been so preoccupied with getting her to come with him that he didn't notice the roses in her arms until now.

Someone is obviously courting Katrina. Who sent this bouquet of roses?

And how could she accept it! This woman dares to accept flowers from someone else!

Overcome with jealousy, Aaron's heart bubbles with rage as his face suddenly darkened.