Memories Of The Night - 141 Chapter 141: I'll Never Forget Your Kindness

141 Chapter 141: I'll Never Forget Your Kindness

"Carl, what are you doing? Can't you talk to him instead of beating him?"

Carl is fuming. The more he looks at Samuel, the angrier he becomes. "Get out of my way! I'm going to beat this useless son to death today!"

Samuel is Carl's only son. Carl has high expectations of him and wants him to take over the company in the future.

But from the current situation, he wishes he never had a son in the first place.

Leave the company to Samuel? Carl is afraid that before he even dies, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d will completely destroy the entire company he worked so hard to build.

The bigger the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Carl is so disappointed in Samuel that he vents his anger out by beating him.

Winnie tries to protect their son. "Carl, stop beating him! You can't solve the problem even if you kill him!"

Because Winnie is protecting Samuel, Carl can't hit his son. He can't push his wife away in fear of hurting her. He can only shout back, angrily, "You spoiled him too much! Since he was a child, you give him whatever he wants! You even give him money to fool around behind my back! You think I don't know?"

Overcome with anger, Carl turns around and smashes a cup to the ground. It drops to the ground with a shrill sound, startling Winnie and Samuel into a daze.

Winnie quickly pulls Samuel's arm. "Samuel! Say something! Hurry up and apologize to your father!"

Samuel immediately bows down, hitting his head hard on the ground. "Dad! I'll go to Melvin and apologize to him tomorrow! I'll beg for mercy! I caused this trouble, I'll take care of it!"

After the incident, Samuel has tried his best to seek Melvin's forgiveness, but he can't even reach him on the phone or see him in person.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Samuel decides to go to the Quentin Company the next day and wait until Melvin is willing to see him. He will do anything to ask for forgiveness, even if he has to kneel down in front of Melvin on the spot.

After venting his anger out the whole night, Carl is a bit exhausted. Perhaps because of his intense anger, he suddenly feels his chest constrict.

"Black sheep!" Carl curses resentfully, turning around and walking away to his room.

Seeing Carl suddenly turn pale and clutch his chest, Winnie also hurries to take his arm and support him.

Samuel slumps on the ground, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Outside, he usually looks so good and dignified. But at home, he has to kneel down to his father.

Even now, Carl doesn't know the full details of how Samuel offended Melvin. All he knows is that a woman is involved. He thinks that Samuel just offended Melvin's woman. He doesn't know that Katrina is involved.

Humiliated, Melvin definitely won't say anything.

And Samuel won't dare mention it. If Carl ever finds out that he traded Katrina to get a project, Samuel will suffer more than a brutal beating.

The next day, Samuel goes to the Quentin Company early and asks for an appointment with Melvin. Because Melvin refuses to see him at all, Samuel waits outside for the entire day until he finally sees Melvin walk out of the building after work.

"Mr. Quentin."

Samuel immediately rushes over to apologize.

But Melvin walks past him and keeps talking to his a.s.sistant about work.

Seeing Melvin ignoring him insistently, Samuel grabs Melvin's leg and kneels down in front of him with gritted teeth.

Samuel kneeling on the ground shocks not only everyone present, but also Melvin.

Looking down at him, Melvin says, "Wow, is this Mr. Anderson? It's not even the New Year. Why are you suddenly kowtowing to me?"

Samuel doesn't dare show any displeasure with Melvin's sarcasm. He grits his teeth and says, "Mr. Quentin, I'm sorry for what happened last time! I honestly did not expect things to turn out like that. Please forgive me! I know you're a generous man."

He continues, "It was my sister's birthday that night. I drank too much and dropped my phone into a gla.s.s, so I didn't receive any of your calls. Otherwise, I would have gone back at once!"

Melvin was very angry with what happened with Katrina. When he couldn't get in touch with Samuel, he blamed it all on him even though he knew it wasn't Samuel's fault. If Samuel had any problem with the plan, he wouldn't have bothered to bring Katrina to his room himself.

Melvin just wants to vent his anger on someone. He can't get over what happened and wants someone to blame.

Now, Samuel waits all day outside his company to apologize to him in person, even kneeling down before him regardless of his dignity.

Melvin can clearly see Samuel's sincerity. He doesn't have to keep punis.h.i.+ng Samuel like this. Besides, it will do him no good if he pushes the Anderson family too hard.

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He says graciously, "Mr. Anderson, stop kneeling and get up."

When Samuel hears the lack of sarcasm in Melvin's voice, he figures that Melvin has forgiven him. He takes the opportunity to say, "Mr. Quentin, regarding our company's construction project…"

Melvin grunts, "Didn't your project break some rules? What does this have to do with me?"

Samuel knows that he said something wrong, so he immediately changes his approach. "Mr. Quentin, you're a very powerful person in Abbe City. And you know a lot of people, can you help us?"

Melvin answers in a charitable tone, "Because of your dedication, I can say a few words on your behalf."

He picks up his phone and calls someone. After the call, Melvin looks at Samuel with a smile on his face. "It's settled," he says, "As long as you pay the 5 million dollar fine, you can resume construction."

Five million?

Five million dollars is a large sum for the average person. But compared to the combined costs of the project's failure and the compensation to the owners, five million is a lot cheaper.

Samuel knows what to do.

Though he knows that Melvin is taking advantage of him, he has to say, "Thank you, Mr. Quentin. I'll never forget your kindness!"