Memories Of The Night - 140 Chapter 140: Aaron Revenge For Katrina

140 Chapter 140: Aaron Revenge For Katrina

She feels weak to hear someone else say it. Hurting someone is more difficult for her than selling her body. How could she do such a thing?

After a long moment of shocked silence, she stammers, "B-but that's against the law!"

Against the law?

Did Melvin Quentin ever consider the law when he conspired with Katrina's siblings to drug Aaron's woman and **** her? Since he has no regard for the law and behaves in a vile and despicable way, Aaron will get even using violence to seek justice for his woman.

Besides, there is no way he can sit back and do nothing after his woman is nearly raped. Since Melvin dared to lay his hands on Katrina, he needs to be taught a lesson.

Even if Melvin didn't succeed, he deserves to have his p.e.n.i.s cut off.

If he had succeeded…

He wouldn't get off easily by just having his tools confiscated.

Aaron doesn't find anything wrong with his logic.

The memory of Katrina, losing consciousness in his arms with a livid bruise on her face, fills his heart with unspeakable rage. He wants to kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d himself.

He's already being very kind by not cutting off Melvin's hands.

When Olive notices that Aaron is emitting a cold and dangerous air and that he looks displeased, she panics. She's afraid that she said something wrong and has offended him.

Aaron tries to calm down, restraining his fury. He continues, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. You won't be arrested, and no one will discover your ident.i.ty. After it's done, I'll have someone pick you up and take you away right after."

Aaron's offer is really tempting.

Since he has the ability to fully investigate her life in such a short period of time, he must also have the capacity to ensure her safe escape.

But the thought of having to cut off a stranger's p.e.n.i.s makes Olive hesitant and nervous. Though she needs the money, she doesn't think she can do it…

Olive is caught in a dilemma. She doesn't know what to do.

Aaron doesn't have the time to wait for her answer. He glances at his a.s.sistant, who immediately hands Olive a business card.

Tapping his fingers on his knee rhythmically, he says, "This is my a.s.sistant's contact number. After you think it through, contact me. But I'm not going to wait forever. I can ask someone else to do it, and your father's operation can't wait."

He turns to his a.s.sistant. "Get Miss Simon to get a taxi."

Aaron doesn't want to talk to her anymore. He rolls up the window, ready to leave.

His words immediately pull Olive out of her daze.

Indeed, a lot of people will be willing to take that risk for a million dollars. She's not his only choice. And Aaron is right, her father's surgery can't wait. If she misses this opportunity, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Before the window is fully shut, she says eagerly, "Mr. Wilson, I'll give you a reply as soon as possible!"

Outside, Aaron's a.s.sistant hails a taxi on the street and watches Olive enter the car before paying the driver. He taps his ear with his finger and says, "Miss Simon, I hope to hear from you soon."

After the taxi leaves, the black Maybach slowly heads to Aaron's villa and disappears into the night.

Aaron sits in the car with tightly pursed lips and a blank expression on his handsome face. But his deep eyes are black as ink, surging with intense emotion.

Since he hasn't been in Abbe City for long, he hasn't completely settled down yet. This is why he doesn't dare take matters into his own hands when it comes to avenging Katrina.

After all, the Quentin family's influence in Abbe City can't be underestimated.

If he personally offends Melvin shortly after he arrives in Abbe City and he's caught, he will be in hot water. Becoming enemies with the Quentin family will be bad for business. Other families in Abbe City would find him too arrogant, and they might unite against him.

This time, he takes special measures to plan his revenge.

Meanwhile, Carl is in a fit of rage at the Anderson villa, throwing things around in a fury. Despite Winnie's efforts to calm him down, nothing works.

Standing gingerly with his head bowed down, Samuel doesn't even dare breathe. He glances anxiously at Carl from time to time.

"d.a.m.n it!" Carl thunders, glaring at his son standing nearby. "Kneel down!"

Seeing Carl so angry, Samuel s.h.i.+vers in fright and immediately falls to his knees.

Carl angrily kicks Samuel on the shoulder.

If Carl were wearing something else besides slippers, Samuel fears that his bones would break from the strong impact of the kick.

Carl bellows angrily, "How on earth did you offend Melvin Quentin?"

Recently, Melvin has made it clear that he will never work with them again, nor will he give them another project in the future.

The authorities suddenly halted even the 20-story building they have been constructing for not insufficient requirements and permits. Someone is deliberately making trouble for them.

The opening date of the building is fast approaching, but they are unable to resume construction. Because of the contract, they can't suddenly dismiss the construction workers. They have to pay the workers even though they're idle at the construction site every day.

If it goes on like this, not only will the expenses acc.u.mulate, but they will also have to pay the owner compensation to make up for the huge loss caused by the delay of the completion of the building.

The sum is not a small amount. Worst case scenario, their a.s.sets will be cut in half.

Despite Carl's best efforts to go around and ask for help, everyone remains indifferent.

Now, Carl finds out that this is all happening because Samuel offended Melvin somehow.

After years of hard work, Carl has acc.u.mulated a family fortune. Unexpectedly, his useless son, who indulges in pleasure, makes such a mess of things. After letting him run the company for just a few days, their a.s.sets will be cut in half.

Carl is extremely p.i.s.sed off.