Memories Of The Night - 121 Chapter 121: Putting The Blame On Her

121 Chapter 121: Putting The Blame On Her

She immediately shouts at Cindy, "This is all your fault! You misled me to believe that he bought the phone as my birthday present, so I actually thought he bought it for me! I almost made a fool of myself in front of Marcellus and that b.i.t.c.h Katrina! He didn't buy that phone for me at all, and he gave it to Katrina!"

If Cindy hadn't put the idea in her head, she wouldn't have thought that Marcellus bought her the mobile phone she wanted. Because of Cindy, Sophie practically thought of the mobile phone as her own.

But all her hopes disappeared in the blink of an eye when she saw Katrina holding the phone. Her heart dropped all of a sudden.

Cindy didn't expect that Marcellus would give the phone to Katrina, but she didn't expect Sophie to get angry with her either. Her eyes flash in embarra.s.sment and confusion.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, Sophie," Cindy says with an awkward smile.

Although she tries to comfort Sophie, she can't help but inwardly roll her eyes.

What is she, Sophie's punching bag? Why is she losing her temper on her?

If Cindy didn't want a bigger house, she wouldn't have accompanied Sophie all day.

Cindy's parents previously set up a breakfast food stall. After working hard, the couple was able to save up enough money to open a shop.

Later, the business flourished, and the extra money increased more and more.

In the past two years, their shop has grown to over 20 branches in Abbe.

From an ordinary family, Cindy becomes a rich second generation.

In the past, she only interacted with ordinary people in her circle and studied in an ordinary school middle school and high school. She didn't know anyone from Abbe's powerful families.

With her rising status in society, Cindy doesn't think that she should befriend ordinary people anymore. She wants to fit in with the upper cla.s.s and become friends with other rich second-generation youth.

But even though Cindy has a family fortune and she's a rich daughter among ordinary people, her status is still a little inferior compared to the affluent members of society. She can't even enter the upper cla.s.s. The established and well-known rich second-generation members of society don't really consider her as their peer and invite her to things.

By accident, she met Sophie.

The real estate enterprise of the Andersons is very famous in Abbe. They have a lot more money and a more established status than Cindy's family.

Moreover, Sophie has been studying in an upscale school since she was in junior high school. She also knows quite a few people from powerful families.

Because of this, Cindy took the opportunity to become good friends with Sophie.

Since they met, they always go out together for dinner, shopping, and beauty treatments. Their relations.h.i.+p has gotten closer and closer.

With Sophie's invitation, she starts to partic.i.p.ate in exclusive parties and banquets. She also gets to know some powerful people and rich second generation persons. Her newfound acquaintances function as a bridge to help her get half a foot into the inner circle.

For the most part, Sophia has a serious Princess Syndrome. To get close to Sophie, Cindy uses flattery to pander to her.

Between the two, Sophie is absolutely dominant, and Cindy is like her submissive valet. Sophie always loses her temper with her and keeps putting the blame on her. After a long time of this unfair treatment, Cindy undoubtedly feels upset.

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But she doesn't dare offend Sophie.

After all, she's still a bit of a fish out of water in this circle. She still needs Sophie's company at every major party.

Although Cindy seemingly ingratiates herself to comfort Sophie, in her heart, she's held a grudge against her for a long time. Despite how much time they spend together, they don't really have a good relations.h.i.+p.

But Sophie doesn't seem to feel anything strange about their friends.h.i.+p. Perhaps Sophie enjoys having a little valet to accompany her to do different things every day, and to validate her and comfort her in various ways.

But Cindy is getting tired of Sophie's abuse. She looks forward to the day when their family becomes stronger than the Andersons. Then, she will enjoy seeing Sophie kneel in front of her. She will look down on her in distaste, with her head held high.

While Cindy daydreams about the future, the beauty technician attending to them smiles and says, "Ladies, the full package has been completed. Would you like to avail of something else?"

Looking at her watch, Cindy is the first to say, "No, I'm hungry now. We're going out to eat!"

"Yes, we'll come back another day if we want something else," Cindy echoes with a smile.

But Cindy isn't happy at all.

This is how Sophie always behaves.

Although they're good friends, Sophie never considers her opinion. No matter what decision she makes, Sophie never asks Cindy for advice or what she thinks. She always makes decisions based on her own interests alone.

And Cindy is helpless to follow Sophie every time.

She is very tired of Sophie's constant disregard for her.

Sophie always vents out her frustrations on whatever is currently bothering her, and she always has to put up with it. Even if she feels uncomfortable, she has to smile at Sophie and become her punching bag.

After leaving the salon, they decide to go out and eat.

Because Sophie is in a bad mood, Cindy drives for them.

"What are we going to eat, Sophie?" she asks as she drives.

Sophie powders her face and retouches her makeup as she replies, "Whatever!"

"There's a new j.a.panese restaurant nearby. Why don't we eat there?"

"I'm really tired of j.a.panese food. It's not delicious at all."

"Hmm… How about a hot pot?"

"Hot pot after a beauty treatment? What's wrong with you? We'll get smoke all over us, and it will stick to our hair."

Cindy can't help rolling her eyes. "So, what are we going to eat?"

"Your family runs a restaurant. Why can't we eat there? Oh, I almost forgot that you have a civilian breakfast restaurant."

After Sophie belittles Cindy's family business so casually, she finishes her makeup and says, "There's a high-end western restaurant nearby. Let's go there."

By this time, hatred fills Cindy's heart.

She has always been sensitive about her family background. Her family's breakfast store certainly doesn't seem as big as a real estate company.

But Sophie doesn't consider Cindy's feelings in any way. How could she tactlessly hurt her pride by saying such things in front of her?

Even if Sophie is oblivious, there's an uncomfortable thorn in Cindy's heart.