Memories Of The Night - 119 Chapter 119: Pure Bliss

119 Chapter 119: Pure Bliss

Farrah looks visibly more upset than Katrina. She paces around the living room in a huff, fanning herself with her hands to keep her cool.

She continues, "Katrina, how did this happen? You're a cop! How could you let that crazy woman bully you like that! If you don't want to do it, at least charge her for a.s.saulting a police officer! Have your colleague bring her in and make her pay for her insolence!"

Knowing that Farrah is concerned about her, she comforts her friend. "Farrah, she is Uncle Anderson's daughter. I can't give her a hard time for his sake."

"Besides, I've already warned her off. I won't let her off if she attacks me again. She won't do it again, don't worry."

Since Katrina has forgiven Sophie, Farrah can't say any more.

Carl had adopted Katrina and raised her for so many years. It's inappropriate for her to have the police arrest his daughter. Gradually, Farrah begins to understand Katrina's actions.

"So saying you're suffering from a headache or heatstroke is just an excuse to get out of dinner with Marcellus?"

Pretending to have a headache just now, Katrina lowers her hand from her forehead. "You noticed. Did I act poorly?"

"Come on, whenever you lie, your voice softens. Besides, I've been a nurse for so long. How could I not notice that you're only pretending about not feeling well?"

As the mood eases a bit, Katrina hurries to hold Farrah's arm. "Promise me not to let Marcellus find out what happened today," she pleads.

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Farrah is shocked to hear Katrina's words.

"I can understand why you don't want to have dinner with Marcellus tonight, you're afraid that Marcellus will see the bruise on your face and will see you differently. But why hide the fact that Sophie hit you? Wouldn't it be better for Marcellus to know and get her off your back for you?"

Though Katrina can't get back at Sophie because of Carl, wouldn't it be more convenient to have Marcellus crush Sophie's spirit instead?

Marcellus is bound to hate Sophie if he finds out that she hit Katrina. She would warn Sophie off bullying Katrina in the future. With Marcellus's protection, Sophie wouldn't dare do anything to Katrina.

"Just don't mention it, Farrah. Forgive Sophie. I don't need to be in conflict with her because of this."

Katrina adds, "Besides, I only decided to try and accept Marcellus because I like him over anyone else. I'm not willing to use him as a weapon for my protection, nor do I want him to shelter me."

Hearing Katrina's n.o.ble response, Farrah can only choose to respect her decision.

Initially, Farrah believed that Marcellus could protect Katrina from harm. It's ridiculous for Katrina not to take advantage of her relations.h.i.+p with him.

But now, she also thinks that Katrina has a point.

Katrina has always been a person of principle, handling problems with the utmost honor. She doesn't want to use her relations.h.i.+p with Marcellus to retaliate against Sophie. Maybe she doesn't take Sophie seriously at all.

"Well, then. Katrina, think of how you're going to talk to Marcellus. If you plan to cancel dinner, call him quickly. I should go back too. Patton is still waiting for me at home."

"Okay, Farrah. Take care on your way home."

After dropping Farrah off at the door, Katrina returns to her room. Just as she takes her phone to call Marcellus, the man himself calls her.

"h.e.l.lo, Marcellus."

Thinking that Marcellus is already on his way from work to pick her up, she feels a bit overwhelmed. She doesn't know how to refuse him gently.

The universe seems to feel her distress.

On the other line, Marcellus's voice is full of apology. "Our company is facing a sudden emergency. I can't leave yet, so I may not be able to have dinner with you. When I have time another day, I will personally make it up to you."

Katrina gapes in surprise. She doesn't expect Marcellus to cancel on her.

"Katrina, are you there?"

"Oh! Yes, although it's a pity… Marcellus, you'd better go back to work. We can have dinner another day!"

Instead of her having to make up an excuse, Marcellus's company suddenly has an emergency. The universe gives her a helping hand.

Katrina hides her excitement, but Marcellus still hears the subtle thrill in her voice from the other line.

After hanging up the phone, Katrina happily reads a book.

Near Katrina's apartment, Marcellus rubs his temples in his car.

After making plans with Katrina yesterday, Marcellus is in a good mood the whole day.

With no important matters in the company, he gets off work early. He wants to see Katrina earlier too.

When he gets to her neighborhood, Marcellus calls her up to let her know. But when the call connects, no one greets him. Then he hears Katrina and Farrah chatting with each other.

After a long pause, Marcellus realizes that the call must have connected accidentally.

In other words, he clearly hears Katrina and Farrah's whole conversation without their knowledge that he is listening.

Marcellus knows that it's not a good idea to keep eavesdropping. Just as he decides to hang up and call Katrina again, he suddenly hears Katrina say that she has decided to accept him and try to get along with him.

At that moment, Marcellus is shocked.

His usually composed heart suddenly starts to pound violently.

A strange feeling surrounds him.

Pure bliss.

Katrina has rejected him for four years. If she opened up to him even a bit, he would have a chance to be with her.

Naturally, Marcellus is ecstatic to hear Katrina's decision.

Although he had intended to put the phone down and call Katrina back, he feels reluctant.