Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 99: After the Play (2)

Chapter 99: After the Play (2)

After the Play (2)

After the festival, Sunday at noon.

Jade received the video of the play The Bard without delay. In fact, he had his secretary slightly press the staff to get it.

He played the video file he had obtained on the high-end silver screen of the [Self-Development Room] he had designed himself.

He watched it quietly, alone.

Having finished, Jade sank into the sofa without a word. He was immersed in the afterglow for a moment. It was a rare weekend leisure.

Its worth applauding.

Jades review and one-liner: Its worth applauding.

For him, it was the highest praise.

The Duke.

He liked the character named Duke more than anyone else. A charming human who maintained the dignity of the nobility, yet sacrificed himself for love.

Since Jade had once loved someone, he fully understood his feelings.

Perhaps he even saw him as a role model


Jade slightly furrowed his brow. He stroked his chin and fell into thought.

Did he say that guy was the author?

The artist who drew his portrait is the author of The Bard.

However, he admires and respects him more than anyone else.

In that case.


Jade let out a hollow laugh. He shook his head as if there was nothing he could do.

Did this Duke also draw me?

If Shion Ascal is the author, then this is not suspicion but certainty.

The motif and role model of the noble Duke is none other than himself Jade.

Well, well.

He put his hand on his face and smiled.

Meanwhile, in the city of Aramgal on the outskirts of Edsilla.

Its true.

At the third murder scene of Knightmare, Soliette spoke with a serious tone.

All the victims were in conflict with someone, and there were people who benefited when the victim died.

We have been investigating the victims of Knightmare.

A serial murder that looks like indiscriminate killing.

However, if you dig into the victims families or acquaintances, there was a clear conflict in all cases.

Some tycoon monopolized the inheritance thanks to the Knightmare case, and some politician succeeded in re-election.

The only cases where there was no direct beneficiary were Jared and Felix.

Its not simple.

Soliette said, looking at me.

There are too many people involved to simply say, Ill give you money, so kill this person. They must be sharing something that can guarantee a secret.

Her voice was serious. Her eyes gleamed as if she would not let go of the thread she had barely caught.

I chimed in.

It must be a Fraternity.

Fraternity. A group close to a secret society, a step further from a fellowship. Most of them pledge to give up part of their body as a condition of joining. From a hand at the lightest, to a Magic Core or heart at the heaviest.

Thats right. We need to investigate them-


I stopped Soliette who was trying to rush.

Hold your breath for now.

We need to be cautious. Among those who have benefited from Knightmare, there are those who will become enormous tycoons in the future, those who will become Senators, and those who have already become big shots.

If we find a common point that connects all of them, we may be able to reach their fraternity.

But we are just high school students. We have nothing yet and lack power. If we stand out unnecessarily, we could be annihilated.

Are you scared already?

Soliette pouted her lips. She sat like some gangster. Chewing a nicotine gum vigorously.

She might even spit saliva.

Rushing wont do us any good. We have to wait until they feel safe. Its been less than three years since the case was closed. Theyre still on edge. Theres a top-ranked knight on this list, can you beat this person?

The top rank is a stage where the Magic Body has reached a peak, a level that can be called a master.

It might not be far off for Soliette, but from my perspective, it was a long way off.

Hmm. I understand.

Soliettes face seemed a bit convinced.

But are you preparing for the first quarter evaluation exam?

Do I need to prepare?

Soliette asked back calmly. It wasnt confidence, but a face that genuinely didnt see the need.

You might. What about your dream college?

I asked about college. Soliette shrugged her shoulders after a slight hesitation.

Why would I need a college.

You dont need

I abruptly stopped talking. I looked at Soliette. She met my eyes and faintly nodded.

Lets go to the cafe for now.

Yes. Lets go.

Cafe. Its a code word for being followed.

We prepared quite thoroughly, just in case.

We left the scene and entered a nearby cafe.

A cafe latte, please.

Yes, and for you?

The staff asked Soliette. Soliette shook her head.

Im good.

Ah, our cafe has a one-person-one-menu policy.

Then Soliette narrowed her eyes. She stared at the staff. What a staring contest.


The staff tilted her head. Soliette said in a very serious tone.

Like I said, Im good-

I elbowed her shoulder.

Just pick something. Anything.

Please give me an Americano.


I sat in a seat where I could see the entrance with my coffee. A man in a fedora walked into the cafe.

Dont look back.

I sketched the mans appearance in my shared notebook. Soliette who looked at it wrote a sentence.

[I dont know who he is.]

I replied too.

[Then lets have a conversation as naturally as possible. Casually.]

That being said. Have you thought about what I said?

Suddenly, Soliette let out a sigh. I put the notebook in my pocket.


I told you, you have talent.

Again, that. That I learned stepping in a day or something.

Soliette was still hooked on that fact, and she kept talking about it whenever she had time.

You could learn Body Flow in a day or two, so why are you waiting until next Thursday? Youre too lazy.

Soliette grumbled, sipping her Americano.

I didnt even want to order this. My 3 Ren.

What are you talking about? One person, one drink is basic, right?

Anyway, what Soliette mistakes for laziness is my physical condition.

If I dont receive quark treatment or something, it will probably continue to worsen. A body that will crumble like a sandcastle without regular cancer treatment.


I signaled Soliette.

It meant it was time to go.

See you next week.


Sip- sip- After quickly finishing her remaining Americano, Soliette left.

Despite this, the tail continued to sit in his place.

Am I the target?

To find out, I waited about 5 more minutes before getting up.

As I came out to the bus stop outside the cafe, the tail slowly followed.

His tailing skills are outstanding. Its just that Im used to being followed. If you cant detect such movements in the underworld, you wont live long.

Just then, a bus arrived at the stop. The tail didnt chase me onto the bus, and I activated the SZX-9500 on the bus.

I caught a clear view of his face hidden under the fedora.

It was in my Memory.

Its Cellmon of Arkne.

Even the voice saying that, vividly.

Arkne is moving

Perhaps one of the reasons Soliette committed suicide.

Did they notice that I was by Soliettes side?

I clenched the bus handle tightly.


Monday midnight.

Im trudging along, holding bags full of meat in both hands.

I just finished my last part-time job at the hit restaurant [The Wayward Meat].

Now its almost time for the Endex first quarter evaluation exam, and time is becoming more important than money, so I cant work at the meat restaurant anymore.

Its a bit bitter.


The boss said something strange when he let me go.

He said to open a franchise here if I succeed later. He said to enjoy passive income while running a meat restaurant.

I wish I could, too.

I stood in front of the Endex fence. Now I didnt have to climb up. I learned stepping.

I just bent my body like a spring, and then, whoosh-! I jumped up.


As soon as I landed on the lawn, my smartphone rang.

[Crazy Lunatic]

It was Elise. Originally just Lunatic, but I changed it to Crazy Lunatic yesterday.


Elise didnt say anything.



She let out a faint breath.

If you called to say something strange again, Ill hang up-

Jeongsan, its done.


The ticket price.

Oh. Did it happen so quickly?

Maybe because it was a school event.

If all the seats are sold out, at least 30,000 to 40,000 Ren should be left.

The net profit is 33,850 Ren. Are you going to do as you said last time?

Of course. Ill send the account number right away.

Dont decide too hastily. Again, whatever happens with this, its all your responsibility.

I got it.

Okay. Send me the account number.


Elise hung up the phone immediately.

[Trash : 391-2031-1234]

[Trash : This is the account number]

Shion sent the account number. Elise was suspicious. Even the account number itself was from a third-tier bank.

Is this guy really trying to launder money? Considering how he naturally annihilated corpses for Libra in the old mine, hes more than capable.

While she was pondering, she made a call to someone.

Mr. Lemon?

Yes, Miss. This is Lemon.

Lemon. He is a financial expert of the family. Hes a fund manager who tracks the flow of cash in an amazing way, and Elises economic mentor.

Could you track an account for me if you have time?

Of course.


As Elise recited the account number, Lemon started typing.

Its an Orphanage. The name is Arbil Orphanage.

Orphanage? Where is this Orphanage located?

Its in Arman.

Where is Arman?

Elise tilted her head slightly.

Its at the very end of the northern part of Edsilla.

An Orphanage at the very end of the north. Its laughable.

Is it, as expected, a ghost organization?

It doesnt seem like a normal Orphanage, does it?

Yes. It doesnt seem normal. The location of the Orphanage is too remote, and the reported number of people is quite large, but the electricity, water, and heating bills are far from sufficient. Not to mention, 21 employees are reported but the labor costs are far too low.

You mean its suspicious.


In that short moment, Lemon calculated the number of people in the Orphanage and the corresponding costs, and expressed his opinion that the organization is suspicious.

If its his word, it must be certain.

But why are you suddenly asking about this place?

No reason. Just curious. Thanks for your help.

Elise hung up the phone. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the account number sent by Shion Ascal.

It seems like he found a money laundering company somewhere, hes really a pathetic and trash-like person. If youre going to do it, at least do it meticulously.

[Do as you please. However, Ill send a contract stating that whatever happens, its your responsibility. Sign it.]

Elise just sent a reply like that.

Its not bad to have one of Shions weaknesses in her hand.