Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 211: The Meaning of Villain (4)

Chapter 211: The Meaning of Villain (4)

The Meaning of Villain (4)

Layla mulled over it.

She was agonized.


If Raquel Dra is indeed targeting her, what should she do in such a situation?

Although she always wore the Mila suit beneath her clothes it was an emergency suit, so its performance wasnt outstanding.

She couldnt guarantee victory.

What are you going to do?

The child asked. Layla glanced at him.

What did you say your name was?


How old are you?



Ten years old.

When she was ten, all she had were memories of sulking because her dad was too busy inventing things rather than playing with her.

Layla turned to Rhine.

Im going to Elly first. I cant compromise on Elly.


Its for your safety as well.

Laylas gaze sharpened.

Elly is the daughter of Petra Senator. If you dont want to get out of here safely only to die a dogs death later, listen to me.

Her voice was low and heavy. However, Rhine couldnt really refute her words.

Rhine sighed.

Understood. But remember, if Elise becomes infected we all wont be able to handle it, and in the end, well have to.

He paused, then pointed at the laptop screen.

Join forces with Raquel Dra.

Do whatever you want. Its the same as selling your soul to the devil.

Layla retorted sharply and tried to leave, but Rhine blocked her way.

What now? Why are you blocking the way?

You cant go out.

Then what-

Well communicate through the walkie-talkie.

Rhine pointed at Laylas waist. There was a walkie-talkie as big as a large rhinoceros beetle.

Youre making things complicated. Fine.

Thats a relief.

Divo looked up at Layla with a smile.

What is?

I feel safe with you here, Layla. Youll protect us.


Layla pouted her lips for no reason. She then set her expression firmly and turned back to Rhine.

But, as long as Im here, dont you dare touch Elly.

Understood. I promise.

Rhine nodded as he sheathed his sword.

* * *

The outbreak of Voids infection.

This incident was supposed to happen far in the future before I regressed.

I still dont understand why things have become so twisted, but anyway.

I searched through the excessively large tower, one floor after another. Swarms of infected were the obstacles.

After patrolling and hunting for over a dozen hours, finally.

Theres something suspicious here.

I discovered a place with a somewhat eerie atmosphere.

The 23rd floor. It was decorated like a theme park. There was a house of phantoms, some sort of railroad track, and caves.

I activated the SZX-9500.

Inside the house of phantoms, a strange magical power was detected. It writhed like a living creature. It was the source.

Ive found it.

I picked up the radio.

Elise. Can you hear me?

Yes, I can hear you.

Her voice was still soaked with pain, but it seemed she had regained some of her senses.

Ive investigated the internal magical fluctuations from outside. Theres an unusual wave on the 23rd floor?


Elise answered with a trembling voice.


Okay then

Multiple voices came through the radio. They were civilians. They were all asking with an excited tone if support was coming from outside.

There would probably be a lot of support.

Mostly from the military, though.

Ill pass it on to Layla.

This infection outbreak wasnt resolved in my past life either.

The military and the knights were dispatched, and they killed all the infected. People who held out like Elise eventually died too, as the foreign lifeforms burrowed into their brains.

Of course, Elise is an exceptional case.

She managed to restrain the foreign lifeform from scrambling her brain with her own power.


Suddenly, Elise spoke.


Uh just no, never mind.

Her voice lacked strength. She was completely different from her usual confident self.

Just hang in there.

I cut off the communication.

Now, I plan to hide here for a while.

Void will surely return to the scene.

* * *

23rd floor?!


As soon as Layla received the transmission, she jumped up excitedly.

Okay! Hey! Weve got contact from outside!

She immediately told Divo. Divo looked surprised, and Rhine was skeptical.

That cant be. Its impossible.

Impossible my ass!

Well, if its a hallucination, that could be possible.

Dont talk nonsense! Anyway, lets just go check out the 23rd floor. Elly is a genius, you know? Shell definitely be able to dismantle the formula. Oh, wait a minute. Elly!

Layla spoke into the radio.

Do we need anything? Tell us everything you need!

Microscope. Mana stone solution. Paper. Magic detector. Mana Analyzer.

Okay. Got it.

Layla wrote down the list of items on Divos laptop.

Get these for us.


Rhine silently looked somewhere else for a moment, then quietly nodded.

Understood. Ill call someone to bring them over.

We need to bring Elly too.

Lets do that.

Surprisingly compliant. It seems like there might be some ulterior motive.

Ive said it. If anyone dares to harm Elly

I wont. If theres support from outside, theres no need for me to do that. If the support is real, that is.

The words were loaded with meaning, but now they had to trust each other. Fighting and doubting each other wouldnt solve anything.

Layla relayed the message to Elise.

Elly. Were coming to you now.

Me too.

Thats when Divo raised his hand.

Ill go too.

Youre just a kid. Stay here.

Its okay. I can handle magic, so I can be of help. I can assist Ms. Elise.

Divo was unusually confident. Layla looked puzzled and turned to Rhine.

Hes right. This child has been quite helpful to us.


Still feeling a bit uneasy, but well.

Alright. But dont you dare get in the way.

Theres no need to risk a brave child unnecessarily. Each combatant is important, after all.

* * *

On the 7th floor, Layla met up with Elise and her group. But there were people she hadnt seen before on the bed: a man and a child.

Who is that person?

Layla asked who they were. Elise answered.

The man is Mr. Jackson. The girl is Yeri. They collapsed from exhaustion as soon as they arrived, so we let them rest.


Are they not infected?

Rhine furrowed his brow and examined them closely. Layla pushed him lightly.

Ease up, will you!


Rhine silently glared at her. Layla playfully touched Ellys cheeks with both hands.

Elly. Can you make it up to the 23rd floor? Your cheeks are so warm. You have a fever Youre like a hot bun.

Let go.

Why are you wearing a hat?


It was to cover the magnets stuck to her head. No matter how bad her condition was, it looked too ridiculous.


I said let go.

Elise swatted Laylas hand away and alternated her gaze between Rhine and Divo.

Why is the child here?

Hes a smart kid. He knows how to use magic spells. Really clever. He wants to be your assistant.


Elise looked a bit perplexed but didnt want to think too much about it. It was that kind of situation.

Are you really okay?

Divo looked at her as if he was amazed. Elise, with a headache, furrowed her brow and said,

Okay? What do you mean okay Lets just go to the 23rd floor.

* * *

Elise, Layla, Rhine, Divo, and four other escorts, along with a cart full of items for formula analysis.

The eight of them arrived at the 23rd floor together. Of course, they encountered countless infected bodies on the way up. Those who were once human perished by Rhines sword, and were knocked unconscious by Laylas Magic Spell.

Layla couldnt bring herself to kill them.

Rhine looked at her with eyes full of frustration, but in truth, no one was more frustrated than Layla herself.

Because there might be a way to turn them back into humans

It looks like thats the place.

Elise pointed to the house of the phantom. A chilling aura was detected inside.

Lets go in. Mr. Rhine? Please lead the way.

Layla, if infected come from behind, please make sure to double-check theyre down.

They slowly made their way inside, on guard for any potential ambush by infected.

Slowly, ever so slowly.


Elise occasionally groaned, and Rhine watched with an ominous expression for 10 minutes.

Finally, they arrived at the source.

This seems to be it.

There was a huge magic spell on the floor. It writhed in a blood-red hue, alive like an octopus.

Elise swallowed hard at the sight of it.

Get the items ready. Ill do some research.

Should we deactivate the barrier first?

Rhine asked. Elise shook her head.

No. We need to find a way to stop this infection first. We cant go outside yet.

Fortunately, you think the same as I do.

Rhine let out a sigh of relief and chimed in.

Cant we reverse-engineer the formula and emit a wave that kills all the infected?

Why would you kill them all!

Layla interjected hastily. Rhines eyebrows shot up.

Then what do we do?

We have to separate the infected from it! Elly! Can we do that?

Easier said than done.

Elise was clenching her teeth due to the increasing pain when suddenly,


Heavy footsteps landed from somewhere.

What was that. Who was it just now?

Layla tilted her head in confusion. She looked around swiftly. The house of the phantom was quite dark, so only silhouettes were barely visible.

Instead, Layla counted the number of silhouettes.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight nine.

Why are there nine?

The moment Layla said that,


Rhine drew his sword and aimed in that direction. Layla also quickly ignited a flame.


The blazing fire illuminated the darkness. Among Laylas group, a figure that seemed to press down the darkness like a shadow stood there.

The villain with a hockey mask.

Raquel Dra.


Layla was about to unleash her magic power when she hesitated. Raquel Dra was standing right behind a small child.

It was Divo.


Layla, calm down.

Rhine swallowed hard, his magic body summoned as he kept his sword pointed at Raquel.

Raquel placed his hands on Divos shoulders, as if to take him hostage.

Dont do it!

Layla shouted loudly. Elise, suffering from a headache, looked at Raquel Dra but couldnt focus properly.

Let the child go. Take me as your hostage instead. You came here because of me, didnt you?

She extended her hand as she spoke.

The man showed little reaction.

You bastard! Let the kid go!!

Then, Divo looked up at Raquel Dra and whispered very softly, a voice only the two of them could hear.

I know.

Raquels gaze shifted slightly downward. He looked straight at Divo.

That you wont kill me.

Divo wore a smile-like expression.

From within the hockey mask, a heavy bass voice settled.

Youve seen.

Yes. You saved a child. You must have your own convictions, like me.

Raquel Dra remained silent.

In the eerily quiet house of the phantom, Laylas skin prickled, and her hair stood on end.

Divo continued slowly.

Ive brought the person you want. We can work together.

The person I want?

Divo glanced down at Layla.

Raquel Dra would want to kill Layla. If the only daughter of the Hilton family were taken out, it would cause immense chaos in Trick City.

At least, thats what Divo believed.

As a fellow villain.

I also know who you are. Ive tried anagrams too, havent I? Right, Dale?


It is Void (Void).

I also know who you are. Ive tried anagrams too, havent I? Right, Dale?

Thats right.

Raquel Dra turned Divo around to face him. Divo looked up at him with a smile, and he whispered something very quietly


In an instant, Divos relaxed expression changed. His eyes filled with horror. His skin turned rigid with cold.

Oh, no!

Divo turned around, shouting loudly and reaching out to Layla.

Save me, please save me!! Save me!!!!


Layla tried to rush to him, but


Raquel was quicker and detonated a Gale.

Divo collapsed in an instant.

The small body fell powerlessly backward.

That image was seared onto Laylas retina.

Ah you son of a bitch!

Raquel Dra drew his wand. He swung it at Layla as she charged at him.


A massive current of air pressed down on her. Rhine extended his sword, but Raquels Gale blade pierced his heart first.

R, Rhine!

Layla watched Rhine fall like a leaf, sprawled on the ground.

Kuh, kuhhh!!

She struggled with all her might. But the pressure of dozens of tons pinned her down.

She couldnt breathe. Not a single fingertip could move. Even the Suit couldnt be activated The fate of the remaining guards was self-evident.

They didnt dare to defy him and could only kneel.

Life is precious, after all.

The last one standing, Elise, glared at Raquel Dra.


Disengage the barrier.

No. The infection will spread. We need to find a formula that can detoxify the infection first

There is no such thing. This isnt poison. Those who are infected have already become one with the foreign life form and can never return to their former selves.

Elises gaze wavered.

But you are not yet. The foreign magic entity in your head is still clinging to you. It hasnt burrowed into your brain yet.

Raquel Dras diagnosis was very fast.

Did he understand his condition just by glancing at it?

Its just a matter of time. You dont have much time left.

Then? Whats the way? How can I survive?

By drilling into the skull and directly extracting the extraterrestrial life form. Delicate surgery is required. For that, you must open the barrier.

Elises gaze dropped. She looked at Layla cautiously.

Eugh keugh

She doesnt seem to have any leisure. Not even a little bit.

Elise knew the magical formula Raquel Dra used to subdue Layla. It gathered a current to momentarily disrupt the opponents movements.

A very simple Flow Manipulation.

However, the formula, which was merely Flow Manipulation, was incomprehensibly powerful. Its output and performance were immense, far surpassing that of ordinary magic.

Simply put

There was a severe difference in class.

Raquel Dra was no ordinary mage.

Certainly, Elise as she was now could not compete.

No, even a top-ranked mage active in the field would find it impossible.

There is no time to hesitate.

Elise surveyed her surroundings.

Divo, collapsed. Layla, sprawled on the ground, growling like an animal. Rhine, bleeding out and dying. The others, kneeling and looking only at her, begging with their eyes for her to do as Raquel Dra said.


Elise sighed. She faced Raquel Dra, and although she couldnt see his eyes because of the hockey mask, she spoke.

Promise me. If I open the barrier, you will spare the others.

Raquel Dra nodded as if he had been waiting for her to say that.

I promise.