Prepare (3)
Clang! Clang!
The sounds of engines and hammers clung heavily in the air of Trick Citys D-Section, at Valmant Manaology.
Kanya! What the hell is this!
Theres something weird flying around! Its interfering with our work!
The factory workers shouted, wiping their sweat.
Kanya responded with an excited face.
You blind old men, quiet down! This is a jackpot!
Whoosh- Whoosh- Whoosh- Boxes were flying in the factorys empty space.
Their speed surpassed that of an average drone. They automatically avoided obstacles, and even calculated the shortest route to their destination on their own.
Its working. Its working! Its a jackpot!
So can I go now?
Beside her was Gerkhen, who looked as if he had been drained of life.
He had been implementing this Delivery Box almost all night for two days.
Okay. Gerkhen. Dont worry about the part-time job payment, Ill take care of it properly.
I dont need it.
You dont need it, huh. You cheeky. Your sister is rich.
Kanya pulled out her wallet. She held a 1,000 Ren bill. She hesitated for a moment, but handed it over anyway.
Gerkhen checked the bill and tilted his head.
Its 1,000 Ren.
Yeah. Thats right. Part-time job payment.
She had 10,000 Ren in cash in her wallet. It was the money she received as an informers brokerage fee.
Its money earned by killing people, but it doesnt matter.
The ones Dale Kal killed were all trash anyway.
In fact, she doesnt care who he kills.
Theres no one in this world who is only good.
Because she, who was betrayed by everyone and fell from a noble in A-Section to a pauper in D-Section, vowed to live that way.
Hey Gerkhen. Isnt it amazing? You can use this like a ready-made product, like the old Sixth Sense. The size of the box varies depending on the grade of the mana stone. It can even be recycled until the mana stone is depleted.
One mana stone. One Delivery Box formula set.
With this, you can send deliveries to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Its definitely going to be a hit in Trick City. No, even those egoistic Magic Tower guys might use it? Well soon be seeing boxes flying in the sky very often~
Its incredibly creative. Its flawless and precise.
As if she brought something from the future as it is.
Old man! Lets release this right away! I dont think we need to wait for the formula check! Lets start with the promotion! Lets shoot a video!
Then Ill be going-
Where are you going, Gerkhen! You have to help with shooting the video!
Kanya handed a camera to Gerkhen.
Gerkhen alternately looked at the camera and the 1,000 Ren, then sighed.
* * *
Trick City, A-Section.
Returning to the Hilton family mansion, Layla was lost in thought.
Raquel Dra.
She found him puzzling. Confusing.
He had clearly called out to her. He had mentioned Mila at the scene of the incident.
Why Mila, of all people?
Simply because she was the only hero in Trick City?
She was a little afraid of Raquel Dra, but at the same time, she felt a strong desire.
Hero and Archenemy.
Such a relationship existed in the cartoons she watched as a child.
Its not that a hero cant stand alone as a hero.
A hero who is only a hero is nothing more than a vigilante. Only a hero who stands against strong evil can truly become a hero recognized by all.
The villain Raquel Dra is ironically an opportunity for her to emerge as a true hero.
Master. Are you okay?
Artificial Intelligence butler Berrie asked. Layla slowly shook her head.
No. Im not okay. Honestly Im scared too.
Layla had faced the Cartels weapon-grade monster, the [Blind Brute], but Raquel Dra was different.
Ive never felt this kind of fear before. Why me, of all people?
The Chimera formula.
How should she confront it, something terrifying even by name? Would she also fall victim to his formula?
No, what does he really want?
What is his purpose in committing these crimes?
He has no standards. No motives. He just kills people. That is chaos.
Layla nodded gravely.
Is it chaos that defines him? What a difficult world Sigh.
What? Why are you laughing?
Layla furrowed her brow.
Its nice to see you being so humble.
In fact, there was similar content in a cartoon.
Perhaps almost the same dialogue.
Ive always been humble. Hows the fabric research going?
Layla asked humbly.
To confront Raquel Dra, she too must progress, day by day, continuously.
Weve secured the raw materials, so we should be able to upgrade.
Good. Proceed.
Berrie, the AI secretary, didnt think Laylas growth was entirely bad.
* * *
Endexs illegal squatting area.
Gillon Berrieto, dispatched from the Arkne family, was forced to sit on a sofa. It was because Soliette had grabbed his hem.
Gillon glared at Soliette.
For the record, Shion Ascal was temporarily kicked out, and only Soliette was sitting on her knees.
That is-
No matter what you say, I will report to the head of the family, but are you out of your mind? A young man without blood on his hand, living together-
Its not cohabitation.
Then what is it. This situation right now.
The wrinkles on Gillons bald head squirmed. Soliette looked at it and thought.
Its like an octopus sucker.
If youre going to live, live in a good place. Such a shabby No, did you avoid Arknes eyes like this?
Thats not it, sir.
Then what is it. Stop looking at my head and speak.
Gillon made an angry face. Soliette widened her eyes.
.You knew.
Three thousand of them were lost because of you.
I apologize. Rather, say it was torn by an octopus.
You son of a-
Shion is my disciple.
Soliette quickly said. Also, it was not a lie. In fact, she considered Shion her disciple.
Gillons thick eyebrows wriggled like caterpillars.
So far, Soliette had taught Shion the Eight Swords. Shion had definitely mastered up to the Six Swords.
.So it was.
Gillon didnt seem surprised.
After all, he must have taken a college board class. Shion used a modified version of the Eight Swords there.
Then you taught him wrong. He is far from the standard. It cant even be called Arkne. Its a ragged swordsmanship that ripped off the scales of the Eight Swords.
No. Because he mastered the basic-
Felix thought so too.
Soliettes words were blocked.
If you focus on modification, you lose the essence. Dont delude yourself into thinking youve become something. The most important skeleton is weak.
The Eight Swords is not a sword that can be modified. Its overwhelming just to maintain the basics and memorize, and to create that combination. There are so many possibilities that there is no need for modification in the first place. Or, does his memory function like a computer?
Soliette pursed her lips without a word.
Gillon let out a dry sigh.
Even though hes not a computer, did you leave it as it is? If you, Soliette, were to claim to be a teacher, you should have corrected it.
.Hes already been corrected.
She raised her head and glared at Gillon.
Gillon let out a hollow laugh.
I cant believe it. Then lets test it. How much your disciple has mastered the Eight Swords.
Then he abruptly stood up.
If he passes my test, if he pleases my eyes, I wont report your scandalous cohabitation to the head of the family.
Its not scandalous cohabitation. Im just trying to secure a monthly rent house.
Hush. Before I slap you.
Gillon clenched the doorknob.
You stay here. If you dont want to see the man you call your disciple get beaten.
The vacant lot behind the Endex old building.
Soliette told me. Youre her disciple.
Gillon said, glaring at me. I tried hard to avoid his gleaming bald head.
.Yes? Ah, well. I am her disciple in swordsmanship.
Do you live with your disciple?
Its not cohabitation. She just barged in.
At that, Gillon seemed even more displeased.
Did Soliette cling to you?
She didnt cling-
Are you that great? Except for being a bit tall and having a lot of hair. Never mind.
He pressed his temples as if he had a headache.
Its not unusual for a swordsman to have a disciple. Its even encouraged. However, to become a direct disciple of Arkne, you should have a certain talent.
He pointed at the sword at my waist.
Draw your sword. I will verify your talent now.
The sword?
Yes. If you please my eyes, I wont report todays incident. Though thats unlikely.
I drew my sword anyway. Gillon chuckled.
If you want to blame someone, blame Soliette. Or, if youre a man, get away from Soliette.
.Soliette is the one who barged in.
He also drew his sword.
Its simple. Defend my Eight Swords combination with your Eight Swords.
Ive only learned up to the Six Swords.
The Eight Swords is so voluminous that attunement is difficult, and it takes up quite a lot of space in the Notepad. So, I only have up to the Six Swords now.
Ill take that into account. Dont aim for the lower body.
Gillon held his sword. It was the basic stance of the Eight Swords.
.Do you know? The Eight Swords is as deep as an endless well. Which combination is powerful varies depending on the swordsmans style and strength. If you modify it, you wont know that.
I closed my eyes for a moment.
Huuuu. I activated the Eight Swords in the Notepad with deep breaths.
The automation of using what is Memorized in the body.
In other words, its theEight Swords Mode.
Come on. Ill do it by the book.
Gillon frowned at me. He must have realized there was no gap in my stance.
A good start.
He took a step forward.
He immediately stabbed his sword from the upper right. It was the Second Sword.
I blocked it with the same Second Sword.
Gillon immediately deployed the Fourth Sword from the left.
But, it was a feint.
While pretending to deeply slash with the Fourth Sword, he swiftly changed his stance. He aimed for my head with the First Sword.
If I allowed it, it would be fatal.
I twisted my sword diagonally. I deflected his First Sword with my Third Sword.
Clang! Clang!
The offensive and defensive rhythm of Eight Swords against Eight Swords continued in this manner.
Blocking the opponents combination with my combination, like a game of Go or in boxing.
Of course, Gillon Berrieto of Arkne is an extraordinary swordsman. He is an essential teacher for Soliette, a swordsman who will go down in history. If we only consider strength, I wouldnt even reach his knees.
However, there is no Magic Body or Sword Strength now.
Pure basicsits a duel of [Eight Swords] only.
If thats all, I can definitely compete.
Our swords met each other.
Beyond the trembling swords edge, I saw Gillons eyes.
There was a tremor in those deep pupils.
It was a sight similar to when Soliette first saw my talent.
Gillon was flustered.
To be honest, it was almost absurd.
He knew, Soliette knew, everyone in Arkne knew that the combinations of [Eight Swords] were infinite.
From the First Sword to the Eight Sword, each sword stroke has 8 strokes, so if you properly combine them, the number of initial moves is 8 to the power of 8 easily exceeding ten million.
Therefore, most of the swordsmen of Arkne choose only the initial moves they are familiar with and use a somewhat standardized assembly.
Surely thats the case.
What on earth is this guy facing him now?
Even as Gillon swung his sword, he kept distorting his expression.
Shion Ascal.
The guy is defending all his initial move combinations.
Stroke by stroke, all are [Eight Swords].
It means he has Memorized all the countless combinations of [Eight Swords].
Even the aggressive initial move combinations that Gillon himself does not use for various reasons, that his old body cant withstand, the guy twists his whole body to force them out.
Its the perfect textbook itself.
Clang! Clang!
Moreover, how about his ability to respond to his feints?
A feint that quickly beats the sword path by pretending to stab the Fourth Sword.
Only one opponent hadnt fallen for this on their first encounter, and it was Igris alone.
Today it became two.
A bouncing sound. A sense of blocking the sword path in advance, anticipating the feint.
Shion Ascal did not fall for it like this.
He tried to deceive him several times, but he did not fall for it.
Has he already figured out the subtle difference between feint and truth?
Has he already grasped such an extremely calculating ability?
Of course, the power Shion Ascal puts into his sword is infinitely inferior to his own.
If he were to activate his Magic Body and Sword Strength, or even just manifest his Flame Sword, he could burn him to ashes in one stroke.
But, no matter how much he holds back
First Sword, Second Sword, Third Sword, Fourth Sword, Fifth Sword, Sixth Sword.
Gillon linked a total of six swords in a basic combination and launched a grand attack. He unleashed a total of 43 strokes.
! ! ! ! ! !
Yet, he defended them all. As if playing a piano. With the dignified and precise [Eight Swords]. Not allowing a single hit.
At that moment, Gillon had to admit it.
He took a few steps back and lowered his sword.
It was talent.
Soliettes words about it not being a fluke finally made sense to him.
If such talent were to suddenly appear, even he would be momentarily blinded.
Gillon let out a hollow laugh.
Looking at Shion Ascal, who was still maintaining his [Eight Swords] stance, he asked as if he was amazed.
Are you some kind of computer?
* * *
A week later.
Edsilla National University.
The day of the final entrance exam.
Theia Esil looked at the over 2,000 examinees filling the underground facility. They were current seniors, repeat students, foreigners, and more.
Theia, holding a microphone, spoke.
Welcome. Today is the final exam.
There were 2,000 capsule-like devices in the facility.
These capsules will examine your subconscious. They will construct various situations, ask questions, and get answers.
Subconscious exploration.
Simply put, its a way to weed out spies or troublemakers.
Edsilla National Magic University is a national institution of Edsilla, and receives national support from the parliament to educate, train, and deploy students to actual battlefields. Therefore, we have a duty to exclude any possible infiltrations by terrorist groups, spies trying to steal information or technology.
The capacity of Edsilla Magic University is 2,000 students.
Therefore, more than 90% of these over 2,000 people will pass.
However, a few dozen will be identified as spies from the underworld, operatives of cartels, etc., and will be filtered out.
Also, the final exam scores will somewhat determine their department.
The difference between the Magic Universitys lowest department, Magic Artifact Department, and the top Magic Department is, to put it simply, like the difference between a worm and a dragon.
Everyone. Please enter the capsules.
At her words, the lids of the capsules opened. The examinees entered and sat inside with tense faces.
In exactly one hour. The final exam will begin.