Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 164: Going Out (4)

Chapter 164: Going Out (4)

Going Out (4)

[A Glass of Whiskey]

A quiet bar where the rhythm of the record gently flows, always quiet due to the lack of customers.

The owner, Kanya, placed a glass of whiskey on the table with a thud. I took a sip. Kanya, observing my reaction, blurted out.

Sir Mage. Im asking just in case.

I already had an idea of what she was curious about.

I handed her a few pieces of paper across her table. They were evidence against a villain named Berrieda Ren Casano.

He was a puppeteer in the underworld.


Kanya hastily grabbed the papers.

They were letters exchanged between Beltrino and Master Cartel.

Master Cartel Beltrino? Who is Beltrino?

Berriedas real name. Master Cartel, specifically Fontanas hotline.

She touched her chin with a somewhat shocked face, but soon folded the papers with a resigned look.

Its vague evidence. You cant actually prove that Beltrino is Berrieda.

Its because of the evidence destruction system.

But it doesnt matter.

Whether theres evidence or not, I wouldve killed him. The most certain evidence is saved in my head, in the Notepad.

Believe it or not, its up to you.

Its not that The underworlds Master Cartel had a close relationship with Libra.

The current head, Sherlock, rapidly expanded Libras power, thanks to the secret pact with Master Cartel.

So Sir Mage.

Kanya tapped the letter.

So, Sir Mage got this evidence and escaped, and Berrieda Ren Casano was held responsible for losing the evidence and was killed by Master Cartel. Is this how I should understand it?

She poured more whiskey into the glass.

Or is Sir Mage a bad guy who kills bad guys?

She meant she would accept my words rather than the truth of the situation.

Think what you will.

I gulped down the whiskey.

The poison burned in my stomach, but suddenly, in my still cold head, a question arose.

[Client: Anonymous]

An anonymous request.



Kanya furrowed her brows slightly.

Youre calling me by name all of a sudden. Out of the blue.

I know Berrieda Ren Casano.

However, his reputation will not be shattered for years to come, but will become even more solid. As the beacon of C-Section, a philanthropist who embodies sacrifice and dedication.

Its strange to even doubt him now.


Do you know who the client for the background investigation is?

Who is this client, what for, and how did they doubt Berrieda?

Kanya waved her hand.

I dont know. They came wearing a robe. But the color of the robe itself looked good?

I thought quietly.

There must be someone.

I dont know who it is, but they know something.

But. Sir Mage.

Kanya tilted her head slightly.

Do you have any other Magic Spells youve invented?

There might be one coming soon.


Im getting the hang of combining Magic Spells. Of course, today I implemented it through the legendary wand that Akane gifted me.

First, I combine the Magic Spells stored in the Notepad Database, verify their compatibility, and then release the content to the outside world.

When will it be?!

Itll take another 1-2 months.

I must produce a result that will sell well. In this field, releasing just anything can backfire.

1 month, 2 months Great! Make it happen!

Kanya clenched her fist.

* * *

[Grawl Research Institute]

Before leaving for Planarium, I visited the Grawls Research Institute. Construction materials were piled up on one side, and the skeleton of the building was almost up.

Youve arrived, Master?

Grawl approached, his mana core necklace jingling.

What do you think?

Its neat. The rest is going underground, right?

Yes. Were only going to build up to the second floor on the outside.

Alright. Lets go inside then.


Grawl blinked. He looked troubled.


Theres nothing inside yet~ You dont have time, just go~

I still want to take a look.


I entered the building. Grawl followed with slightly anxious steps.

As he said, there was nothing inside yet.

No, there was something.

There seem to be too many cat towers.

Cat towers. Almost all the walls of the building were cat towers. Too long, high, and numerous for one to use. Cat beds, sofas, cushions were also abundant.

Are you planning to settle down?

No way.

Then it happened.


A small, white kitten appeared from somewhere. It was a very tiny kitten.



Cold sweat formed on Grawls forehead. He wiped the sweat with his front paw and said.

Its, its a stray. I adopted a dying kitten from outside. Its a baby.

Do whatever you want. Just take good care of it.

Wow! As expected of Master!

Grawl smiled brightly.

Then, he fidgeted and looked up at me.

So can I stay here?

Stay? You want me to go to Planarium alone?

Yes. But Ive stored part of my abilities in the R-elix. So, you can use my abilities too.

He pointed at my right forearm.

Of course, you wont be as proficient as me, but if theres a problem, Ill advise you through telepathy.


Yes. Telepathy.

That magic.

It is when used between others. But were connected~ So its much easier to use. Since telepathy is communication of the soul, if you talk to me like youre talking to yourself, I can hear it.

Is that so?

I put my hand on my arm. I thought for a moment.

Can you hear me?

Of course~

Grawl smiled.

Well then do as you please. But, this research institute needs to make some money.

Dont worry. I have a lot of SNS ads coming in.


Yes. And Ive also changed your messenger settings.

What messenger?

I turned on my smartphone. The profile of [Shion Ascal] messenger was my face.

What the hell. Did you take this?

I did. You should manage it too. What will you do if you get interviewed later?

I took the picture down again.

Anyway. Im leaving. Make sure everything is ready by the time I come back.

Yes! Say goodbye, NyangNyang.


Grawls NyangNyang also said goodbye.

The more I see, the more absurd it is.

Take care.

I went outside.

* * *

Train station.

Im sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the train and the group going to Planarium.


Im yawning because Im tired,


Unnecessarily, only his footsteps were clear.

Wow- Wow-

Not only that, but the admiration that usually flows around when you see celebrities.

Elise, whose presence precedes her appearance.

I looked in her direction.

Are you going to the South Pole?

Elise was dressed in a huge backpack. Two hoverboards were attached to the sides of the backpack, and she even wore a headset on her head.

She glanced at me and passed by without acknowledging me.

Well, what.

Its a bit embarrassing to acknowledge her.

I walked to the station following her.

Inside the train.

We are sitting in the same car, but quite far apart.

Theres no good in taking a picture together.

Elise received countless requests for autographs and photos, and I slept the entire time.

When the number of people decreased and the train car was empty.


Elise looked at me.

Arent you studying?


I crossed over to her.

I dont know why you suddenly wanted to learn Magic Spells.

Elise took out a book from her backpack.

[Collection of Lower Rank Magic Spells]

Levels 1~3 are lower. 4~6 are intermediate. 7~8 are advanced.

What about levels 9 and 10?

Each is supreme and heavenly, but it has nothing to do with you.

Ah, yes.

Elise turned the pages of the book quickly.

Level 1 is practically a Magic Formula, so Ill skip it. If you cant even do that, you dont deserve to learn from me.

I can do levels 1~3, so lets start at intermediate.

First, you need to understand the levels of Magic Spells. Its not usually judged by the number of Magic Formulas, right? If three Magic Formulas are linked, its a level 3 Magic Spell, if four are linked, its a level 4 Magic Spell. But scale is also important.

Elise didnt even listen to my words.

If the scale of the formula increases, segmentation is essential for acquisition, so its much harder than other Magic Spells with the same number. So the way to segment is also important-

No. I can do up to level 4, okay?

Elise narrowed her eyes in what seemed to be dissatisfaction.

It seems like shes telling me not to interfere with the lesson she prepared in advance.

Shut up.

No, really. Look.

I snatched Elises book.

Wind Sphere.

A level 3 Magic Spell that condenses wind into a sphere and shoots it out.

I spread my palm and implemented it in an instant.


Elises eyes widened as she watched.

But soon, she snorted and crossed her arms as if amused.

Well, it seems you can do it. Congratulations. Are you bragging about your achievement to me?

No, its not bragging. I dont understand the principles well. I just do it intuitively.

Again, my method of unfolding Magic Spells is pure intuition.

Applying the operating principles of various Magic Spells accumulated in the Notepad to other Magic Spells and implementing them.

But with this method, I cant respond to entirely new variables.

What I want from Elise is that variable.

I understand what you mean. You dont know why Wind Sphere is level 3?

Because there are three Magic Formulas.

Thats true, but scale is also important.

She raised her fingers.

Calling the wind is the first.

Condensing is the second.

Ejection is the third.

The key here is the Magic Formula of ejection. Its used in almost all attack formulas. If you add scale to this ejection, it becomes a level 4 Magic Spell.

Because it shoots out stronger?

Roughly correct.

Oh~ Then how do you add that scale?

There are two ways. First, theoretically strengthening the Magic Formula of ejection itself. Second, adding a magic circuit when using it in practice.

I nodded.

The first is strengthening the constant, and the second is setting a variable?

If you have to express it, yes. The first method is strictly verified in the Magic Tower, but the second method has a high failure rate. Its correct to call it a variable.

Elise handed me a notebook and pen.

Well. Since youre not a complete ignoramus, Ill start the lesson from there. Take notes diligently. The note is also important

* * *

Lets end here for today.

At the same time as the arrival at the terminal station, the private lesson ended.

Elise packed all her belongings.

Shion spoke to her.

You teach well. Teach me every Monday.

Did you schedule a lesson?

Ill give you the same as I gave to Kain.

Elise, who was getting up from her seat, stopped abruptly.

She pursed her lips as if hiding a happy expression and asked again.

You mean a priority pass and a discount coupon -?


Its insufficient as a tuition fee. But your restaurant has enough value in the special environment of Planarium. Ill accept it.

Okay. Deal.

Shion also got up from his seat. Then he grabbed Elises backpack, which she was about to sling on.

What are you doing? Let go.

Its too big for you.

Too big, what

Elise suddenly looked up at him. Their eye levels didnt match at all.

He had grown so tall without her noticing.

Ill carry it. You brought it because of me, didnt you?

He snatched the backpack with a chuckle. Elise quietly handed it over.

The backpack, which had taken up nearly half of her body, fit him perfectly.

Lets go.

They got off the train.

The scenery was as beautiful as ever.

How do I use this?

Shion asked as he put down the hoverboard. Elise mounted the hoverboard first.

Infuse it with magic. You can easily control the output of magic with your feet. Just like using One Belt, Four Lines.

Wait a minute. Isnt this a hoverboard Proarcane?

Hoverboard Proarcane (Provision).

Its a much more expensive item with many more features than a regular hoverboard, making it much harder to handle, but once you get used to it, its much more versatile.

Elise tossed her hair back over her shoulder.

Thats right. Theres no need to thank me-

Why would you bring this? You should have brought a beginners one.

Shion frowned. Elise was momentarily irritated.

Even if you buy him something, he complains.

I dont even know how to ride it.

He got on the hoverboard. Elise glared at him and said,

Do you have nothing in your brain? Just infuse it with mana. If youre at the College Board level, youll pick it up quickly.

Mana Woah!

Suddenly, his hoverboard shot up high. Elise caught it with telekinesis as it tried to bounce away.

Sigh. Pathetic. Try moving slowly. Ill hold it for you.


Shion infused it with mana. As someone who had no experience with One Belt, Four Lines, fine control of magic was difficult, but he moved it moderately by feel.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh-

Keep going like that.

The two of them moved slowly. At first, walking was faster, but gradually they sped up.

Its surprisingly easy.

Are you an idiot? Dont let your guard down.

But whats this? A launch function?

That is-


As soon as Shion activated the launch function, the hoverboard charged forward. Elise hastily activated her telekinesis, but it changed direction and flew towards her.


The two hoverboards collided.



Roll, roll, roll The two of them rolled in the bushes with their hoverboards.


Elise, buried in the rough grass, groaned. Her face was scrunched up in pain. Anger surged up rapidly.

She looked to her side. Shions face was right in front of her.

You really-


But he was laughing out loud. His mouth and eyes drew a clear arc. His golden eyes sparkled transparently in the sunlight.


Suddenly, Elise closed her mouth. The anger that had surged up melted away like snow.


His innocent laughter.

The heart-pounding sensation she felt from his childlike demeanor, from his wave-like smile,

Thump- Thump-

The trembling of her heart.

Shion laughed for a long time, and Elise watched him for a long time.

Ah, this is fun.

He dusted himself off. He also brushed off the leaves that had stuck to his shoulder.

Only then did Elise come to her senses.

What are you laughing at?

Its fun, isnt it?

Shion, who got up first, took Elises hand and helped her stand. Caught off guard, Elise leaned on him.

Sorry. I guess I shouldnt have turned on the booster.

Just stop trying to learn. You have no talent, absolutely none.

She pushed him away, needlessly harsh.

He climbed back onto the hoverboard.

No, Ill learn quickly. I was born to drive. Its just that this isnt driven with a handle.


Elise also sighed and got on the hoverboard.


They moved side by side.

At a moderate speed. Through the landscape of the mountain path. Under the soft sunlight.

Elise stole a glance at his profile.

Nothing special.

Just focusing on the hoverboard.


But its strange.


Why wont this pounding heart calm down?

Is it arrhythmia? Heart disease?

It keeps growing every time I look at him

Then Shion looked back at her.

Hey! Look ahead!

What Ahh!


Elises face hit the surface of a tree.


Elise fell down, lying flat on the ground.

Hey. Are you okay?

Shion asked. She quickly clutched her face.

More than the pain, it was embarrassing.


She spoke, covering her face.

Are you sure? Hey, let me see.

I said Im fine!

Elise shouted in frustration.

Go ahead.

Hey, but-

Before I kill you.

Its not that, its just that my nose is too hot right now.

If you go ahead, Ill follow on my own

This is definitely a nosebleed

* * *

Meanwhile, in Petra Senators office.

In the place where fragmented sunlight flowed through the blinds, Ken Petra received a report from a close confidant of the family.

Ascal the kid from that time.

Yes. Hes currently settled in the top 100.

The confidant handed over a document.

A scouting report and related documents on a senior named [Shion Ascal].

Tapping the document, Ken twirled his cigar.

If hes in the top 100.

Hes a stable force in Edsilla Magic University. The scouts are also keeping an eye on him. He seems to be attracting curious attention because he suddenly rose to prominence.


His large mouth exhaled thick smoke.

Leave him be until the entrance exams are over.

Until the entrance exams, you say. The election season is almost upon us.

The confidant seemed worried. Ken, who glanced at him, stood up.

Elise is a strong candidate for valedictorian at College Board. Theres no need to stir up trouble in this batch.

He straightened his suit, which had ridden up on his corpulent body, and looked out the window.


His office had a clear view of the Edsilla Parliament.

He should have been here four years ago, but damn political maneuvers delayed him by four years.

Theres no more time to delay.

Ken Petra stroked his thick beard and continued.

In the worst-case scenario, we should think of a suitable way to handle it.