Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 160: Spirits (3)

Chapter 160: Spirits (3)

Spirits (3)

Elise and I began the dream awakening process on the Spirits Airship.

Firstly, Kain.

We need to force him to think that this place is fake.

Elise, who had entered Kains dream, suggested a simple method.

White robes and long hair. That became our disguise as Kains nightmare.

Hehehehe- Kain-


We disguised ourselves as phantoms.

You, what are you! Dont come- Dont come- Dont come-!

Kain was chased by us for a long time, screaming until his throat was sore.

No! No! Ah, no, ahhhhhh-!

In a state of extreme exhaustion, he desperately wished that it was all a dream, and while mindlessly repeating the words of the stone statue, he found the answer.

Ah, right! This is the answer! Everything except me is fake!

Immediately after shouting that,

Kain woke up from his dream.

Huh Huh.

He looked around blankly.

Of course, he was inside the airship, and there were no phantoms.

Did you wake up?

Elise, who was sitting next to him, asked.


Kain seemed too exhausted to answer, just panting and looking at Elise and me alternately.

He seems to have woken up.

At my words, Kain quietly closed his eyes.

It was a mix of exhaustion and fainting.

Lets go to Asher next.

Next, Asher.

A considerable amount of time had already passed in Ashers dream.

The location was the continent where the college board had already ended. Edsilla National Magic University.

I clenched a newspaper that was rolling on the ground.

[College Board Valedictorian: Asher]

[Asher Dredd, fastest to reach 100 million SNS followers.]

What is this.

Asher was even the valedictorian of the college board and the brightest star at Edsilla Magic University.

Hey, this seems a bit difficult?

Becoming a superstar on top of being a star, it might be hard to persuade him.

Youre short-sighted, arent you?

What the hell?

Elise spoke as if it was no big deal.

The higher you climb, the greater the despair when you fall.

Thats true. But how are you going to make him fall?

Easy. All you have to do is ruin Ashers face.


Yes. If you tear his face off or burn it, he will automatically-

No, no. Ill do it. Youre too brutal.

Theres no need to burn his face. It would be too painful.

Do whatever you want. Look, Asher is passing by over there.

Elise pointed her chin in the distance. Asher was surrounded by people. He was taking pictures while laughing in a cheesy way.

Ill go ahead.

I approached Asher. As soon as Asher saw me, he frowned.

What. Isnt that my manager Shion? What are you doing here?

Manager. I smirked at his words.

Im glad Im not a slave.

Youre a third-tier manager, so youre practically a slave.

Should I just burn his face?

Hey. You have something on your face.

I slapped a makeshift face mask I had created with Notepad over his face. It was the ugliest face Id ever seen on a person.

Hey, what are you doing with those filthy hands?

Asher slapped my hand away. I grinned at him instinctively.

Yo, Asher. Whats with your face?


Nah, just take a look at this mirror.

I showed him the mirror.

Whats this mirror for Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Hey, youre going to rupture my eardrums


At that moment, Asher found the answer and woke up from the dream.

Like Kain, Asher immediately fainted upon finding the answer.

Both of them got it easy.

I said to Elise. She nodded in agreement.

Should we wake her up too, though?

This time she pointed at Layla.


This one seems like she might wake up, but hasnt yet. Shes just been mumbling something vague the whole time.

Yes, I have to do it. Only I, Layla, can do it.

She was making a face as if saving the world depended on her. Is this why she becomes a hero later?

Sigh yes, thats right. Layla. Its something only I can do.

I wonder what shes dreaming about.

I took a seat next to Layla. Elise sat right behind her.

Suddenly, I grew curious about what Elise was thinking about her dream.

Hey Elise, what were you dreaming about?

She didnt respond, just glared at me with flushed cheeks, then looked away.

It wasnt any dream. I woke up right away.


Why would I lie to you? Its not like its something important. Youre not that important.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

Quite the outburst there.

Its not an outburst

Im going to sleep first.

I dozed off beside Layla.

* * *


The hero of the continent, Layla the Great.

Shes preparing for a duel with the stone statue.

Amidst the swirling sands of a desert, in a grand coliseum, the final showdown is about to take place.


In the waiting room, Layla sits with her eyes closed, deep in thought.

Thinking about her own end, and also the end of the stone statue.

Right, Ive been so foolish. So complacent.

She mumbled, practicing some sort of mental exercise.

Ive been lazy in my training and studies.

Thats true.

But now?

A voice answered from somewhere.

Layla furrowed her brow. She was definitely alone in the waiting room. Did she hear wrong?

Did I hear wrong?

No, you heard right.

What the!

She swiftly turned her head. Shion was in one corner of the waiting room.

When did he get here? Was he here the whole time?

What! Shion, why are you here?

Ive been here the whole time.

Shion responded with a natural ease. Layla tilted her head in confusion.

Huh? Since when?

Im your manager, arent I?

Ah right. I forgot for a moment.

Layla accepted this quickly. Shion chuckled softly.

Dreams are like that. Even when the plot changes abruptly, you just accept it.

But dont throw up. This is a serious situation. As a manager, you should support me.

Got it.

Layla took a deep breath to calm her heart.


She immersed herself back into the situation.

Everything she had learned so far.

Everything she had honed to win against that guy.

She gathered all of it within her, warming herself up.


Slowly, the door to the Colosseums waiting room opened.

Layla stood up.

Of course, her heart was not perfect. It was still incomplete, and she was still afraid.

Because the weight of too much expectation was on her shoulders. Because the fate of this world depended on her.


She couldnt run away.

Unyielding determination. A will as strong as a mountain.

Holding these resolutions, Layla stepped beyond the threshold.


The hot wind of the desert swept through the Colosseum.

Ive been weak for too long.

Acknowledging herself, Layla took a step forward, staring at her enemy across the way with determined eyes.

Not anymore.

Ha ha! Youve finally arrived!

Her opponent was a massive stone statue.

Layla clenched her fists.

Stone statue. Im here.

Just as she was setting a resolute atmosphere, from the side again.

Hey, Layla.

The manager kept bothering her.

Damn it, really.

Shion, the manager, might get fired at this rate.

Layla turned towards him and shouted.

What now!

Who did that to your cheek?


Layla touched her own cheek. It was still burning hot.


She let out a bitter laugh.

A long time had passed, but this wound had not yet healed.

This was the beginning.

She nodded seriously, continuing her story.

I was once slapped by that stone statue. I followed it, calling it my master but I was betrayed.

Oh, is that so.

Yes. From that day on, the stone statue became my enemy, and I pushed myself to the limit.

Layla gently closed her eyes.

One! Two! Three! Four! Hundred! Five hundred! Thousand!

A thousand push-ups a day.

1km! 2km! 3km! 40km! 100km!

A hundred kilometers of running a day. In addition to that, a thousand pull-ups, five thousand games of flicking stones, fifty thousand jump ropes, and so on.

After countless efforts, she had reached this point.

Defeating all enemies and finally arriving at the end.

The final boss the stone statue.

Layla muttered, glaring at the statue.

No, this wont do. Hey, let me see your cheek.

But Shion interfered again. Why was the manager so annoying?

Can you just shut up! If you interrupt one more time, youre fired! Youre a contract worker, you know!

Layla pushed him away.

From here on, its all up to me. Only I can stop the stone statue-


Shion slapped her cheek. Layla shuddered.

It was a familiar sensation.

A pain too vivid.

It felt like she had just been slapped 10 minutes ago a slap on the cheek.

This sensation.

Layla turned to look at Shion. Her eyes widened. It felt like a thunderbolt had struck her head.

You dont tell me.

Shion silently looked at her.

I thought it was the stone statue but it was you!

The stone statue slapped you?

Do you take me for a fool?!

Only then did Layla realize the strangeness.

Was the slap she thought was from the stone statue actually from Shion?

That made no sense.

Then who slapped me?

I clearly remember the stone statue slapping me in my memory.

Why am I here in the first place?

How many years have passed?

Why is my cheek still swollen?

No, has that much time passed?

Didnt it all go by too quickly, like a movie?

Could it be all of this was a trick by the stone statue!

In the flow of these thoughts, Layla finally realized.

This whole world is a fake!

The truth she finally realized.

She pointed at the stone statue and shouted.

Stone statue! This whole world is a fake!

Then, the stone statue, her final boss, spoke in a tone of contempt.

Thats correct, you foolish creature.

Immediately after, Layla opened her eyes. She was still inside the airship. Shion was next to her, and so was Elise.

Did you wake up?

Shion asked.

Layla tilted her head and muttered faintly.

Ive been through too much. Im exhausted.

And then she fell asleep again.

* * *

Kain, Asher, Layla, Elise.

A total of four people had been awakened.

So, theres one left.

Finally, Soliette.

I sat next to her. Elise also took a seat next to me.

I think I can handle Soliette on my own?

Elise said with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

Lets do it together. You never know what could happen. But how do you maintain a human form?

Human form? Oh, right. Why didnt you show up in Laylas dream?

Elise was not in Laylas dream. Fortunately, it was easy enough to handle on my own.

I was there. But not as a human, as a weapon. It seems that when youre excluded from a dream, you appear in that way.

I see I guess my mental strength is strong enough to maintain a human form.

Im good at enduring too, you know?

I shrugged my shoulders and leaned my head against the seat.

Anyway. Im going in.

And with that, I fell asleep.


The dormitory of Planarium.

Soliette and her party returned to the airship. Thanks to Soliettes amazing deduction, everyone passed the test.

Youve worked hard, Shion.

As she disembarked from the airship, Soliette said.

Oh, yeah.

Shion responded a bit awkwardly. Soliette added with a small smile.

I didnt expect Elise to be a fake.

Then, a sharp sound rose from the ground.

What is this?

There was a cat next to Shion.

A cat.

Isnt it the one we saw before?

Ah. I am taking care of it.

At the mention of taking care of it, the cat reacted subtly. It seemed pleased, smacking its lips and raising its tail.

It seems to resemble Elise. Haha.

Soliette smiled contentedly. It did resemble the real Elise.

The cat, despite being a cat, had long hair, shiny blonde hair, and sparkling golden eyes.


The cat, however, seemed displeased, glaring at her.

How cute.

Soliette reached out her hand. Elise, no, the cat tried to bite her, but Soliette managed to touch it while dodging its attempts.

The cat, having been touched, let out a cry and ran away.

Lets leave it be. Shall we take a short walk?

Shion pointed somewhere.

A walk?

Yeah. Theres something I want to talk about.

Sure. Lets do that.

Soliette walked with him.

Before she knew it, they were in a forest.


She refocused on the situation.


What did you want to be when you were a child?

In the tranquil forest, a somewhat base question.

Soliette looked around the forest and pondered for a moment.

What she wanted to be.

What did she want to be?

Im not sure.

Think about it. You had something you wanted to be when you were young. Besides killing Knightmare.

At the word Knightmare, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

A dream you mean?


Looking back, she had a dream too. A dream she had nurtured since she was young, but had somehow forgotten.

A swordsman.

A swordsman?

Yes. I vaguely wanted to be the best swordsman.

Shion gave a small smile.

That was an easy dream.

An easy dream? Its very difficult.

Soliettes eyebrows shot up.

No. It would have been easy for you.

Shion chuckled and drew his sword.

Why are you drawing your sword?

Lets have a match with Eight Swords.

Eight Swords? With her, an Arkne, using the basics of Arkne?

Soliette was momentarily at a loss.

Shion. I am Soliette Arkne. Dont you know?

I know. But I feel like I wont lose to you right now. Here.

Shion threw the sword. Soliette caught it in surprise.

In that instant, the surrounding scenery transformed dramatically.

Lets do this.

Shion assumed his stance.

Sure. Anytime. Ill give you the first move.

Soliette prepared her defense, as if she found the situation amusing.


Just then, that cat, Elise, appeared. It was cute because it resembled Elise. However, the actual cat seemed displeased as soon as their eyes met.

Dont get distracted!

Shion immediately swung his sword. It was the First Sword of the Arknes Eight Swords.

The First Sword is usually defended with the Third Sword. Its a sensation that has become second nature after learning it for over a decade.


However, Soliette missed her timing. Her body moved awkwardly, and she couldnt muster strength in her arms and legs.

It was as if she was in a dream.

A dream?

Why are you floundering?

This is strange.

Strange indeed.

Shion laughed at her.

Youre just clumsy.

Clu, clumsy? What are you-


Shion swung his sword again. This time, it was a beginners move, a mix of the First Sword and a second sword.

Soliette raised her sword, but, clang-!

She was pushed back by a single collision.


See? Youre clumsy. You dont have a purpose right now.

For fucks sake, Shion, dont look down on me!

She yelled as she got up. She struggled to steady her trembling arms and legs.

Then come at me first. Ill give you the first move.

Her pride was scratched. She gritted her teeth.

Dont regret this.

She charged at Shion, but he easily blocked the First Sword she deployed with his Third Sword.

See? Easy. Pretty skilled.

Would you just shut up-!

Then try to block it.

He laughed and swung his sword.


Soliette couldnt block it. She fell flat on the ground. She was surprised at herself.

What the hell.

Am I losing to Shion, who has only learned the Eight Swords for a mere two months?

Me, who has been mastering the arcane of Arkne since birth?

Do you get it now? Youre falling behind me.

Shion taunted with a cocky tone. Soliette blankly looked up at him.

A sword bound by the past cannot move forward.

Soon, he raised his sword high into the sky.


That strike.

Looking at it trying to settle into her essence.

A sword bound by the past cannot move forward.

Soliette quietly murmured.

At that moment, Shions sword stopped abruptly.

A sword bound by the past cannot move forward.

She gently closed her eyes.

Just now, she felt as if something had broken.

It was not an illusion.

Fragments of a childhood dream, somewhat splashed onto her heart.

Dont forget your dream.

Shions voice whispered faintly in her ear.

Soliette opened her eyes again.


Shion was already gone.

The suddenly created stage of emptiness, her dream-like floundering body movements, were now gone.

The fake is.

Soliette spoke to the sky.

Is this world.

Thats the correct answer!

The scenery reflected in Soliettes retina- slowly changes.

Its still inside the airship. A space that hasnt taken off or landed.


Someone called her with a gentle voice.

Did you have a nightmare?


Soliette quietly looked at him.

He is the one who helped her, even in her dreams.

Shion Ascal.


She shook her head blankly.

Rather than a nightmare.

Suddenly, she felt relieved. Her body and mind settled peacefully.


Without realizing it, Soliette leaned her head on his shoulder. She playfully rested her forehead against him.

I dreamt of finding a dream within a dream.