Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Test (1)


The cold water pouring from the showerhead.

Drenching her entire body in the chill that seemed to gnaw at her flesh, Soliette fumbled through her memory.

She cautiously shed light on the past she had tried so hard to cover up.

Back then, when her precious people hadnt died yet.

Her past self had already met Shion.

Probably, not long after she enrolled at Endex.

The sports field.

Felix! What are you doing?

Back then, she, a first-year student, was standing on the sports field with Felix.

What do you mean, what am I doing? Im preparing for the college board.

Oh~ College board~

Soliette first learned about Shion then. To be precise, she remembered Shions name and appearance.

The reason was

Ah. That guy.

Felix glanced at the window of the Endex building and spoke. Soliette also tilted her head and looked in the same direction.

There was a yellow buzz cut.

Standing by the window of the corridor, a guy who was either watching the sports field or us, it was hard to tell.

Do you know who he is?

It was the popular way of speaking at the time.

Hes the guy who had leukemia. Shion.


Soliette looked at him again. This time, a little more cautiously.

He was small in stature, and there was a long scar above his ear. His bones and flesh were almost stuck together.

Be nice to him. Hes in the same class as you.

With me?

When Shion made eye contact with her, he walked down the corridor again. Somehow, he seemed deflated.

Soliette murmured quietly.

Hes probably all better now, right?

Probably so.

But how did you know about that?

You. Youre so cheeky.

Felix pressed hard on her forehead.

Oh, really.

Its common knowledge. Its rare for someone with leukemia to enroll at Endex I know his father a little.

Soliette glanced up at Felix.

He was still staring at the corridor where buzz-cut Shion had left.

Its good if hes all better. Anyway, do you want to have a sword fight? I think I can win this time.

Not yet. Maybe in 10 years.

Ha! I feel like I could win if I tried a little more. Come on. Lets have a duel

Soliette smiled brightly.

It was a memory of those days when even the school meals tasted delicious.


She turned off the shower.


She sighed and shook off the water with a towel.

Could it be that Shion has been nurturing his feelings since then?

Or was it even before that?

Of course, it must have been much earlier.

Since half of his life, from some day when she didnt know him until now

She doesnt know.

Now, how should she treat Shion?

Should she just treat him as usual? Or should she show a slightly different side of herself?

Is it because of me.

Soliette murmured quietly.

His abyss, in the end, was because he couldnt forget them.


Because he didnt even try to forget.

Shion had been hurting himself, fearing that he might burden me, that he might become my sorrow. He pushed all his emotions into the abyss.

She had come to know the secret.

She knew it too clearly, so she could never go back to the way it was before

Soliette stepped outside. As she was about to change her clothes as usual, she glanced at the floor of her room.

Oh! Shion?!

Shion was lying there.

He was sprawled out almost in a straight line, clutching something in both hands.


Not just socks. There were bracelets and leather gloves as well.

Oh, no!

That wasnt the problem.

Cough-! He had vomited blood.


Soliette moved quickly. She bent down and put her ear to his chest.

Fortunately, his pulse was steady. It was regular.

He was safe.

At least, theoretically.


Without realizing it, Soliette was out of breath. Her fingers trembled as much as his heartbeat.

She did what she could for him.

She wiped the blood from his mouth and slightly lifted his chin to prevent his airway from being blocked.


Fortunately, there was no more bleeding.

Shion fell into a peaceful sleep. He breathed comfortably.


She patted her chest. As she mindlessly relieved, she inadvertently looked at the mirror.


Suddenly, her brow furrowed.

There were tears in her eyes.

It was a very faint trace.

It was so faint that she couldnt tell whether it was the moisture left over from the shower or from her eyes.


Even that was a question to Soliette.

She hadnt shed a tear since they left. Her tear ducts had dried up because she couldnt cry.

But now, was it because she was too surprised?

Or was it the moisture she hadnt managed to shake off?

Soliette wiped the droplet from her eye and murmured softly.


* * *


I opened my eyes.

My forehead was damp.

No, my whole face was soaked.

What is this?

I identified the culprit.

It was a wet towel.

No, it wasnt a wet towel, it was just water.

Are you awake?

I was startled. It was Soliette.

Why are you here?

Why? The game console is here.

Oh, right.

I had forgotten. When you log out of a two-player game, you appear in the same space.

You scared me. Why did you suddenly collapse?

I wonder. But this towel-

Leave the wet towel for now. You had quite a fever.

I smiled faintly and sat up.

My hair is going to get wet. You should have squeezed it out.

I wrung out the water. It was almost a waterfall.

I lay back down and put it on my forehead.


Soliette exclaimed as if she had just realized.

Whats the matter? Didnt you know this?

I didnt think to squeeze it because you had a high fever. Ive know now. But what are these?

Soliette held out some things.

They were a bracelet, gloves, and socks.

What are those?

I dont know. You were holding them in your hand, werent you?

What are you talking about.

I examined them closely.

Oh, really? Wait a minute.


This is the Blink Defense Bracelet. Its a bracelet that instantly shortens the distance by about 40~50 cm.

This is the Premium Leather Gloves. Theyre gloves that are said to be incredibly helpful when gripping something.

The socks are Soliettes.

So it comes out like this.

I was just trying to memorize the performance, but it seems like the game items have actually come out.

I dont know what the principle is.

Could it be that this happened because I memorized the code that embodies the item?


I handed the socks to Soliette first.

What Wait. Arent these socks from the game?

Yeah, right. It seems like I got them as a quest reward, so Ill give them to you.

I beat around the bush because I didnt want to explain.

Then Soliette stared at them.

Excuse me?

Why is she treating a mere pair of socks like a precious, valuable item?

Half of my level was raised by you. Its worth receiving.

Ah Yes.

Only then did Soliette accept the socks.

Try them on.

Its strange to say this about mere socks. Its as if I gave her a pair of luxury shoes.


She put on the socks with a very tense face.


Her eyes, nose, and mouth all widened in surprise.

The look on her face as she turned the white socks she had put on her feet this way and that was like she had received a real pair of luxury shoes.

Theyre comfortable. Really.


Thats when a sound came from Soliettes stomach.

She subtly checked my reaction.

I almost laughed.

Im hungry too. Shall we go?

Soliette nodded quietly.


Outside of the dormitory, it was already morning. There were many seniors.

They were each stretching, doing morning training, and so on. It was a familiar sight, but there were also many different things.

Its a marketplace.

There are stalls lined up with meat butchered like in a butchers shop, and there are many people selling the grass and fruits they have gathered.

Self-sufficiency is achieved like this.

Especially where the line is long its coffee.

[Terence Cafe]

The shop looked like a 5~6-year-old child selling lemonade on the street. However, since coffee itself is a rare item here, the seniors were waiting in line.

-Hey. Have you been to the farm in the mountain?

-You heard too? Layla and Kain praised it.

-Isnt 300 a bit overkill? Its two days worth of wages.

-Yeah. Its expensive. So Im a little curious. Kain ate that and was out of it for almost three days.

Achievement points have already become an official currency among them.

It seems to have developed steadily while doing various things in [Bethune Dungeon].

Oh, wait. Isnt that Terence?

Suddenly, there he is, making coffee at the caf.

When I looked at him because his face was familiar, it was Terence.

Its the guy I met during the first quarter evaluation, whose Spectrum is Home.

[Terence Cafe]

Even the name of the cafe was Terence.

Who is he?

Ah. Yeah. Hes a good guy. Hes doing well.

I looked at him. Just then, Terence spotted me too. He was busy pouring coffee with both hands and moved only his lips to speak.

Shion, who beat Gerkhen!

I waved back at him.

Lets go get some food then. To the farm.

-Just as we were about to leave.


A loud voice echoed.

Everyone in the square was startled and looked in that direction.

Attention, everyone!

It was a statue. A four-foot-tall stone statue.

Whats that?

Hey. Theres a statue here too?

It wasnt just one.

The statues that seemed to be both present and absent outside the dormitory suddenly began to speak the same words.

Now. From now on, we will start the formal second quarter test of [Planarium].

The statue declared the second quarter test with a strange expression, and all the seniors froze in place.

Ah. Only those who want to participate should participate. Not everyone needs to participate. Because you might die.

The words that one might die.

The atmosphere instantly turned cold.

It means that the producers can just produce.

Then, Terences voice flowed in faintly.

Coffee, Im still selling coffeeee~

But there is a qualification to participate in this test! Those who want to participate in the test should find the ticket! The ticket is somewhere in this Planarium! If you find it and bring it to the destination, its 1,000 achievement points!

1,000 achievement points seemed to be quite a lot of money, the seniors were stirred.

I earn that much in a days business.

Its hide and seek! Now, lets find it! The lucky ones might get an outing pass!

Outing pass?!

Someone shouted loudly.

Thats right! Its an outing pass that allows you to go home and rest for three nights and four days.

But if you go down to the continent, you cant earn achievement points.

Ahem! Since its a legal outing, appropriate achievement points will be given!

Wah! Where! In the forest?!

Thats right! Its somewhere in this Planarium!

Then, there was a commotion. Nearly 2,000 seniors rushed out of the dormitory and ran in all directions.

Someone was flying using magic, someone was advancing by raising a golem, and such scenes were spectacular.

Soliette asked calmly.

Shion. What are you going to do?

Lets eat first. Oh, do you want some coffee?

Thanks to that, the cafe was deserted.

Ah. Coffee. That sounds good.

Soliette gave a faint smile.

I approached Terence, who had finished his days business.

This is crazy Why is business like this today.

Terence. Long time no see?

Oh, Shion, who beat Gerkhen. Long time no see.

Stop using that old nickname. Just call me Shion.

Terence laughed heartily.

Sure. What would you like to drink?

Ill have an Americano. Soliette, you?

I would also like an Americano.

Did you hear that? Two cups, please.

Ah, okay!

Terence served the coffee he had prepared in advance.

Thatll be 20 achievement points.

Thank you.

I was about to tag my student ID on Terences when Soliette cut in.

Ill pay.

She hurriedly said, tagging her student ID.


-20 AP was deducted from Soliettes student ID.

Uh, thanks.

No problem. Its the least I can do.

Wow. You two seem close. Soliette and Shion.

Terence looked at us, or rather, at me, with a hint of envy.

Well Terence. Where did you get these beans?

They were at the home. You know what I mean, right?

Of course.

It means he got them from his Spectrum.

Strangely, the beans dont go bad.


Souls dont eat beans. They dont drink coffee at all. They only drink plain water.

You dont see anyone offering cola on the ancestral rites table, do you?

But Im running out of beans now. Its getting hard to do business because of the annoying customers

Annoying customers?

Yeah. Those who bring their huge tumblers and ask to fill them up. You know, those slightly delinquent types. The tough ones.

I crossed my arms.


Come to think of it, there are coffee trees at the [Ascal Farm]. Thanks to Gerkhen who really brought everything.

Hey Terence. Want to enter a supply contract? Like a franchise.


Yeah. Ill provide much tastier coffee beans. And for protection

Not only Endex, but a protector who can fend off all the nuisances of all other magic high schools.

One person comes to mind.

Kain. Ill attach Kain.

Terences eyes widened as big as baseballs.

Really?! Ka, Kain will protect me?

I just need to give Kain a few coupons for free use of the farm, no, discount coupons.

He wont be on constant guard. But if he shows his face, the nuisances wont be able to act up. If they do, you can complain to Kain.

Thats, thats great!

Okay. Just give me 30%.

His beaming face hardened a little. I chuckled.

But raise the price. The beans Ill supply will be of much higher quality.

Caffeine is addictive. Good beans are all the more addictive.

Thinking about it, Gerkhen didnt bring tobacco seeds and coffee trees for nothing. You can sell more by getting them addicted.

Hes a real politician.

Okay. Ill do it! Should I write a contract?

Terence said with a determined face.

Oh~ Youre proactive.

Of course! Those annoying bastards were really fuking annoying!


The curse words spewing from the innocent and cute face of Terence, well, they must represent the difficulty of running a business.

Fucking bastards. Shitheads. Crazy motherfuckers.

Alright, alright, calm down.