Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 139: Second Quarter (2)

Chapter 139: Second Quarter (2)

Second Quarter (2)

Planarium Academys dormitory, first floor.

I received my student ID at the entrance control room.

Senior Shion Ascal.

I could feel a vague sensation of mana and spirit energy. Even the faint activation of Treasure Hunter suggested that losing this would be a real problem.

Youd better not lose it.

A voice kept butting in from the side.

It was Elise. She had been fussing about this since earlier. As if anyone wouldnt know not to lose it.

Youd better not lose yours either.

Do you really think I would?

Yeah, yeah.

Ignoring her snickering, I opened the door to Room 107. Elise, after some hesitation, chose the room next to mine, Room 106.

Its the only one left.

Who said anything?

Slam- Elise closed her door.

I looked at my own room.


It was about 6 to 7 pyeong in size. The view of Planarium was clearly visible from the window.

Not bad.

I unpacked my luggage. Nothing special. Clothes, CDs, Grawls cushion, the Ascal sword, and a lunchbox I bought on the train.

Sniff sniff- The lunchbox had already gone bad. I bought it three hours ago.

I should throw it away Oh right, the Bethune CD.

I picked up the Bethune CD. Soliette was probably in Room 206.

I left my room and climbed the stairs.

Room 206.

Knock knock- I knocked on the door.

No response.

No matter how long I waited, no sound came from inside.

She must already be playing the game.

Im coming in.

I opened the door.

As expected. On the already turned-on TV, a 2D character was moving around freely.

Hey, you should lock the door when youre playing, shouldnt you?

At that, the game character on the TV paused. She looked at me.

mark[br][/br] [Solize]

: Shion. Youre here?

: What happened to the CD?

Yeah. I brought it. Ill charge you 20,000 Ren.


: What? I cant hear you.

That wont work.

mark[br][/br] [Solize]

: Sob sob.

Somehow, she, who is in the game, can hear the sounds from outside the game.

Ill log in soon.

Ill find out when I get in.


: Oh. So Shion is coming now?

Yeah, thats right.

The 2D character smiled.

mark[br][/br] [Solize]

: Haha. I see. Youll be starting from level 1.

: Im already at level 19. Youll have to work hard to catch up.

: Or should I help you level up a bit? Haha.

: Ill go back to the starting village.

Haha- The 2D character in the screen laughed and smiled. Haha-

She seemed to be having fun. She seemed to enjoy the game itself.

I was relieved. She had always been gloomy before her regression.

But youre there because of Knightmare, right?

At that, the characters expression became serious.

mark[br][/br] [Solize]

: Of course.

: Of course, this game is fun. It could become my hobby. But the reason its fun is also because I can get hints about Knightmare here.

: The more I become convinced that Knightmare is related to Bethune, the more fun I have.

: It might even be excitement.

So, shall I insert the CD?


: Yes. Please come in.

I inserted the CD into the second slot of the game console.


I wonder what the special edition will be like.


The sound of the CD settling in. Soon, magic flowed from within the game console. It wrapped around me and swallowed me whole.

* * *

Welcome to [Base of Dungeon Dungeon].

A pitch-black space. The voice from the game echoed in surround sound from all directions.

I looked around and muttered to myself.

How fascinating.

Please set your name.

A keyboard appeared in the air.


I typed in my name.

Shion. Confirmed.

Its confirmed without asking twice.

So, this is why Soliette made a typo.

Applying body scaling system.

Evaluating the talent of [Shion]s body.


The dispersed magic scanned my body like a scanner.

Human Quality: Lower

Why is it lower?

Its natural to be lower before regression, but now its frankly unfair.

The upgraded Notepad is not inferior to anyone.

Premium edition bonus confirmed. Quality is anchored to Upper.

You can choose your race.

1. Upper Human

: Play as your original body.

: Full of potential. Free to all classes.

2. Upper Dwarf

: Your body is compressed to be small and sturdy.

: Excellent strength and accustomed to crafting. Restricted in agile movements.

3. Upper Elf

: Your body becomes slender and longer. Your appearance becomes beautiful.

: Your movements become agile and quick. You get a headache when away from nature.

4. Upper Fairy

: Your body shrinks to of a humans size.

: You become familiar with magic and can fly in the sky.

I chose human.

Please choose the class of [Upper Human: Shion].

Warrior, mage, rogue, priest, bard, ranger.

Premium edition bonus confirmed. Expanded classes are added.

Expansion: Cleric, barbarian, monk, druid, berserker

Ive played DND-style games before. With Yael. It was practically a two-person show, but Yael always complained that the cleric was overpowered.



Im drawn to the Gambler class.

Its not me, its the Treasure Hunter reacting.

Ill go with Gambler.


: The Gamblers basic bonus stats are anchored to 1. All other level-up stats are replaced with luck.

: You cannot choose basic skills and can only use Gambler-specific skills.

: Instead, you start with an initial luck stat of 16.

Do you choose the Gambler class?

Yeah. Ill go with that.

In a state of knowing nothing, its reliable advice from R-elix. Theres no reason not to follow it.


Upper Human Lv. 1 Gambler

Luck 16

Checking the premium creators bonus.

Zzzz- The sound of tape rewinding, and someones voice is played.

To the esteemed elder of Trick City, Wieder. I am grateful for your faith in my talent and your generous support. I sincerely wish you all the luck in your endeavors.

Your luck increases by 11 as a creators bonus.

All bonus stats increase by 1.5.

Due to the Gambler class, bonus stats are converted to luck.

The permanent buff Wieders Blessing wraps around your body.

Entering the Base of Dungeon Dungeon

A white light flowed into the pitch-black space.

I closed my eyes because of the brightness, and when I opened them again, I was inside a narrow room.


I checked my body first.

Hands, feet, hair, eyes, scars, R-elix, Notepad, even leg hair, everything was the same.

It was just me.


I looked around inside. There was a rock-like bread on the desk.

[Half-eaten Stone Bread]

I grabbed it and went outside. It was a village bathed in the midday sun.

A beginners village?

Its a bit medieval. Brick buildings and wooden benches on the roadside. Even a gothic-style castle in the distance.

People were bustling about on the streets, and the sound of conversation was lively, like white noise.


Someone called my name from behind. I turned around to see a redhead rogue.


It was Solize.

She approached with a lively face and asked.

Lets start with the class. What is it? Warrior? Mage? We need a warrior for the quest Im on.

Im a Gambler.

Excuse me?

Soliette was taken aback.


Her eyes narrowed.

A Gambler? What is that a wasteful and reckless class?

It just looked fun.

Hmm It doesnt seem very useful for the party. But accept my friend request for now.

[Solize has sent a friend request.]

[Solize has sent a party request.]

I accepted both.

What skills do you have? Ive got a few useful skill books.

Soliette pulled out two books from thin airprobably her inventory. I shook my head.

Gamblers cant use other skills. Only class-specific skills.

What kind of garbage


Lets see. What are the skills?

I belatedly checked the skills. There were exactly four.

Card Draw

Dice Roll



Card Draw. Dice Roll. Betting. Deception.

Where do you use such things.

Soliettes expression noticeably hardened. It was a look of disappointment, even dismay.

What about the class passive?

Hold on.

There were three passives.

Poker Face

Dynamic Vision

Sleight of Hand

Dynamic Vision. Poker Face. Sleight of Hand.

What kind of garbage class is this, with no combat-related skills at all?

Soliette frowned and crossed her arms. At this rate, she might start groaning.

Well, its actually better this way. The more vivid and lively her emotions are, the more it means shes enjoying herself.

Im a Gambler.

Where on earth did you get such a class? It doesnt seem like a standard class.

Uh well, my CD is an expansion pack. They say its not much different from other classes.

I thought it would upset her if I told her it was some sort of special edition. Soliette had already put a lot of effort into leveling up her character.

I wouldnt say theres no difference, but it doesnt look very good, but whatever. Follow me. I can carry us. By the way, the Rogue class is the best.



Soliette took the lead, and I followed her.

But then.


I found something on the ground. It was a shiny silver coin.


Money? Where?

Soliette looked at the ground with wide eyes.

Ive already picked it up.


She made a slightly disappointed sound.

Picking up a silver coin. Ten copper coins make one silver coin. Youre lucky. Can I see it for a moment?

Soliette reached out her hand. I shook my head with a smile.

No. How can I trust a rogue?

What did you say?

I mean, youre a thief, arent you?


Soliette looked baffled, but she didnt refute it.

Its obvious. She must have some kind of pickpocketing skill, right?

Lets go.

We moved forward again.

After about ten steps.


I found something on the ground again. This time it was a mana stone. I quickly picked it up.

Soliette glanced at it.

What is it this time?

Looks like a mana stone?

Youre lucky. Congratulations.

Her mouth said congratulations, but she was clearly envious.

It seems to be the effect of the beginners luck buff.


Yes. Check your status.


Beginners Luck

All abilities increase by 2 times for 30 minutes after entering the Bethune Dungeon and taking your first steps.


Advanced Human Lv. 1 Gambler

Luck 35 (+35)

In other words, my luck is currently a whopping 70.

Thats right. Theres a buff huh?

I picked up something again right away. This time it was a wooden ring.

A ring?

I quickly put the ring on. Soliette chuckled as if she found me cute.

Shion, really. Items like that are common. Its obviously a wooden ring.

Is it?

I checked the item information.

Ring That Looks Ordinary But Isnt

Casting Speed Reduction [4%]

Agility Increase [1]

Its called a Ring That Looks Ordinary But Isnt.

What did you say.

Her eyes narrowed into slits as she asked again.

Casting speed reduction by 4%, agility increase by 1.

Casting speed and agility? Those are very important stats for a rogue.

Soliettes face hardened. However, she seemed a bit skeptical.

Thats impossible. Can I see it too?

From a distance.

She stretched her neck to see the ring.

The movement of her eyes, absorbing the information, was unusual.

She squirmed, her fingers twitched. It seemed like the instinct of a rogue was trying to surface.

Anyone could see her greedy expression, so I quickly put the ring on my finger.

Hey, it seems the class characteristics also transfer to the main body. You just looked like a real thief.

Please dont call me a thief. It seems like theres something on the ground nearby.

Is there an event going on? From then on, Soliette had a fire in her eyes. She walked, staring only at the ground.

As I followed her-


I bumped into someone.

Oh, Im sorry.

I lifted my head.

No matter how much I lifted it, there was no end.

I almost broke my neck looking up.

It was a bald man with an ogre-like physique.


Soliette pulled me back. Then the bald man looked at Soliette.

Arkne, is it?

His voice was as gloomy as a cave. Is his class itself an ogre?

Yes. Hes in my party.


He nodded and then walked away with heavy steps.

Dont worry too much. Hes the same level as me. Do you know Baphamta?

Baphamta? I know. Its Ender, right?

Ender. An adventurer who ventures to the end of the world. Seeing him in person, hes really big.

Why is such a celebrity in a beginners village

Hes originally a person who likes adventures. Hes adventuring in the game.

Hmm Ah, right. Soliette. What happens if you die here?


Soliette let out a small sigh.

You resurrect once you die. You can only log out in the village, and its impossible during combat.

What if you die twice?

Her expression darkened. She quietly looked around and then spoke in a low voice.

It seems like youre trapped in this game forever. You become an NPC.


Yes, there are many people among the NPCs here who have died twice and cant leave forever. The game has sold hundreds of thousands of copies. But since the CDs are ejected and circulated when you lose, probably even more people are trapped.

Thats quite dangerous.

She must have thoroughly investigated aspects outside the game as well.

After all, Soliette wouldnt be completely engrossed in the game. Shes thorough enough to be cool-headed, at least in public matters.

Lets go. Well discuss the details later.

Before we knew it, we were at the village exit. There were several scarecrows in the wheat field.

Lets start with using skills for the tutorial.


Yes. Start with the card drawing or whatever. It seems like an attack skill.

Card Draw

The Gambler draws a card from a deck that recharges one card every three hours, up to 12 cards.

The card exhibits various effects depending on the Gamblers luck stat.

[Current Luck: 70.5]

[Current Status: Beginners Luck]

You just need to think about the skill in your head.

Okay. Ill try.

I put my hand in my pocket. I thought about Card Draw and pulled it out.

I did it.


A card was drawn. It was a black card.

It shimmered darkly like ink, and the surface seemed to ripple with magic, an ominous card.

Throw it for now. At that scarecrow.


I threw it without much thought.


The card flew lightly and stuck in the scarecrows forehead.

And then.


It caused a massive explosion.

Kwa! Kwa! Kung!

It pulverized one scarecrow, jumped to another, and exploded again, causing a chain explosion that surged like an avalanche.


We blankly watched the spectacle of the entire wheat field being destroyed.