Memoirs of the Returnee - Chapter 134: Lion Cub (3)

Chapter 134: Lion Cub (3)

Lion Cub (3)

Do you know how hard it was for me?

In the temporary restroom at the excavation site, Grawl grumbled. As a magical being, he complained about being driven to the brink of death in the mana prison.

You did well. Youve worked hard.

Words dont heal I need a tablet, no, a desktop.


At least a top-spec worth 7,000 Ren high-end a separate monitor capable of the highest resolution

I said I got it.

Only then did Grawl snort.

When did he learn words like high-end?

You. Did you confirm what the relic is?


Grawl sat on the sink.

Its mana.


It seems like a chunk of ancient mana.

Then theyve hit the jackpot.

Ancient relics, especially mana or spells, are insanely expensive, not to mention their practicality and utility. Thats because the customer, Magic Tower, has no limit to spending. Even the worst piece starts from at least ten million Ren.

If its mana theres no way to steal it, I guess.

No. A little is possible.

Grawl said nonchalantly. My eyes widened.

Really? Can you eat it?

No, I cant. Do you think Im a glutton? I cant digest mana itself. Mana cores and mana stones are edible because they have the properties of a stone.

I see.

Instead, I can transport it. Its like applying mana to my body.

Grawl stood on his two feet and spun around.

If I bring the mana, you will graft it onto the root of R-elix.

He pointed at my right forearm as he said this.

The root of R-elix refers to the connector that is usually attached to each R-elix. This connector is used to connect other R-elix to enhance them or to graft body modification implants.

My Treasure Hunter R-elix has two roots, and Grawl has five.

Cant you attach it to yourself?

Treasure Hunter is a D-grade R-elix. Originally F, but upgraded, it seems a bit too low-grade to graft ancient mana.

I cant attach it to my roots. I want to decide what goes on my roots.

Suddenly, Grawl hugged himself.

Arent your roots precious? Dont you know you could die if I graft the root wrong?

If I help, it should be fine. I can only transport a small amount anyway.


I looked at Grawl. I sighed softly.

Alright. If we succeed, Ill get you anything you want within 30,000 Ren.


Grawls eyes widened.

Lets go.

The resolute creature turned into stone debris and clung to the edge of my forearm.

I went to the site.

Be careful!

The heat has been cooled. It seems to be a chunk of ancient mana.

Ill contact the Magic Tower right away.

The excavation site was buzzing. I slowly approached.

The mana glowed faintly within the white shell.


The stone debris flowing down from my forearmGrawl moved smoothly. He slowly seeped into the chunk of ancient mana.


Thats when someone called me. It was B04. She stood by my side.

Youve done well. Thanks to you, Ill be able to advance too.


Just then, Grawls debris flowed back. Perhaps because it was full of mana, its speed was very slow. It even sparkled white.

But dont let your guard down. We still have to escort Petras daughter.

Ah, yes.

I stood in front of B04, blocking her view with my body.

Thank you, B04.

Grawl flowed in from behind me.

Ill rest for a bit It might take a day or two

His voice was weak. He fell asleep holding the mana in his arms, and B04 nodded with a satisfied smile.

Thats right. Youve worked hard, C01.

* * *

The reason [Night Moon] installed a Barrier in the museum was to block the outside view and use it as an escape route.

Reshapeable Barrier

[Night Moon], who had stolen the ancient mana, adjusted the shape of the Barrier outside the museum and shoved it under the desert. It had dug a tunnel underground.

Lets go.

Now, they were transporting the ancient mana through that place.

B01 at the front kept looking back at us as if he was angry about something. What can you do about it?


Thats when B04 called me. She looked Elise up and down. Elise was still tied to the electrical wire, and her face was covered with a mask.

From now on, we will drop off the target at the designated place.

The kidnapping of Elise was assigned to our B04 team. I had asked A09 for a favor.

The mission was to go above ground, cross the desert on a camel in a sandstorm, and leave Elise at a specific point.

That was the end of it.

B04 will drop out here.

B04 told the leader.

B01 made a circle, and the escort team of 5, including Elise, went above ground with the camels.


The desert where the sandstorm had slightly subsided. There were only four camels brought out.

Ill load the target first.

B04. Shouldnt the target be loaded behind me?

I spoke to B04 who was trying to take Elise away. B04 looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders as she seemed suspicious.

The target might not like B04 because she remembers being shocked by you.

Elise also clung to me quickly. B04 looked at us both alternately and said,

C01. If you have any other intentions-

Its Petra. Having other intentions could get me killed.


B04 nodded. Elise let out a faint laugh.

He seems to think its funny too.

I dismissed it like that.

* * *


Four camels had been traversing the desert for three hours. The sandstorm had almost completely subsided, but the heat and warmth clung heavily in the middle of nowhere.

Weve arrived.

B04 said. Shion tapped Elise, who was behind him, on the shoulder. Elise, who had been leaning and sleeping since an hour ago, woke up startled.

Put her down.

At B04s command, Elise was placed kneeling on the desert.

Leave the handcuffs, take off the mask.

Shion removed the mask. There was a faint trace of saliva on her lips.

B04 gestured with her chin.

Leave her and go back.

Is it alright to go like this?


B04, C01, C05, C06. The four masked figures turned around. They climbed back onto the camels.

Lets go.

Having memorized the location, they could follow it roughly and then return. They didnt know what had happened to Elise before the regression, but this was enough of a hindrance.

Swallowing a sigh of relief inside, Shion


Elises eyes turned blue.

The intuition of a mage who detects mana. It had been activated. She cast a shield of telekinesis on Shion.

The next moment.


A spear of mana took form and surged forward.

It wasnt just one.

Dozens of spears rushed in like missiles, directly hitting those who were riding the camels.


The explosion of blue mana.

Shion rolled around the desert like a pebble. Elise, who had untied her handcuffs, rushed to him.

Are you okay?!


Fortunately, his face was unharmed.

Except for a few broken ribs.


She looked in the direction from which the attack had been fired.

Again, they were masked figures.

This time, it was B01.

When will those crazy masked bastards stop!

For Elise, it was now getting tiresome.

Shion drew his sword from his waist.

Hes a tough one.

B01 is a pure powerhouse. B04 and the rest of the C code, who were caught in his surprise attack, were already in critical condition.

Elise. Teaming.

Shion looked at Elise. She quietly nodded.

You managed to survive, C04.

Over the sand dune, B01 said.

Ah, What the matter?

Shion asked as he got up.

B01s voice hardened.

Your entire team has violated the organizations discipline. Obedience to orders. Thats the foundation on which [Night Moon] has been maintained. I also obeyed and grew-

Dont spout off your narrative, you idiot.

He cut him off and took a big step forward. B01 fired a spear of mana.


He barely blocked it. The power carried by the spear was quite disorientating.

Hey. Its going to be hard to get close.

I was slightly flustered.

Hes a long-range brute. The fact that he can condense mana into a form itself means, regrettably, hes a higher-level mage than Elise.

Run. Ill support you.


Shion called Perion. At the same time, he dashed forward, stirring up a sandstorm.


B01 formed a spear of magic and detonated it. Elises telekinesis twisted its trajectory. The spear narrowly missed Shion.

Thanks to that gap, Shion reached B01, but the bastard wildly swung the spear of magic with both arms.


Shion blocked it with his sword.


His knees buckled under the immense force. He hastily took a step back.

Youre good at close combat, huh?

Hes much stronger than expected. Shion let out a hollow laugh as he held his sword at the ready.

B01 gnashed his teeth in frustration.

C01. Youre not worthy of being part of Night Moon.

Ive never been a part of it, you lunatic.

Then he took off his mask. B01s eyes widened.


He trembled with rage and lowered his head. He was a man with a strong sense of belonging.

So thats how it is.

He muttered quietly, then raised his head again.

Like a madman, he swung his spear without a word.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

With the force that could grind a sand dune, Shion rolled around to dodge, and Elise deployed her telekinesis, targeting his large movements. She momentarily halted his body.

Thats when Shion slashed at his chest.


He dug in as deep as he could, but it wasnt a fatal wound. It was blocked by the armor and Magic Body.

B01 swung his spear again, pushing Shion back.

He once again drew mana into his body. Shion had no intention of giving him time.


As he charged, B01 swung his spear again.

It was a feint.

It was a thrown spear.


The target wasnt Shion.

It was Elise behind him.

She hastily spread multiple layers of a telekinetic barrier. The spear slowed down upon hitting the barrier, but it was a temporary measure.

Shion twisted his body towards it. He caught up with the spear first and struck it hard.

And then.


The entire spear exploded. A crater was formed on the ground. Shion was swept away by the direct hit and buried in the desert. Fragments of mana pierced Elises body.

Sizzle- Sizzle-

The sound of sand burning.


A ringing filled his ears.

It was as if he had fallen into the sea, everything was muffled.

In the desert where blue flames flickered, Elise looked back at Shion. His body was covered in blood.

Pant, pant

From afar, the sound of heavy breathing could be heard. It was B01.

Looking at the masked man, something surged within Elise.

It was rage.

Why the hell is he doing this?

What the hell is making him act like this?

Living a criminal life at the bottom of society, like a vermin.

That anger made Elises Magic Body go berserk. Magic surged from her Magic Core. All the circuits in her body that existed opened, and those that didnt, were created.

The overflowing magic rose up around her in a blue hue. Her lemon-colored hair stood on end.

She slowly reached out a hand.


She grabbed the neck of B01, who was hundreds of meters away. She shattered his Magic Body in an instant. She lifted him up into the sky.

He tried to resist by releasing his magic, but her telekinesis swallowed it all.

Gurgle, choke

B01 was in pain.

Staring at him, Elise recalled her memories in the cell.

Digging the ground, scratching with her nails, swallowing sand, as if spitting out maggots.

Gurgle- choke- choke

Because of those damn memories, she clenched her hands even tighter.

Thud- thump

No longer a groan, but a sound as if something was being torn apart echoed from his throat.

Just when Elise was about to snap his neck.


Someone grabbed her wrist.


Elise took a deep breath. Her hair, which had risen like a snake, settled down again.


It was Shion. He slowly lowered her clenched wrist.

And then, he approached B01 alone.


B01 was already dead. The cause was a crushed cervical spine.

Shion didnt show any emotion.


Instead, he gripped his sword.

Theres no need to dirty your hands any further.

Thud-! He stabbed B01s neck. He sliced it so that the neck bone couldnt be recognized.

Elise shuddered. She hesitantly approached him.


Shion knelt down and removed B01s mask.

A common face that died vomiting blood.

He was middle-aged.

A face of a father who could have a son or daughter of my age, anywhere, anytime.

Elise bit her lip.

Cover it. Why-

We need to see.

Shion said.

We need to remember.

The battle doesnt simply end with killing. You have to face the consequences of your actions.

To do that, you have to remember the face of the person you killed.

The same goes for B01 and Dumas, who was originally C04.


Elise looked at Shion like that. She also seemed to make up her mind and took a deep breath. Then, she looked at the dead B01 with wide-open eyes.


Suddenly, there was a sound of choking not far away.

The two turned their heads at the same time.

It was B04.

The other two were almost instantly killed, but she was still breathing.

Shion ran to her.

The bleeding was severe. Her neck was almost torn, and there were fatal wounds everywhere-

Step aside.

Elise pushed him. She first stopped the bleeding from the burst parts of her body with telekinesis.


And then she snatched Shions sword. She pricked her own vein with the blade. Blood gushed out. She created a vacuum tube with her telekinesis and connected her vein with B04s.

It was a blood transfusion.

Its okay because Im type O.

Elise explained to the blankly staring Shion, but soon her expression turned into one that had made a big mistake.

Oh no!


If this person is RH-, shes in big trouble.

If shes that unlucky, she might as well die.

What an insensitive thing to say.

Shion shrugged his shoulders. Elise bit her nails, hoping nothing would go wrong.

After about 5 to 10 minutes, B04s injuries healed themselves.

Hoo Shes stabilized.

Thats a relief.

She stopped the transfusion. Shion also took off his stifling mask.

You know.

Elise asked, glancing at Shion.

Are you okay?

Of course, Im okay. Im perfectly fine. My recovery rate is pretty good.

What about the other thing.

The other thing.

Perhaps, she was asking about the killing. Shion brushed his hair back.

Im okay. Its better than me dying, right? They must have been prepared to die when they attacked.

If one tries to take anothers life, they must be prepared to face the same fate.

Shion always maintained this stance.


Elise called him. When he turned to look at her, her lips moved but no words came out. It was as if something was stuck in her throat.

Shion had a rough idea of what she wanted to say.

Its a fair trade, isnt it?

He shrugged his shoulders.

In response to his words, which seemed to dismiss the situation as nothing serious and that there was no need to be grateful, Elises expression briefly twisted in sadness.

She bowed her head to hide her feelings, biting her lip hard.

Its not a fair trade.

Elise knew it.

Its not a fair trade.

Its not a fair trade.

Its not a fair trade

The endlessly increasing numbers from him, the additions that infinitely multiply and crush her, are turning her infinitely into a minus.

Those things themselves are too much pain for her

Elises body tilted. She collapsed as if leaning on Shions shoulder.

She had fainted.


Left alone, Shion looked around. In the vast desert-like expanse, Elise had fainted, B04 had fainted, and the rest were dead.

What am I supposed to do

With a headache creeping in, Shion pressed his forehead.