Meeting Again - 90 Destines To Lose

90 Destines To Lose

I don't know why the idea of being unclean had lodged in Tony's head. Why would he think that just because of what happened I would look down on him or not see him as fitting to be my partner? I am not one of those outdated person who thinks only virgin guy and girls are pure and clean. But most unfortunately, our society had always promoted such inferior ideas. And many of the men have even gobbled down that idea without once thinking how demeaning and downgraded the thought was. But maybe Tony's case was different. It might be the shock of what happened rather than the society's regressive ideologies. But I won't let him drown in self hatred and disgust.

I calmed him a bit, though, he was still looking disturbed. I made him close his eyes and lean on the seat for rest. Closing the SUV's door of backseat, I took long strides to where Fred was. He looked extremely mad about something. I have to stop him before he ends up doing something and landing himself in jail. I heard Fred yell when I reached closer,

"Why not? You saw it with your own eyes" Fred was so close to the officer that the officer had to step back

"Mr. D'Souza it is not in my hand!" the officer said looking at Fred firmly

"So, your just going to let that b.a.s.t.a.r.d get away with it?" Fred shouted throwing his hand in air

"Mr. D'Souza, there is no law-" the officer started looking at Fred angrily

"F*ck law" Fred roared like an injured bear

I quickly held Fred by his shoulder before he start attacking any cops. He turned to me, eyes red with anger and almost ready to punch me, but the moment he saw my face, his controlled himself and the anger in his face became milder. He spoke to me urgently and with so much frustration that he looked like he might start tearing off his hair,

"This d.a.m.ned officer is saying that they will only hold that a**hole accountable for just second degree kidnapping of Tony, but not for the kidnap of Twen or attempted r*pe of his!"

Actually, I already knew it. In this society, Alpha attacking Omegas s.e.xually was not considered a crime as it was thought of as natural thing since Alpha's are built to be attracted to Omega's pheromones. Therefore, there was no law protecting them from such attacks. In fact, in several cases the Omegas don't even inform about the abuse fearing the reaction from the society which obviously was biased towards Alphas.

"Say something old man! You saw what condition he was in. You can't possibly think of letting him get away with it" Fred said to me in an agitated tone

"There is no law, Fred. Even I want nothing more than to see justice served to that a**hole, but there is no law protecting Omegas from **** attempts. You know it well, it is considered natural phenomenon of AlphOmega pheromones pull!" I said clutching my fist and looking at the ground

"But he is BONDED!" Fred bellowed, "How can they explain it with pheromones pull"

I was about to answer Fred when we both heard clicking of tongue. We both looked to our side where Mr. Olsen was standing, still s.h.i.+rtless, hands cuffed and looking bemused. He spoke mockingly,

"What happened? Put too much faith on law! Well, you were bound to be let down"

I gritted my teeth on hearing his words while Fred looked like he might as well tear him apart. But contrary to our raging emotions, Olsen looked mightily non plussed. He was giving us both a wicked look. I spoke through gnashed teeth to the officer beside,

"Officer, tear down this place. Search every nook and cranny. You will definitely find some clue or evidence" I said, but Mr. Olsen's expression remained unchanged. The officer looked surprised but didn't question me. He turned to call the other officers when I recalled something and called him, "Officer...officer"

He stopped and looked back, "Yes Mr. Walker"

"In the room, where we found that blonde lady, there is a gla.s.s and water jug...send them both for drug testing" I said

The officer blinked, astonished but nodded and went his way towards the other officers. Fred suddenly came in front of me and asked me through gritted teeth,

"Why Twen's kidnapping is not pinned on him?" he asked pointing at the chuckling bemused Olsen

I spoke in a whisper, "Haven't you realized it? There is no evidence. And whatever evidence is there it points towards my dad which means it will fall under parental kidnapping seeing as dad, by default is also Twen's grandfather, and unless there is any serious harm done to Twen, even dad would just be punished with some fines! Until and unless Amanda confesses to have done it in Mr. Olsen's order, he will not be held accountable"

Fred hissed, "Then, we will make her confess!"

"She is not just an accomplice, she is also a witness. We can't mishandle her" I said heavily

"What can this be!! A mere second degree kidnapping charges with the fact that he is a first time offender and a politician with great power in hand, can hardly hold him in prison. He will be out in a few days!! Have you realized what impact would that have on Tony?" Fred asked looking extremely p.i.s.sed

"I know that's why I am trying to gather more evidence against him for more serious offense. But this man had evaded law all his life, it won't be easy!!" I said looking thoroughly frustrated

"Old man, you can't let him out of your hand esp not after what he did to Tony. You can't let him fly free after that" Fred said, his anger now changing to despair

"Do you think I am happy about it? I am just as p.i.s.sed!!" I grumbled

"Pfft" I and Fred both turned to Olsen who guffawed seeing us both so annoyed and angry. He looked at the officer holding him and spoke in a false good manner, "Officer, may I just have a few words with this wilful boy?"

The officer shook his head and said firmly, "Sir, you're a suspect. We can't allow-"

"I won't run away officer. I am not so silly to try to run and increase charges on me!" the officer now looked perturbed but I gestured to let him to allow him to come.

He came closer to us. He bent as if he was going hug us and then his good-looking face cracked into a wide toad like smile. He whispered, his eyes glowing with malicious delight,

"Boy, you are hundred years too early to put me behind bars. Try your best" he mocked and was about to turn but stopped and spoke again, "Oh by the way, neither tearing down this place, nor testing your dearest Tony would get you any evidence. If I was so naive, I would have been caught long back!"

Fred finally lost it. He caught hold of his collar and raised his balled fist to punch him but I instantly held his hand. The officers overlooking Mr. Olsen came running towards us and pulled Mr. Olsen back quickly. Fred's grip was strong but they were able to free Mr. Olsen. I pulled him back and spread my hand in front of him like a live 'STOP' sign to stop him from hitting him. He glared at me,

"Why did you stop me?" Fred asked

"Because that's exactly what he wants you to do. He wants you to lose your temper and somehow, get yourself incriminated. I know your upset and so am I. But we have to hold back our temper" I said, feeling both angry and helpless, "But I have prepared a gift for him" I said looking back at the wicked grin of Mr. Olsen

"Do you mean-" Fred just started in an inquisitive tone when

"Dad?" a shocked female voice called, interrupting him

My face cracked into a small smile, while Mr. Olsen who was sporting an ugly smile over his face all this time, disappeared.