Meeting Again - 9 Make It Up

9 Make It Up

It was eight years since I had a taste of kiss...

It was during high school when I had a pa.s.sionate s.e.xual affair with Robbie...

I thought we were a couple, though he never openly acknowledged it..

We would secretly hang out..

It was during my heat...

I was out of my suppressant and Robbie lost it...

I didn't want to do it during heat, as I knew the chances of getting pregnant at that time is the highest...

But I thought we were both in love and if anything goes wrong, Robbie would be with me...

So I gave in...

We pa.s.sionately made love...

Robbie ended up bonding with me that day...

I happily obliged...

Thinking he is the one for me...

But what happened after that was beyond my dreams...

Since then, I was never touched or even got intimate with anyone...

So, this sudden and aggressive kiss took my breath away. I went totally blank. I could feel Robbie's body heat, his burning mouth, his breath, his was so alluring...

His warm lips was sucking onto mine. I don't know whether it was the suddenness of the attack or was it just by intuition but I kept my lips tightly shut. But that didn't phase Robbie. He was not about to give up. He left my arm and put his hand behind my head pulling me close. He furiously licked my lips trying to open my mouth. I had totally forgotten to breath. Under his vehement attack, I was getting out of breath fast. Ultimately, I couldn't take it and opened my mouth to suck in some air. Robbie took advantage of this weak moment and quickly put his tongue inside my mouth. He started feeling inside my mouth with his tongue. I tried to move back but his hand firmly held me in place. I tried to put his tongue out but it only ended up into some erotic tongue battle. Inspite of myself, the heat of my body started rising. I was losing my awareness. The sensation was too overwhelming.

He kept at it until we were both out of breath. I stared at him breathing hard like I had ran a marathon. He did the same. My mind was totally muddled and I only regained my consciousness when Robbie gave a mischievous smile.

"You are still weak to my kisses. It is effective in shutting you up" he smirked.

If I had ever felt more humiliated than now, I don't remember it. My cheeks were burning red. I was feeling thoroughly ashamed of myself. I promised to never give in to this guy and here I am going with the flow. The tears of humiliation stung my eyes. I was shaking with utter embara.s.sment. I am no more a high school kid who is getting all aroused due to a kiss. This was the biggest disadvantage of this Omega body. You can't fight with the pleasure. I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself.

When I was lost in self embara.s.sment, Robbie had called on his cell phone. I didn't hear what he was talking about but the last sentence brought me sharply back to reality

".....take care of the kid in the room 309" Robbie said disconnecting the call

"What- what are you trying to do with Twen? Don't you dare.."

"I am doing nothing to him. I just sent my chauffeur to guard him" he said before I could complete

"I don't need your f**king guards. I don't want anything to do with you.."

"I won't let you resign" he interjected harshly

I looked at him with flames burning in my eyes, "If you think that is going to stop me, then go ahead. I don't want you anywhere near my Twen and I ll make sure of it"

Robbie grimaced. He looked in pain. He said in a desperate voice

"Give me one chance Tony. I ll make it up to you. Twen is afterall my son as well and you are my Omega"

I felt as if someone had slapped me.

His Omega??!! His son?? Make it up?

"You lost your chance Robbie" I said in a trembling voice, "It's too late now. I and Twen don't need you. You discarded me like a garbage and you asked me to kill Twen who you are claiming to be your son right now. What right do you have to call me your Omega or Twen your son?? You can't make it up"

Robbie looked grief stricken. He was looking at me with pleading eyes. But I can't feel anything. Too much time has pa.s.sed and all my feelings have evaporated. I am happy being Twen's mother and Twen is happy without his dad. I don't want to complicate anything.

I unlocked the door and walked out. Robbie didn't stop me. Past is best when it remains in past, it only causes pain when it barges in your present...