Meeting Again - 88 Don't Touch Me

88 Don't Touch Me

We barged open the door to see a wide corridor like area turning at the corner with only a wardrobe, table and a chair. The chair was occupied by a blonde lady who was busy in her cellphone. She immediately stood up on seeing us. Her eyes looked like they were about to fall off. I instantly recognised her as Amanda. The three cops with me quickly ran and caught hold of her while I and Fred ran past them to turn the corner.

It opened into a wide hall like area which was surprisingly empty. It had only a huge king size bed, a table with some doc.u.ments, water jug and a gla.s.s and an armchair placed at the end of the bed. I and Fred stopped in our tracks horrorstruck. The scene that greeted us. .h.i.t both of us like a thunderbolt.

Tony was on his stomach, naked at the bottom with hips raised and his s.h.i.+rt half open. His head was buried in the bed, his hand that we could see was clutching onto the bedsheet tightly. Behind him, Mr. Olsen, s.h.i.+rtless, was on his knees, his hands on both side of Tony's waist and his erect p***s pointed right at Tony's b.u.t.tocks!

Mr. Olsen looked quite taken aback on seeing us. He was so stunned that he remained staring at us while we too stared at the horrible and shameful sight, dumbstruck. I balled my fist as the anger at the pit of my stomach started boiling up like a vicious snake. I didn't wasted anymore time and ran straight at him. Without a second thought, I landed my balled fist on his cheek. Mr. Olsen fell on his back in the bed holding his cheek. I felt Fred came up right after me, and pull Mr. Olsen from the bed, holding him in a neck lock. Two other cops who accompanied us came running into the hall and seeing Fred almost choking Mr. Olsen, tried to pull him out of his hold. But Fred didn't look like he wanted to let go and unfortunately, for the cops, in front of Fred's bear like stature, they both were falling short. I heard Fred yell in utter fury,

"Leave me. I am gonna kill this a**hole. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d doesn't deserve to live. You sc*mbag!" he held Mr. Olsen even more tightly making him gargle, his spit flying out of his mouth and his eyes rolling.

"Mr. D'Souza your strangling him. Let him go!! Leave him! Mr. D' will be charged with attempt to murder if you don't leave him" the cops screamed at Fred trying to get Mr. Olsen out of his hold.

As the cops and Fred struggled with Mr. Olsen, I took off my overlong coat and covered Tony. I turned him around but was immediately horrified to find Tony biting onto his fist so hard that blood was flowing down his hand. His face was covered in sweat and tears. His eyes shut tightly and he didn't even look like he was aware of his surroundings. I turned him around and tried to pry his fist out of his biting mouth but he just wouldn't let go. I pulled his hand speaking urgently,

"Tony, Tony...It is me! It's Robbie. Leave your hand. Your hurting yourself. Stop it...Open your mouth...TONY" I almost screamed at him

But he looked at the verge of fainting. My heart was about to explode from fear. He must have bit onto his hands to keep himself from losing his head. I shook him vigorously but he was still not responding. Scared, I looked round the room to see if there was anything that could help me wake him up and found the water jug. I carefully put him onto the bed, went past the still struggling cops and Fred and took the water jug. I ran back and poured water on Tony's pale dead looking face. This made him respond. His eyelids flickered. I quickly placed the jug on floor and put one of my arm round his shoulder pulling him up to my chest and gently patting his cheek. Tony's brows creased, his eyes blinked and finally, he opened his mouth letting go of his hand.

I immediately put his hand away, and shook him. Tony slowly opened his eyes, he blinked few times before he fully opened it. I sighed in relief and hugged him. I didn't know what I would have done if anything happened to him. But when I pulled back, I saw tears rolling down his cheek, I wiped it off, smiling at him gently

"Don't worry. We are here. You will be fine now" I said, rea.s.suringly.

"T-Tw-Twen" Tony stuttered.

"He is fine. He is with Mum and Sam, don't worry" I said, giving him a forehead kiss

"D-do-don't t-t-touch me" more tears leaked out of his eyes as he stammered

I was stumped. I looked at him with wide fearful eyes. I moved his hair away from his face as I apologized in a shaking voice,

"I am so sorry that am late. I am really sorry! You can hate me all you-"

"I-I don't h-hate you" Tony muttered with difficulty, "B-but I-I am" he said as I saw a stream of tears roll down and he closed his eyes, "I-I am d-dirty"

For a few seconds, I didn't comprehend what he said but then it suddenly struck me,

"What nonesense Tony. You are not dirty" I said gently caressing his face

"I am n-not worthy of-of you" Tony stammered

I was left dumbfounded. What was Tony saying? Why would he even think like that? Worthy of me? If anything I am not worthy of him! Because of me, he is in this condition. If I had not entered his life, he wouldn't have to face all this!!

Cough..Ha hahaha...cough..haahaa

I heard a coughing laugh beside me. It was Olsen, held by the two cops and hands in cuffs. Finally, the cops have gotten Fred's hold away from Mr. Olsen, though, Fred was still standing with his hands across his chest, shooting murderous glances at him. Mr. Olsen looked at me, his eyes s.h.i.+ning with glee and wickedness,

"Your dearest toy seemed to have been stained by me" he sneered, as he continued to cough and laugh

"You better shut your mouth, if you don't wanna lose your teeth!" I growled, glaring at him

"Breaking my teeth won't change the fac-" Mr. Olsen couldn't complete before Fred grabbed hold of his jaw

"What are you guys waiting for, Christmas? Take this b.l.o.o.d.y b*stard out" Fred roared at the cops, who grimaced at Fred's bossy nature but quietly did as told!

I looked at Tony who looked broken and his lips pressed tight in a straight line. His face turned and eyes shut. I felt my stomach twist painfully seeing him in such a state. I looked at Fred who too was looking at Tony sadly. I requested him,

"Can you please leave us alone for a minute?"

Fred looked at me, his eyes showing despair but he nodded and quietly walked out. I looked back at Tony, who was not meeting my eyes,

"Tony, look at me!" I said

But he refused to look. I put my hand over his face gently and made him turn to me. I bend near his face and requested, "Please"

He opened his eyes, tears beaming on the surface. I looked straight in his eye and said affectionately,

"You are not dirty. You are and will always be the most beautiful person I have known and had the fortune of loving!"

"Bu-But I and that mman-" Tony stuttered through his tears

"If having s.e.x with another man makes you dirty, then I am hundred times dirtier than you are. I slept with almost my entire college to forget about you and that too willingly. Unlike here, where that filthy b.a.s.t.a.r.d, forced you" I said, interrupting him.

I saw Tony's nose and cheeks turning red as he held my arm with his bleeding hand. His tears forming tracks on his cheek. He looked at me, lips trembling and said as his voice broke,

"Y-you made me w-wait too long"