Meeting Again - 82 What Do You Want?

82 What Do You Want?

"Aaahhhh Amanda, I told you the dose was too much" I heard Mr. Olsen speak to the woman beside him

"I apologise, Mr. Olsen. I was worried that he might make a ruckus and call the attention of the cops. It was a really close shave" the woman named Amanda said


"Ok then Amanda. Why don't you clear his head?" Mr. Olsen said genially

"I don't think that that's a good-" Amanda started doubtfully

"Do it" Mr. Olsen voice suddenly turned sharp.

The woman didn't argue anymore, she meekly said 'yes' and walked quickly to the table.

Tap Tap Tap!

The sound of her heels seemed to have magnified manifolds in my ear. It sounded so loud that I felt someone was. .h.i.tting me with a hammer. My eyes started tearing up in pain. I looked up towards the woman who was standing before the table, pouring water in a gla.s.s which already had something like a pill. She mixed it and walked straight to me.

"Have it Mr. Hawker. It negates the effect of the drug. You'll feel better" Amanda said holding out the gla.s.s

I felt suspicious and looked at her with narrowed eyes. She had straw blond hair, bluish eyes, a strong jaw, good height and broad shoulder. I wanted to ask her what it was that she was giving me, but I felt too dizzy and my throat too dry to say anything. When I didn't take the gla.s.s, she came beside me, pulled up my face, forced open my mouth and poured the contents of the gla.s.s slowly. I drank it inspite of myself. She left me once the gla.s.s was emptied. I coughed as the content also went into my nose and rolled down my throat.

I looked as Amanda walked back to the table. Little away from the table, Mr. Olsen had taken off his coat and had sat down in the armchair right opposite to the bed I was in. He was giving me a weird look and was caressing his lips. I felt a chill went down my spine at his way of looking at me. It was like he wants to devour me. The headache I was feeling a minute back started dissipating. Looks like they really did give me the cure. I leaned back on the headboad as my headache subsided.

"Looks like you are in a better condition now" Mr. Olsen chuckled

I glared at him. I still remembered what that man did at the party and by no means he gave me a great impression. Now, he had drugged me and forcefully brought me to this unfamiliar place. I didn't think he would be petty enough to lock me up just for pus.h.i.+ng him. What does he want? Why d.a.m.n drug did he gave me? I spoke in a croaky voice,

"What do you want?"

"Hmmm lets say LOTS!" Mr. Olsen said, his eyes s.h.i.+ning with a strange light

"I don't-" I croaked but got interrupted

"Ohhhh you didn't meet Amanda, did you? Come here babe!" he said, forwarding his hand to her. She was beside the table. Hearing him, she left the table side and came to my line of sight, taking the Mr. Olsen's hand which he kissed.

I really didn't know where this was leading to. Why would I even want to know this lady? I wanted to have a serious conversation here and out of the blue he wanted to introduce this lady to me?

"She is Amanda. My trusted aide. Actually you both might have already seen each other" Mr. Olsen snickered

I looked at the lady carefully. No bell rang. She looked as familiar as any stranger would. I raised my eye brow and looked at Mr. Olsen wondering if it was his way of joking but the next line he spoke, took the breath out of me,

"Oh not face to face, maybe in school security camera!"

Security camera? School? TWEN!!

The drug, abduction and me finding myself in unfamiliar place with new faces totally made me forget about the situation I was currently dealing with. Twen was abducted and I don't know where on Earth was he. And there was a doubt that Robbie's dad might be the probable suspect. This was what I was talking about with Robbie when I clashed with those men.

Just then Mr. Olsen's words. .h.i.t me. This woman in security cam? She is the one who took Twen!! I jumped down the bed to go straight at her and demand to know my son's whereabouts but I almost fell down as my legs were totally numb. I quickly held the headboard to balance myself.

I heard a whistling sound followed by a snicker, "The antidote sure worked. He is quite energetic" Mr. Olsen sneered.

"YOU! You kidnapped my son. Where is he??Where did you keep him? Return him back right now! Give him back to me" I yelled at the woman who just nonchalantly snorted, turned and walked away

"WAIT! GIVE MY SON BACK" I bellowed but my legs were not being cooperative at all and I helplessly watched her disappear.

"Haaahh Relax Tony" Mr. Olsen said leaning back on his armchair and smiling at me maliciously, "She did that on MY orders"