Meeting Again - 78 Message

78 Message

I quickly typed the message and sent. My shaking hands were not being very cooperative. Just writing one text had me erase it at least eight times. I saw Sam talking to the teachers but I just had about enough. I can't tolerate to stay in the room any longer. I walked out of the room to the school porch.

The thought of Twen being somewhere with a stranger who G.o.d knows what was doing with him was eating me from inside. I was going on praying that they don't harm Twen. If he was kidnapped at around 4, then it was already more than an hour. But why was there no ransom call? Was it really a kidnap?

My habit of overthinking was only making my thoughts get darker and more grim. I pushed back my hair and slammed the pillar beside me with both my hands. I felt a stinging pain on my hands but I couldn't care less. I was waiting for the cops to come and quickly search Twen out. I can't take this panic any longer. I felt like it might spill out any second. I took out my cellphone thinking of informing Fred and Tanya when


My cell phone rang suddenly breaking the silence of the night and my chain of tragic thoughts. I quickly looked at it to see it was Robbie. I hurriedly picked it up and heard him speak urgently and in horror,

"Tony, what do you mean Twen is abducted?" he asked

"Ro-Robbie...Twen is nowhere to be found. When Sam came to pick him from school, he was not here. Sam checked the nearby areas but he was not there either. We checked the security cameras and it looks like some teacher took him off" I said, my voice breaking

"WHAT?? Did you call the cops?" he asked, sounding perplexed

"Sam did. They must be on their way" I said.

No sooner the words were out of my mouth than I heard the siren of cops car approaching.

"Tony, did that teacher took him in a car?" Robbie asked as I heard some music in his background and someone calling him.

"Yes" I replied shortly. My throat was too dry to speak.

"Send me the car's details right now, as well as the details of the teacher, get hold of all her records and send me. Also if there is any ransom call, inform me immediately! Got it?" Robbie said in a stern and alert voice which couldn't hide the tension beneath.

"Yes" I barely choked out.

This all doesn't felt like real to me anymore. I could only agree to do what it takes to find Twen out. At that very moment, I saw the cop's car reach the school and many uniformed cops came rus.h.i.+ng towards the school porch where I was standing.

"And-" I was focussing on the cops so Robbie's word slightly surprised me. He paused as if contemplating something, then said gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth, "Call Fred"

I was taken off guard on hearing that. I would have informed him anyway but Robbie specifically asking me to call him surprised me. I stuttered, "Wh-what?"

"Fred belongs to the D'souza family and have a large network. He will be able to help you track Twen down. I will be taking the first flight back, but even still I won't reach there before night. Fred can help you till I reach there. So, call him okay?"

"I-I will" I said as I saw one square faced, tall cop approaching me.

"Sir, would you happen to point us towards the -"

"This way" I said interrupting the cop who gestured the other cops to follow him. I quickly wrapped up the call saying Robbie,

"I have to hang up right now, the cops have reached."

"Okay! Don't forget what I told you. Send me the details ASAP" Robbie kept reminding me

"Yes I will and Robbie-" I said as the cops and I reached the faculty room. The cops immediately pa.s.sed me and entered the room. I was about to follow them in as I said softly, "I'll be waiting" and I hung up the phone.