Meeting Again - 74 I Apologise

74 I Apologise

But when Mrs. Walker asked me to call her 'Mom', I felt that hollow in my heart suddenly filled. I forgot that not all relations in this world are formed through blood. There are some relation which are formed through trust, love, care! My eyes started welling up. I quickly looked down to hide my tears. I heard Mrs. Walker's tensed voice,

"Did I offended you? I apologise-"

"NO!" I said, raising my head and looking at her beautiful face with teary eyes, "I was just too overwhelmed by your words. I had not seen my parents ever since my high school...."

I choked on my words

I saw Mrs. Walker's tensed face relax and change into that of sympathy. She placed her hand over mine and said with deep genuine care in her voice, "Tony, I don't know why your family didn't treated you well or why they left you but from what I see and what I heard from Robbie about you, they are the ones who are at loss. They lost the opportunity to be the proud parents of such a wonderful son"

I gave a bittersweet smile towards her and said with a low, almost whispering, voice, "I haven't done anything to warrant such kind words, Mrs. Walker. I am just your regular Omega guy who is trying to live a normal life!"

She gave me an affectionate smile, "A pre-teen boy who braved the pain of being left behind by the very people who he trusted the most, of being rejected by this cruel and unjust society and even the one he loved; who at the age of seventeen took the tough decision of giving birth to a kid when all the odds were against him and trying to give the kid a beautiful life when his own life hasn't been all suns.h.i.+ne and daisies, while working day in and day out! It is an extraordinary strength in an ordinary boy. I see every reason to warrant my compliment"

When she phrase it like that it feels like an exceptional feat. I have never heard anyone praise me for all the struggles I had to go through. I stopped expecting anything from anyone ever since Robbie's rejection. I thought that my life will never come out of the darkness, that's why I worked hard so that, even if I don't get the happiness, Twen at least should. And I thought I will find my happiness through his. Now, at this moment, I received something I never ever thought I would. I looked up at Mrs. Walker and said giving her an emotional smile,

"Thank you...MOM"

Mrs. Walker's eyes sparkled on hearing me. She tapped my hand lovingly and looked at Robbie. Robbie looked like he was trying to be invisible. While Twen quietly swallowed his pastry. Mrs. Walker spoke to Robbie with seriousness in her voice,

"Robbie, can you leave me alone with Tony for a few minutes?"

Robbie's eyes widen slightly as he looked from his mother to me and then back at her. He nodded, got out of his seat and called Twen to come along. Twen grabbed my s.h.i.+rt, not wanting to leave me alone. I smiled at him and said caressing his soft black hair,

"Twen, Granny Ash wants to have a talk with Mommy. Be with..." I looked at Robbie, who was patiently waiting beside me, "Dad for a little while"

Twen looked a little surprised on my referring Robbie as his dad, while Robbie's face broke into a smile and so did Mrs. Walker's. Twen eyed Robbie for a few seconds before nodding sullenly. Robbie forwarded his hand to hold his, which Twen took and they walked out.

"Is there something you want to tell" I asked once they left

"I am sorry" she said looking very apologetic

"Why are you-" I started, frowning at her sudden apology

"Robbie's rejection must have hurt you a lot. Your pregnancy was not your mistake alone. I know, I couldn't turn back time and neither could I ever do anything for all the pain that you went through. All I can do is apologise for Robbie's thoughtless actions" Mrs Walker spoke earnestly, looking sorry.

"I agree that what Robbie did was hurting and very painful. So many years, I spent hating and cursing him for ruining my life" I saw Mrs. Walker look even more sorry on hearing my words, she looked down towards her hand, and shut her eyes, "But at the same time, he gave me the very reason to go on living, Twen!"

Mrs. Walker opened her eyes and looked back at me. I smiled at her,

"I realised only two days back that I was not the only one who suffered. I hated him for years and thought I could never forgive him. But mom-"

Mrs. Walker shook her head and her pretty grey eyes filled with a thin film of tear as she spoke interrupting me,

"No, Tony. You had every right to be angry and every right to hate my son. I wouldn't ask you to forgive him either. That would be very selfish of me. I will only ask you to give him one more chance. I know my son and believe me when I say, he regrets his action. He really wants to make up for it. I just want you to give him that chance"

"Mom" I said holding both her hands with mine, "I already have given him another chance and I know now that Robbie is being sincere. He truly intends to make up for his wrongs. I know that everything between us hasn't resolved yet but I can tell you with all sincerity that I don't hate Robbie anymore"

Mrs. Walker looked at me intently before her face broke into a smile mixed in several emotion. She held back my hand tightly and said with a graceful yet a tearful smile,

"G.o.d can be so unfair at times. You deserve to be happy and be loved Tony. I hope that your future only holds happiness for you"

"Don't worry mum, I'll make sure of it" Robbie said appearing behind me with Twen, on his arms, though his face was still a bit sullen. Atleast, he wasn't outright rejecting Robbie like he did before.

Mrs. Walker looked at us three and chuckled lightly, "You three look like a family already"

I blushed and laughed along with Robbie and Mrs. Walker. Finally, we all walked out of the cafe. Mrs Walker hugged me and said in her soft voice,

"It was great meeting you son. Take care. And if you ever you have some problem, you can always come to me"

I smiled murmuring a quick 'Yes...Mom'

She then held Twen's shoulder bending to his height. She kissed him on his cheek and said with a wide smile,

"And my little prince, do come to meet this Granny again, okay."

Twen nodded throwing his arms round her neck. This is the best thing about children. They are innocent. Whoever is kind to them, they will accept them wholeheartedly.


On our way back, Robbie had a constant smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes and asked,

"What's with all the smile?"

Robbie gave me a quick cheeky glance and said with a chuckle, "I told you my mum is awesome!"

I couldn't deny. She really was an amazing woman. I smiled rubbing my nose, "She is. She holds no prejudice against Omega like most Alphas does and is so kind and graceful"

"Of course, she is!" Robbie exclaimed proudly

"Can we meet her again?" I asked looking at Robbie with puppy dog eyes

"Mum already gained two fans in her very first meet" he said rolling his eyes, "Well, she normally stays very busy with her designs and all and had to go out of the country often too. But don't worry, we'll definitely find time to meet her. I am sure she will like it too"

I leaned back on my seat feeling very full and warm for the first time in forever. The rest of the journey went quietly till we reach my quarter. Twen had already fallen asleep in the back seat after getting tired of playing mobile games. I was feeling stiff and sleepy too. Robbie took Twen in his arms and locked the car door.

We reached the quarter, where Robbie put Twen in his bed while I got refreshed and changed into my night dress. I came out of my room to see Robbie putting on his overcoat.

"Are you leaving already?" I asked, seeing him check his pocket

"Yeah. I am leaving tomorrow morning" he replied, taking out his cellphone and quickly looked through something, "The meeting's on Monday!"

"I see" I said, feeling slightly disappointed.


What the h.e.l.l!

Robbie really has made me used to his company.

I shook my head and looked at his eyes move through the mobile content,

"Hope you have a successful merger!"

Robbie stopped looking and put the cellphone back in the coat pocket and said in a little disturbed voice, "To tell you the truth, I don't wanna go. I am having this weird strong unexplainable feeling that I should stay here"

I blinked looking at his solemn expression and laughed, "You are just nervous. Don't worry dummy! You'll do great! Have confidence"

"I am confident. Though, dad refused to let Roger come along, but my a.s.sistant, Jane, is just as capable as Roger. So, it'll be fine" Robbie explained, then looked at me very seriously. He put his hand on both side of my face and said firmly, "Tony, take care. If anything out of the place happens, anything at all, inform me. If I don't pick the call, text me. But don't keep it to yourself okay?"

This seriousness in Robbie's voice made me feel anxious too. I nodded feeling Robbie is over-reacting. Who would have thought that Robbie's instinct would be spot on!