Meeting Again - 67 Finding Home 2

67 Finding Home 2

"Relax! I am not judging you. I was simply intrigued by you as my daughter wouldn't shut up about you"

I breathed a sigh of relief so that was the case. I laughed lightly as I said,

"Tanya and I have been friends for last four years so I guess that she really cares for me"

Mr. Jonas looked at me with unfathomable eyes as he said in a tone heavy with complex feelings,

"That's not all. You are his first true friend who stayed with her despite knowing her true sub gender"

This was a new information for me. I and Tanya might have been friends for long but I had known her true gender only recently and I hardly knew anything about her past. Since, I didn't wanted my past to be questioned, I refrained from asking about others. I never knew that she didn't have any friends but she talked with many in the job. So, I asked somewhat hesistatingly,

"Uhmm but she speaks with many in the job. She is easy going so I thought she had lots of friends"

Mr. Jonas chuckled softly and shook his head,

"Tanya had to face a very hard time after her sub gender test. She was bullied and s.e.xually hara.s.sed by her cla.s.smates and unfortunately, no one came to her rescue not even the teachers. I changed her school 5 times just to prevent her from all this attacks. But it hardly helped. This made her have very negative outlook towards people and their intention"

I knew what Mr. Jonas was talking about. I had to go through it all except mine was a bit different. Unlike Tanya, my cla.s.smates were disgusted of me esp guys. They would avoid me at all cost. I was completely isolated. Until a curious charismatic Alpha started chasing me. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Mr. Jonas continue,

"During her college, she didn't fill her true sub gender and to prevent anymore of a.s.saults esp during her heats, she took strong heat suppressants. Once or twice she even overdosed on them. During that time she maintained a false carefree att.i.tude towards everyone but never allowed anyone to get too close to her until she met you"

I felt both embara.s.sed as well as surprised. To think my friends.h.i.+p meant so much for Tanya. I always felt grateful that she never left my side even after knowing my sub gender turns out I wasn't the only one having such thoughts. I said sheepishly,

"Mr. Jonas, Tanya had been a great friend to me, so, I was trying to be a good friend to her as well"

Mr. Jonas smiled as he patted my back saying happily, "Young man, you are the positive influence my daughter needed. I thought I could never bring her out of her negative thinking but you did it for me. In fact, for a while, I actually thought Tanya had more than friendly feelings for you esp recently she just seem to talk of nothing but you"

The dish in my hand almost slipped out on hearing this. I quickly balanced it and said in a hurried tone,

"No that's no-"

"I know I know" Mr. Jonas laughed as he gave a hard pat on my back, "I asked her, and she told me that you were her first real friend. And she just doesn't how to treat a friend so it was coming off as odd"

I breathed out. For second, I was anxious. I am gay and if Tanya developed feeling for me, then I would end up breaking her heart which I didn't want. I smiled and spoke fondly as I and Mr. Jonas turned towards the kitchen exit with both carrying a dish,

"She is a lovely human. I am sure she will find someone who will love her for who she is"

We both placed the dishes on the table and returned to the kitchen to pick other dishes. Mr. Jonas looked a little thoughtful before he said,

"That reminds me. She had also spoken about Mr. D'Souza. She told me that she met an Alpha who didn't even attacked her after getting her smell and even apologised for scaring her. She was very happy that day and said that he made her realize that not all Alphas are sn.o.bby and l.u.s.tful. I spoke with him for a while today. He is a charming and delightful young man. I can see what my daughter found interesting about him"

So, that was it! I was also wondering why Tanya suddenly invited Fred over. Afterall, she only met him once and didn't even get aquainted that well. It looks like Fred's earnesty and sincerity got her attention. That's good. Hopefully, they both can get friendly. Fred's gentleness is exactly what she need.

"I couldn't agree more. Fred is a great guy" I laughed

"So is Mr. Walker. He makes a good match with you" Mr. Jonas chuckled as he placed the dessert on the table

I blushed red. No one ever told me that I match well with him. On the contrary, everyone always told me that Robbie with me looked like a diamond in beggar's hand. I didn't know what to say so I busied myself with serving the dishes while Mrs. Teena called everyone to dinner.

The dinner ended faster than I thought. After dinner, Fred and Mr. Jonas again got busy with their discussion over music. I saw Tanya, Mrs. Teena and Robbie talking about various matters. While, I patted Twen to sleep since he was yawning and dozing off after the dinner. Once, Twen was fast asleep, I asked Tanya if I can place Twen in the bedroom till we leave. Tanya nodded and quickly jumped up to guide me to her room.

"You can put him on my bed for now" Tabya said and I followed her instructions as I placed him on the bed and pulled a blanket over him, "He must be tired from the whole day's running" she said looking at Twen's tired face

"Yeah! I am glad he got to enjoy today, though" I smiled

"Me too" Tanya smiled back before it turning into a thoughtful look. She asked me in a wondering tone, "Tony, can I ask you something?"

"You don't need to take permission, just ask" I chuckled.

Tanya smiled brightly as she questioned, "Why did you choose our CEO over Mr. D'Souza?"