Meeting Again - 6 Nightmare

6 Nightmare

He too seem to have recognised me as his grey eyes widen and he stared at me like he was looking at a ghost.

My mind went blank. I couldn't process anything. Why? Why is this guy of all the guy in the world has to appear in front of me? This is a f**king nightmare.

My mouth stopped working. I kept staring at him like staring would change this reality. He turned and walked towards me.

"Are you.." he was about to say something but I didn't wanna hear. I don't want him to recognise me but it was just my d.a.m.n luck that at that very moment, Tanya came running in front of me and said hurriedly

"Sir Walker. Please forgive Chef Tony. It is his first day. Trust me he is very dedicated"

Robbie moved his eyes to her. His eyes was full of astonishment.

"Did you just say, Chef Tony?"

Tanya looked confused and answered with caution, "Ye-Yes"

Robbie turned his grey eyes towards me looking me from top to bottom.

"You are working in my Resort?" he asked in an amazed voice.

His Resort!!! So, Mr. Walker's son was none other than Robbie Walker? My heart stopped beating. This cannot be happening. Why here? Why now? Just how on Earth this coincidence happened? He shouldn't have remembered me. It was 8 d.a.m.n years ago. He shouldn't recognize me anymore. Why does he remember?

It is all a lie. I don't want to see him. I don't! I took a step back. He frowned at me. I don't know what he was seeing but right now my head has stopped working and I felt like the h.e.l.l had broken loose on me.

"Hey, are you ok? Tony, you don't look good" he said forwarding his hand towards me.

No! Don't touch me!

Unintentionally, I slapped his hand away before I understood what I did. Everyone stared at me in surprise. But I don't care. I just knew, I have to leave this place. And without a second glance, I ran.

"Tony" I heard him call behind me

Why? Just why? I had just started to live a peaceful life. Why did he appear? Why can't my past f**king leave me alone?

I kept running with my mind full of questions. It was killing me inside. I ran until I reached the parking area. My heart was beating so hard, that I thought it would explode. All the years of pain that I suppressed, all came rus.h.i.+ng to the fore. They were p.r.i.c.king my heart like thorns. Tears fell down my eyes before I could stop them. I felt nauseous. I sat on my toes, covering my mouth with my hand and feeling the sweat drenching my face.

"This cannot be Robbie. It is all just a nightmare. It can't be" I consoled myself. Trying to delude myself into believing that it was all just a dream.

"What can't be?" I heard Robbie's voice behind me.

I turned around and fell on the floor on my a.s.s. This guy followed me from the resturant. He was now taller and was dressed in a lavish manner like a true businessman. Right now, his beautiful smooth olive face was covered in sweat and he was huffing. Just like high school, he still looked like some prince from novel. But unlike then, now his looks terrifies me.

I moved back on the floor, my eyes wide. He walked towards me. I could hear the footsteps. I realized I was trembling. I have to speak. I have to say something. Stop him from coming near me. But my mouth wouldn't work

"So, you ARE Tony. What a coincidence that I met you in my own Resort" he said with a slight smile. I can't tell if he was mocking me or was genuinely happy.

"You have grown tall and skinny. Even your hair has grown long but you still have pretty eyes"

What nonesense was he talking. Does he think his sweet talk will make me fall head over heels for him again?

"Why do you look so scared? I am not going to hurt you!" He sat on his toes and forward his hand to touch my face.

Not again!

I slapped his hand away. And could only choke out

"Do-don't touch me"

He looked surprised and hurt. He took his hand back and apologised.

Just what was he playing at?

"You still couldn't forgive me, could you? I am truly sorry for that day and whatever I said. I had years to ponder about it and as time went by, I realized how I have wronged you. Am really sorry!"


Can his d.a.m.n sorry erase the pain that I went through?

Can his sorry give me back the years I lost trying to just make ends meet?

He destroyed my life and now want to ease his conscience with a sorry?

I started laughing, I don't know why. I looked at him, my tears had still not dried on my cheeks. I felt my mouth suddenly remembering how to work.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for Robbie? That you lied about loving me? Or that even after my several request you f.u.c.ked me without protection? Or that after getting me pregnant, you refused to take responsibility? Or that you took away a normal life from me? Or simply because you betrayed me? Will sorry change it? Will it make up for this eight years?"

I saw Robbie's face turn red. He looked like he was choking. His face showed pain and hurt. But I really couldn't bring myself to feel sympathy. Every time, I remember what I and Twen went through, all I feel is anger and hatred.

I forced myself to stand, though, my legs were shaking. I looked at him with disdain. I can't believe he actually dared to utter an apology after everything he had done

"Don't be sorry Robbie because I don't have forgiveness to give you"

Robbie looked at me with sad eyes. I didn't want to see it, so I turned and staggered towards my car, got in and drove off.