Meeting Again - 59 Hosting 2

59 Hosting 2

Rule 1: Always smile and be polite

Rule 2: Don't show your emotions on your face

Rule 3: Speak with confidence and positivity

Rule 4: Compliment the guest but never overdo it

Rule 5: No matter what never offend the guest

Rule 6: Guest is always right. So, if the guest is rude and is being a jerk, just ignore and instead, act as if he is being really polite

Rule 7: Keep your focus on the guest needs

Rule 8: Make small and light conversation

Rule 9: Answer guest queries promptly in precise and specific words" Diana explained like a strict teacher

"I understand. But what if the customer is deliberately trying to give you a hard time?" I asked rubbing my chin. I can't help but get the feeling that Chairman is doing this to give me a hard time

"Oh it's nothing uncommon. All this white collars are born with arrogance and temper. Say for example, they ordered Sidecar and once it is brought, they would simply deny ordering it or may even say they ordered b.l.o.o.d.y mary or Planter's punch. In such cases you can't lose your mind and try to justify yourself, instead all you have to do is accept that you were wrong. Simply say, 'I apologise. I heard wrong. Please don't be angry sir/ma'am, I ll immediately replace your order'" Diana said in a light but firm tone

"Quite a job you guys have got" I said rubbing my forehead.

"Hosting is essentially nothing but guest handling. It is welcoming the guest, taking their orders, serving their order, answering their queries, managing their complains etc. Most of this guests are extremely unreasonable and too proud. But we are trained to keep our calm and handle the situation as best as we can" she said flas.h.i.+ng a helpless smile

"It not an easy job"

"Well, no job is easy" she said lightly, "Since, you are a chef and are not expert with serving you can always ask a server to help the guest. There will be two servers in the event. If you are facing any problem, you can call me"

"Thank you" I said

Diana had been tutoring me with the basics of hosting. She has a calm and confident aura which makes you feel at ease and comfortable. I can see why she can be

an excellent host. After telling the regular rules of hosting she asked me for the c.o.c.ktail menu and started explaining all the items in the menu. I don't need the details for the food but as for c.o.c.ktails definitely it was beyond my field. Since, there were three base spirit and four c.o.c.ktail of each spirit so, I had to learn the origin, the preparation method, the garnis.h.i.+ng and the base spirit used (brands of alcohol used) of all the twelve in the menu. I was already starting to have a headache when


With sharp ringing noise my phone erupted. Both I and Diana were a little surprised. I took my cellphone to see it was Robbie. I looked at Diana apologetically, but she immediately said with an encouraging smile,

"No worries. Just take your time"

Smiling sheepishly, I picked up the call,

"Robbie, what's it?"

Robbie replied in soothing tone, "What're you doing?"

I was not sure how to answer his question. As it might as well give rise to several others so I simply answered with a, "Just some work"

"Did I disturbed you?" he asked quietly

"No! It's fine. Was there anything you wanted to tell me?"

"Yeah well, am sorry about this morning. I flew in rage. It was not my inte-"

"It's ok" I interrupted him. I was at fault too so I didn't wanted to drag the topic

"If you say so! I was wondering if we could have dinner together tonight" Robbie said in his usual cheeky tone

I was little surprised by this question. Didn't he know about the event tonight. In fact, I was not even sure when I ll reach home. I was planning on asking Sam and Jenny to take care of Twen for tonight. And here Robbie was asking me out for dinner?

"Robbie, I won't be free. Don't you know that we have an event tonight?" I asked him cautiously

"Event? Which event? The event for Brodus is on the next week" Robbie sounded clueless.

I didn't know how to explain this. Aren't the higher authorities suppose to be more aware of this matter esp since Robbie is the one handling the resort? I hesistated,

"The Chairman ordered us to arrange for a c.o.c.ktail party for hosting one of his special guest"

"DAD? When did he gave out the orders? Why am I not aware of it?" Robbie's voice went a pitch higher

"Yesterday most probably! I am not sure myself. Because the order was so sudden, the entire kitchen, event management and food and beverage department have been in a upheaval" I answered softly

"Why am I not informed? What is dad planning?" Robbie whispered in concerned tone

"Robbie, don't be so hyper. Calm down. It would be better if you call and talk to your dad. I have to get back to work" I said, seeing Diana patiently wait.

"d.a.m.n! I'll call him. Right now, I have to attend an important meeting. Tony, be very careful. I am worried that dad might be trying to pull some trick. But thankfully your not in the fore and will be in the kitchen but still be careful" Robbie said. His voice sounding anxious

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. Just focus on your work. Bye" I said hanging up the phone

I just can't tell Robbie about his dad's request. With his temper, he might end up throwing up his meeting and barging in on the party. I can't allow him to have any more disagreements with his dad because of me. I turned to see Diana looking at me pleasently. I smiled back and walked to her to continue our lesson.


The evening came faster than I thought. The Resort poolside was decorated beautifully. The sober twinkling lights, the flawless high table arrangements, the c.o.c.ktail bar set up, the stage, the lighting and even the music was on the point. Normally, when an event is organised, the order is given out two weeks before the event and the event order circular is distributed two days ahead. Giving the entire team to get things prepared. But, this order literally gave the entire team only half day's time to get everything done and yet, the decoration and arrangements were on the point.

I reached there with Diana two hours before the event. I was full of praises for the Event Management team to have handled such a difficult and hurried job with such precision and perfection. The team was still very busy checking if everything was running smoothly.

"Tony, I informed the Event's team to prepare a male host's uniform. You should hurry and change. Then, I can show you around to prepare you for welcoming the guests" Diana said.

I was starting to feel extremely nervous. This is totally not my forte. I was worried about messing up. I quietly went with Diana trying to calm was my increasingly anxious heart. She made me meet a lanky guy with voluminous black hair and boyish face, who gave me my uniform.

"He is one of the server today. His name is Andrew. He will be helping you out with the serving today" Diana introduced, pointing at the guy who smiled at me, "And Andrew this is Tony, our Special guest's personal host tonight"

"Nice to meet you Tony" the boy said forwarding his hand to shake

"Same here" I said taking his hand

"You can depend on me. Lets make this event a success" he said, smiling

"I'll do my best" I said more confidently than I felt before going for changing.