Meeting Again - 43 Half Hearted

43 Half Hearted

It had been a long day. But the most important thing has been resolved. The rumours are finally done away with. I asked Jane to check if by any chance dad or Rogers entered the website. Even if they haven't, I feel Sarah might have told dad already about Tony and Twen. I guess I have to prepare for a big confrontation. Though, I didn't wanted things to come to the fore in this manner but whatever, I had to face it one time or another.

It was a tiresome day for Tony, so, I gave him a day off. He went back. I wanted to drop him home but he refused. I can understand. After all the rumours, if anyone see me dropping him, it will give room for another rumour. I already made sure that Jane keep the facts about Tony secret. All the posts made about him were deleted and people were left to speculate. Today, when I got Tony's missed call today and went down to the parking lot to go to the security room to check the CCTVs, I heard him and Sarah arguing. I have never seen Tony losing his head or getting so angry except perhaps once when I wanted to meet Twen. He is stubborn in his own way and never gives up but he has always been meek and polite. This side of him was somehow, attractive. I guess he exploded after being pressured so much. It was a good thing. He keeps all his feelings to himself, some explosion like this could lighten his burden.

I took my car and went out of the Resort only to see a maroon SUV on the side of the road. I saw someone standing outside of it, leaning on the car door. I got near to see it was Fred. This guy makes me uncomfortable esp since he had all what I don't. I am thankful to him that he cared for Tony when Tony was in such a desperate situation but I can't help feeling irritated as he had loved Tony in a way I couldn't. You could say, I am jealous of his fearless and strong stance. And after listening to Tony say, that he had once contemplated being bonded to him, I feel the need to keep him away from Tony even more. I know I am selfish but I won't lose Tony anyone anymore. It is already a blessing that Tony didn't get together with any other man in these years and the one who had the closest chance was 'him'. I exhaled heavily, trying to calm my disturbed nerves. I stopped my car beside his and opened my window to call Fred. Fred looked at me with those weird amber eyes, blinking blankly,

"Woah, you are a rich old man" he said

"What's your business here?" I asked stung by the word 'old'. I was hardly a year or two older to him.

"I wanted to pick Tony. When I called him today he wouldn't pick up, and he had been quite distressed for a..." he paused looking at his crossed arm and then changed the subject, "So, you're really the heir of the Exquisite Hotel Chain. I wonder how you and Tony came into contact?"

"Its a long story. Tony has left so there is no point of you waiting" I said keeping the conversation as short as possible.

"How do I believe you? What if you are lying to not let me meet Tony?" he said eyeing me suspiciously.

The past me would have definitely done that. I couldn't tolerate the thought of him and Tony in the same s.p.a.ce. But I am no more a kid and the biggest thing was I don't want to upset Tony. I know Tony cares for this guy and acting so immaturely would only make him more angry than he already is.

"Haaaah! Go to his quarters and check, if you don't believe me" I said, about to close my window but he stopped it with his large hands.

"Well, I don't trust you but I will believe you this once. Anyway, I have something to talk to you. Care for a beer?"

Was he asking me for a beer? What was this talk he wants to have with me? I had several preparation to do for the merger meeting my dad had suddenly handed me. And I have to check the combined sales summary of all the properties. But I was curious. And I guess two bottles can't hurt. Afterall, I too need to talk with him and clarify that I have no intention of giving up on Tony, so he should back off!


He gave a rougish smile to me, "Follow me"


I wonder with what right he calls me rich when his dad is the owner country's largest Italian Restaurant chain!! He looked like such a simpleton. Turns out you can't judge a book by it's cover.

"Pablo, puoi portami della birra?" Fred boomed to a tall guy with a very feminine structure.

The guy bowed and said, "Si Signore" and quickly disappeared from the sight

"Grazie" Fred called to him from behind

The restuarant was closed but not for the owner, of course. It was a two storey restuarant with general s.p.a.ce in the ground floor and private cubicles in the first. I was sitting in one of the private cubicles in the first floor. Though, it was not any fine dining restuarant, still the ambience was very exotic and luxurious. The staff was highly trained. From their grooming to their speaking and service was top notch. The thing that attracted my attention the most was the service of drinks. The one called Pablo appeared within minutes and served the beer in a hurricane gla.s.s. I would have preferred the bottle but whatever. He bowed to me and then looked at Fred asking in fluent English,

"Shall I get you some side dish too, signore?"

"If you have some seafood left, then yeah" Fred shrugged

"Si, Signore" Pablo said bowing and leaving hurriedly.

Once the side dishes were served and Pablo was gone. Fred pulled the beautiful velvety curtains of the cubicle. The blue light that was lighting above our head made for a perfect dining environment. I picked up my gla.s.s and was about to chug it when Fred suddenly clinked with my gla.s.s saying "Cheers". I nodded. And we both chugged down the entire gla.s.s at one go.

"You want a pitcher?" he gave a crooked smile

"I have to drive!" I said sternly. Fred only laughed and picked up some shrimps with his fork

"I didn't know that Deliziosa restuarants serve drinks. Quite surprising! Don't tell me it's illegal!"

Fred swallowed the shrimp and gave me an amused gaze, "You would be happy if it is?"

I didn't say anything. I know in the back of my head, I wanted to find some flaw with the guy. Seems like my intentions were shown. Fred gave another hearty laugh and said

"My old man is too cautious. He would never do something illegal. Unlike most white collars, he is quite rule sticking"

"I see" I said sounding a little bitter. I picked up a shrimp too and started munching, "The idea of this private cubicles are pretty clever. You dad had quite the business mind"

Fred answered with mouthful of food, "Well he is a hardcore businessman and self-made at that. He started with meagre capital and small restuarant and within thirty years made it into one of the finest restuarant chain in the country. He is definitely one of a kind. But" he said, raising his head and looking at me with a twinkle in his eyes, "This cubicles were my plan"

I stopped chewing for a second, "You?"

"Hard to believe huh? Dad was also surprised that I suggested such an idea and it turned out to be superhit" Fred boomed with another hearty laugh, "Actually, I said, I would have liked a private cubicle of my own, so that no one disturbs me and if I have some private meeting to do, I can do it without being interrupted. Dad found this to be an excellent waive of mind and implemented it"

"Your dad's business mind is not to be looked down upon" I said admiringly. To make a whole new plan with just a throwaway line is something that can't be done by some average people.

"Got that right!" Fred said, before getting up and asking Pablo for few more bottles of beer.

Once the beers were placed, I looked at Fred seriously, "So, that should be enough for ice breaker, now down to the point. What you want to talk about?"

Fred's carefree and smiling eyes immediately turned serious and dark, "I would like to know, for what reason are you pursuing Tony? Is it because you truly want him to be a part of your life or is it just some half hearted a.s.s attempt to ease your guilt?"