Meeting Again - 37 Stolen Hear

37 Stolen Hear

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked walking to the drawing room

Robbie quickly got alert. He exhaled heavily before speaking in a serious tone, "Continuing the topic from our phone conversation"

"I already said I would tackle it tomorrow" I interrupted, standing near the kitchen.

"It's not so simple actually. It is not a ear to ear rumour but rather they have somehow obtained your picture with Twen and also your...uhm I mean my mark of bonding on you. They have spread it on social media platform and on our employee staff website as well" he said, trying to look less embara.s.sed

This was not what I expected. With Robbie's mark on me revealed there will be no doubt whatsoever that I am an Omega. If it was just some flying words then it wouldn't have mattered. This is more serious than I thought.

"Then, what do you suggest?" I asked.

My heart was beating fast. I was not ashamed of being an Omega but I was scared that this image of mine wouldn't allow me to get a stable job. I have a son to care for. I can't allow Twen to suffer because of such a petty reason

"Frankly, I don't know. I am confused too. This cannot be the work of some random person. No random guy has the power to blow the situation so out of proportion and that too with evidence. Either it is done by someone holding power and having a grudge over you or.."

"Or maybe by someone random person backed by a powerful one" I said finis.h.i.+ng his thought.

"Yes" he agreed, "I have already asked my a.s.sistant Jane to take care of the matter. She is searching for the source and have already deleted most of the pictures but the damage is already done"

I felt my knees getting weak. Who could I have possibly offended to have suddenly been subjected to such a turmoil. I tried remembering if there was anyone I have had mistakenly humiliated or made that person to lose his/her job or anything that could begrudge them against me but nothing as such came to my memory. Plus, Robbie said it is someone with power. I don't even have any contact with someone influential that is if I don't consider Robbie. But does it really have to do with grudge? What if someone simply discovered my ident.i.ty and wanted to reveal it. But then again, he couldn't have created such a huge fuss. Then, who exactly could it be?

"I think it is time for me to take my leave. With my ident.i.ty revealed, my subordinates would never accept working under me" I said thinking of a ha.s.sle free way. Maybe, I can take up on Fred's offer and work in his dad's Italian restaurant till I find a new job.

"NO" bursted Robbie, "Why are you trying to run away from the problem? You have reached where you are now from sheer hard work. What does your ident.i.ty has got to do with anything? I will suppress this"

"Robbie, stop being so unreasonable. I am not running away from the problem. If it was just me, I don't give a sh*t but such rumours tend to affect the family more than the victim themselves. Do you not understand?"

I can't see Robbie's mouth but from the expression in his eyes, I knew, he got my point.

"I will protect Twen, if that's what your worried about. Leaving job is not a solution. Right now, do you even have a place to go if your evicted from the quarters? And what about Twen's schooling?"

"I have some savings! I can manage for a few days. In that time, I can find a new job"

"I will try to quell the rumour. It will die down. I am not accepting your resignation" Robbie stubbornly said

"Why are you h.e.l.l bent on not letting me leave?" I asked, unable to understand Robbie's tenaciousness.

Robbie got up and walked to me. I tensed up. He hasn't been the best at controlling himself. He came face to face with me and took my hand on his gently and interwined his fingers with mine. I looked at our joined hands and then at his burning eyes. He spoke firmly,

"I made that mistake once. I am not about to do it again"

"I don't think an engaged man should flirt. My self respect is not so cheap as to tolerate being your side man" I said staring at him fiercely

"She is not my fiancee. My father introduced her to me last year. She also happens to be my childhood friend. My dad wants me to marry her just for her father's political career and the benefits he could gather from it. I refused it but my dad didn't give up. He kept pus.h.i.+ng Sarah onto me, hoping I would melt one day or another. But that didn't happen" he explained

"She is one gorgeous lady belonging to a respected family and she is also your childhood friend. I don't see why would you refuse" I said remembering her image from last time

"That's because I can't love her. Because she was my friend, I didn't want to ruin her life. But unfortunately, she turned out in league with my dad. No amount of my refusal budged her" he sighed

"I pity her for trying to persuade such a heartless guy"

"You are to blame for that, afterall it is you who stole my heart!" he said, tracing his other hand through my hair to my cheek. He slowly traced my lips with his thumb.

A slight s.h.i.+ver ran down my spine. When did this guy learn to speak such corny lines?! Its hard to believe that he is the same guy who I knew in high school. Can I really trust him again? Should I really give him another chance?