Meeting Again - 30 Wake Up Call

30 Wake Up Call

Heat cycles are a bane for Omegas esp male Omegas. During this period, the pheromones released by the Omega are much stronger and it affects any nearby Beta and Alpha. It is same as the saying 'animals in heat'. Only in Omegas case, they are not the only one in heat but their heat pheromones arouses the others as well except a fellow Omega. In case of Beta, they don't lose their head but when it comes to Alphas, they are completely overtaken by their desires. They totally lose control. But once bonded the Omega's heat pheromones would only affect their bonded Alpha.

Due to all the rush and busy schedules of mine, the matter about my heat slipped out of my mind. It started right when Robbie was in my house. I can't believe that the very day I let Robbie in my house does my heat cycle started. I frantically looked for the heat suppressant but just my luck. It was not in it's usual place. Where the h.e.l.l did I keep it? I looked in the wardrobe, the tv cabinet, the shelves, the table drawers, everywhere but it was nowhere to be found. What do I do? If Robbie got a whiff of my heat pheromones, I would be so dead!

I was kneeling on the floor, searching through the drawers when I felt a presence beside me. I looked up to see Robbie. He looked a little lost and desperate. Fear immediately settled in my heart. While I was contemplating about making a dash, I saw Robbie's eyes turn blank and the lost look get replaced by a l.u.s.t filled face. He caught hold of my T-s.h.i.+rt and before I could utter any word, he had already started aggressively kissing me. His another hand was slithering inside my t-s.h.i.+rt.

d.a.m.n it all!!

This was exactly what I was afraid of!

Since, I couldn't speak, I put my hands on his chest trying to push him off but my strength was already limited with my body succ.u.mbing to the pleasure, and so it was no hard task for Robbie to catch hold of my hand and pus.h.i.+ng me down on the floor, putting my hand above my head. My resistance was all in vain. I could feel my body responding to his touches even without my will.

This was the same as before, during the high school, only this time I don't want it. I wanted to stop him before I start to lose my sense as well. To my horror, Robbie started tugging on my pants. I wanted to stop him but my mouth and my hands were blocked. I felt his hand slip inside my pants and started fondling with my p.e.n.i.s. I inadvertently let out a moan, turning redder than I already was. It reacted to Robbie's touch, getting harder and stiff.

This was not how I wanted things to go. But even against my better judgement, my eyes started getting heavy and my body was feeling him more. It was a curse to have this sort of body, which is so weak against pleasure. My resistance was subsiding. I was starting to give in. I closed my eyes, feeling the heat from Robbie's body, his intoxicating smell, his hot tongue and warm fingers. I was losing my senses as well. It was long since I felt this sensation. Unknowingly, I kissed him back too till we were both out of breath. But Robbie didn't stop and proceeded to kiss my neck and sucked on my shoulder. I let out a moan again full of craving . But then I heard a call.

"Mommy, are you back?"

That voice was enough to wake me up from all my lost senses. My body was still responding to Robbie's craziness but my mind was no longer clouded by this heat. I looked at Robbie, whose head was buried on my neck and his hand on my sensitive part, and started kicking and throwing my restricted hand vehemently to wake him up as well. As my mouth was free now, I whispered to him acidly,

"Robbie, get off of me. Leave me. You jerk stop it. What do you think your doing?! Stop! Come back to your senses, you moron"

He, at first, didn't notice and continued with his mad kissing and fondling. I bit my lips to stop my moan from escaping and continued trying to kick him off. I can't allow Twen to witness this scene. It is too shameful. Seeing his mom in such an embara.s.sing and humiliating scenario might affect him deeply. I won't let that happen. All my struggles finally managed to get his attention. He looked at me, breathing heavily and eyes burning with l.u.s.t.

"You crazy h.o.r.n.y jerk! Get off of me. Think about where you are" I hissed, a little loudly

At that very instant, Twen asked shrilly "Mommy, is that you?"

This, out of all the things, brought Robbie out of his trance. I saw his blank desire filled eyes regaining life as he looked at me then at the most embarra.s.sing state that we were in. His face quickly lost colour. He left my hand and put it over his nose, trying not to take a whiff of my heat pheromones. He stumbled up on his feet and ran to the drawing room and out of door.

I sat there, disheveled, my heart beating in my mouth and my body still pulsating with need and l.u.s.t. This had to be the worst. I was about to make the same mistake I did before. How could I forget about my heat? And most importantly how could I forget about displacing my heat suppressant while giving it to Tanya last week.

"Mommy?? Are you okay? Why are you not saying anything"

I heard Twen's soft anxious voice. It was thanks to my instruction to him to ask before leaving the room that saved me today and prevented him from seeing such a terrible scene. I asked him to always call for me if he hears a noise outside. If he does not receives any answer from me or hears suspicious sounds or feels that something is not right, then to lock the door and call 911. Since, he stays alone all the time, I made these rules in case of robbery or break-in. His safety was the highest priority to me.

"Yes Twen. It is me. Sorry, Mommy didn't hear you before. Go back to bed" I called back

"Mommy, are-are you ok?"

"Silly boy. What would happen to me? I am great. Go to bed now. Sweet Dreams"

"Ok mommy. Goodnight" Twen replied sounding relaxed.

I breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at the corridor leading to my drawing room. Without a word, the overpowering silence that followed Twen's bidding, suddenly made me nauseous. I brought my knees together and put my head over it, allowing the madness of a while back ebb away.