Meeting Again - 20 Date Me

20 Date Me

"Sssshhhh" he said putting a finger over my lips, "You don't want to wake our son, right?"

I despised him calling my Twen as ours but he was right, I don't wanna wake him. I gave him a death glare and said, "MY Twen, you mean"

"He is mine too, no matter how much you deny it" he said with a cheeky grin

There was no point arguing with him. He is as stubborn as a mule. I convinced myself that just by calling my Twen his, wouldn't make Twen his. I noticed I was standing too close to him. I stepped back putting a distance between us and said in a cold voice,

"Leave! I don't entertain strangers at night"

"I happened to be no stranger" he said, walking past me and settling comfortably in my couch, "I am your boss" he flashed another mischievous grin.

Can I murder this guy and evade prison? It felt like his shamelessness has increased ten folds from eight years back. Or maybe he had defective understanding mechanism, which is why a simple fact, that I want nothing to do with him is not entering his thick head. I felt a headache coming. I quickly took a peek at Twen's room. The doors were shut. I hope he doesn't wake up. But what do I do to get this guy out of here?

"You are my boss in my hotel, not my house. So, you have no right to order me around here. Get lost" I said finding any excuses to make him leave

"I would" I looked at him amazed that he agreed so easily,

"But-" he said dragging the word with an impish look. I knew it was too easy and prepared myself to hear his condition,

"Only if you go on a date with me this weekend"

"I refuse" I said directly without a second thought.

All his pathetic attempts at persuading me were not going to work. I am not sure with what reason is he approaching me now, but as long as Twen is not involved, I can tolerate it.

"Then am not leaving here" he said, shrugging and crossing his leg over my coffee table.

"You can't blackmail me like this" I seethed, gnas.h.i.+ng my teeth.

How can he take advantage of me like this? In just four days he had already grasped my weak point. He is attacking on it relentlessly. I can't go along with all his demands. I won't let him control my life.

"Watch me" he said, flas.h.i.+ng a roguish smile

I closed my eyes placing my hand over my eyebrows. I was starting to have a headache. Not a day I have lived in peace since he had appeared back in my life. I sighed feeling more exhausted than I was actually feeling. Just then, there was a creak, a rustle, some footsteps and then a warm touch on the hand which was over my eyebrow.

I raised my head to see Robbie holding my hand with a concerned look. I saw him as he placed his hand over my forehead and on my throat. His hands were warm and gentle. I held his hand and put it away. This was not like him at all. Back then, he was a spoiled and pampered kid. He had no idea, how to take care of others or be gentle. This change in his behaviour was frightening.

"I don't have a fever, just headache" I said, looking away from him

But then, I felt his hand on my wrist and him pulling me to my bedroom. What was he planning to do? I tried to free my wrist. His unpredictable moods are making me tensed. He didn't bother with my resistance. He took me to my room, lift me up like picking up a feather doll and placed me in my bed. He pulled the blanket over me and started scolding me like a fussy mom

"Take care of yourself. Don't just get lost in your work. Eat and Sleep properly. Look how weak you have gotten..."

I had no idea how to react to this behaviour of Robbie. I was not used to being taken care of. I was the one who had always taken care of others. So, being on the receiving end of it, and on top of it from the very person I never expected it from was quite overwhelming. But the trouble was, the reason for my headache was also him. I didn't want to be taken care of by him, fearing that my heart might get stirred again. I closed my eyes and muttered,

"I will be fine if you leave" It came out of my mouth even before I could stop it

Robbie looked stunned. His grey eyes shrunk with pain and hurt. He hung his head, and mumbled out,

"You can hate me all you want. I know I deserve it. But you can't stop me from loving or caring about you"

I don't want to hear it! Love and care are too extravagant for me. When I desperately seeked it he denied them. Now, when I have gotten used to being without them, he wants to shower it on me! I don't want his words to give me hope and expectations again. Because when they break, it hurts worse than knife stab!