Meeting Again - 16 I Refuse

16 I Refuse

I was lying on my bed swiping through the pictures sent to me by the guard. I couldn't get them out of my head. I felt like barging into Tony's place and asking him about the guy but I also knew I don't have any right. True, I bonded with him but I threw him away as well. Eight years have pa.s.sed on top of that. He must have come across many guys and perhaps even got close to them. Perhaps, he even fell for someone too. After how I treated him, I couldn't have really expected him to remain in love with me right? But I guess, the only reason they can't be together was his bonding with me. The selfish part of me can't help but feel glad about it.

When I bonded with him in the past, it was more hormone fuelled than true emotions. I didn't know the gravity of that action then. But by doing that I kind of ruined his life too. Had I not truly fallen for him then he would be forced to stay without any mate all his life. He, at most could have friends with benefits, but not any soulmate.

This AlphOmega bonding concept definitely sucks. But right now, I was glad about it. Somehow, I felt he belonged to me because of the bonding. No matter how close someone get to him, he can't be theirs completely. In the end, humans are selfis.h.!.+

I put my hand over my face feeling disgusted by my own thoughts but I can't stop it. Just because I was not ever able to move on, I kept hoping he won't be able to either. But thats not how life works. Life is so complicated!

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I removed my hand from the face and looked at the door and asked

"Who's it?"

"Robbie? You there?" a male voice called. It was my dad

"Dad? Please come in" I said, quickly sitting down.

A man in his fifties entered the room. He was quite tall, had salt and pepper look, sharp jawline, fit built and small shrewd eyes.

"Good evening!" he said smiling jovially

"Why are you being so formal? Is there something you want to talk about?" I asked having a sense of foreboding

"Can't a dad simply meet his son?" he said pretending to be hurt

If he was not here for some business, I ll eat my hat. Dad was not those loving types. He was always busy and anytime he met, it would be always because he had something important to talk about. Dad must have noticed the doubt in my eyes and said as if he was defeated by my doubt.

"Okay, Okay! You win. Yes I have something to ask you" he started rather politely. This was so unlike him. He would normally speak in formal business tone.

"I met Ms. Lucy from the HR department. I heard you asked her to refuse the resignation of an employee. Is that true?"

My stomach did a double take. Who was this Lucy? I clearly told everyone in the HR team to keep their shut. Why did she still went around blabbering? But then again, Dad was The Chairman. She would rather obey dad than me. d.a.m.nit, what do I say?

"Because it was the company's fault for not addressing his complain. He was resigning because of the incompetence of the company. I couldn't tolerate that a talent is leaving because of dissatisfaction. So, I addressed his problem and he agreed to stay back" I said whatever the h.e.l.l came to my mind. I can't let Tony become the target of dad

Dad had a frown on his face. I could see that he didn't buy my story. But then he sighed and smiled at me, "So, it was like that. I thought you have some personal connection with the employee" he said smiling so widely that I started feeling uncomfortable.

"You should know that our company only prioritise talents which is the base of our reputation. Any personal connection leading to the incompetence of our staff won't be tolerated" he said patting my back

I can't help but feel he had more meaning behind those words than he was letting on. d.a.m.nit! I have to quicken my pace and get the h.e.l.l outta my dad's shadow before it overwhelms me.

"I heard you turned down Sarah again?" Dad asked seriously, all his smile gone from his face.

I looked at him eyebrows raised, "Did Sarah said that?" I asked.

"Yes. I asked her to meet you and help you out as this is your first project and a very heavy project at that. She has dealt with such business before, so i thought, you both can work in it together" Dad said looking disappointed

"Dad, I don't want her help. I believe I am competent enough to do the project on my own. Also I refuse to take her as my life partner. I don't feel for her as such" I clarified in brief and clear tone

"Feel? What do you want to feel? Do you think that one fine morning you will wake to find the girl of your dreams? Son, you need to get out of this fantasy world of yours" he scolded

I got up from the couch and walked a little away. I was feeling awkward having this discussion with dad.

"I know that Sarah's dad's political career would boost our business but business is in one place and life partner is another. I don't want to spend my entire life being with a woman I don't even love" I said

"Love Love Love! You don't even speak with her properly, how do you know, that you won't come to love her or not? She is beautiful, has high status, is very competent, has excellent business mind and is an Alpha like you. Who can be a better partner for you than her?" Dad almost yelled at me.

True, she was an all round woman and anyone would be lucky to marry her. But my heart is already given. I have nothing to offer her. I turned to my dad and spoke with as much levity as I could possibly bring in my voice,

"Dad! I have never gone against your word. Whichever school you wanted me to go I went; when our business fell, you asked me to transfer, I transferred; you chose my college, my course, my career even the post I should work on. But life partner is one thing, I ll choose on my own. It is I whose going to spent the entire life with that person not you. So dad, this is one thing, I won't agree on, no matter what"

My dad was dumbstruck. He never expected me to talk back. He looked at me as if he is looking at some criminal. I looked back firm. I was not going to budge from this decision of mine. I could see his anger rising. His ear and nose turning red and his eyes bulging. He got up and stomped towards me like he was going to hit me but instead, he walked past me, got out of the door and closed it with a bang.