Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699 - Part 7

Part 7

_American History Told by Contemporaries_. Edited by Albert B. Hart.

New York and London, 1908-1909. 4 vols.

Beverley, Robert, _The History of Virginia_.... (Reprinted from the author's 2d rev. ed., London, 1722.) Richmond, 1855.

Blanton, Wyndham B., _Medicine in Virginia in the Seventeenth Century_.

Richmond, 1930.

Brown, Alexander, _Genesis of the United States_. Boston and New York, 1890. 2 vols.

Castiglioni, Arturo, _A History of Medicine_. Translated from the Italian and edited by E. B. Krumbhaar. New York, 1941.

Chitwood, Oliver P., _A History of Colonial America_. New York, 1948.

Craven, Wesley F., _Dissolution of the Virginia Company: the Failure of a Colonial Experiment_. New York, 1932.

_Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century_, 1607-1689. Baton Rouge, 1949.

Duran-Reynals, Marie Louise, _The Fever Bark Tree_. New York, 1946.

Garrison, Fielding H., _An Introduction to the History of Medicine_....

Philadelphia, 1929.

_Narratives of Early Virginia_, 1606-1625. Edited by Lyon G. Tyler. New York, 1907.

Packard, Francis R., _History of Medicine in the United States_. New York, 1931. 2 vols.

Sigerist, Henry E., _American Medicine_. Translated by Hildegard Nagel.

New York, 1934.

Smith, John, _Travels and Works_. Edited by Edward Arber. Edinburgh, 1910. 2 vols.

Tyler, Lyon G., "The Medical Men of Virginia," _William and Mary College Quarterly_, XIX (January, 1911), 145-162.

Wertenbaker, Thomas J., _The First Americans, 1607-1690_. New York, 1944.