Medical Master - Chapter 2007 A big pit!

Chapter 2007 A big pit!

Chapter 2007 A big pit!


He actually caught up?

How did it happen so fast?

I thought you said there was a way to stop him?

The experts of the major powers of each country frowned and asked questions.

Although the Six Exalted Ones had told before this that trying to stop Nameless for a long period of time was something impossible, as long as they could delay it for more than a certain amount of time, it would be enough.

Originally, people thought.

The so-called delay by the Six Exalted Ones was at least a day, if not two days.

What I didnt realize was that it was only two short hours.

This is so far from what was imagined!

Gentlemen, its as good as done.

Seeing that everyone was worried, the Sixth Exalted One immediately smiled and said, Everything will still go according to plan, what can a mere nameless person do to you?


Isnt it just a n.o.body?

Thats right, so what if hes even more powerful, there are more than fifty of us here, and were still afraid of him, one Nameless?

In the crowd, a variety of voices were heard.

The appearance of these voices made the experts of all the major powers from all the countries feel quite relieved all of a sudden.

Everyone also turned their heads and looked around, realizing that the people who said these words were not weak, and they were all dressed in the costumes of various countries, so they didnt look like they had any problems.

No more panic.

The masters of the major powers of each country thought about it carefully.


Nameless was alone even if he caught up.

On this side, not counting Nirvana, there were at least fifty people, each one of them could be a top expert, so many people gathered together, still afraid of a Nameless?

The more you think about it, the more calm everyone becomes.


Seeing that the experts from various countries had calmed down, the Sixth Exalted One then swept a satisfied glance at those in the crowd who were guiding the crowds emotions, nodded his head in satisfaction and said, A single nameless person is not enough to be feared, besides, Ive already dug a big pit and waited for him, Im just afraid that he wont come!

The words came out.

On the scene, the experts from various countries couldnt help but be curious.


What pit?

How can Nameless fall into a pit that easily?

If thats really the case, thats much more rea.s.suring, after all, Nameless isnt to be messed with.

Everyone nodded their heads.

One by one, the Six Venerable Ones of Nirvana were praised.

No one had thought that the Six Exalted Ones of Nirvana had already thought of everything long ago.

Guys, lets go.

The Six Exalted Ones let out a loud laugh and led everyone onto a bus.

The car drove out of the airport and traveled quickly all the way in the direction where Huaxia was.

Everyone sat in the car and rested.

About two hours later.

The car stopped.

Get off.

The Sixth Venerable One shouted and then led the group out of the car.

What is this place?

The middle-aged man with a gray beard, the leader of the British party, just as soon as he got out of the car, looked around in all directions, and found that this is a wilderness, with mountains on all sides, which are not very high, but completely surround this area, forming a natural encirclement.

It wasnt just the British side, but everyone else who got out of the car turned their eyes to look around.

And when everyone gets out of the car.


With a roar, the bus continued on its way.

Whats this about?

Do we have to move ourselves?

Its still a long way from China, isnt it?

People started talking about it.


Listening to the cacophony of words coming from his ears, the Sixth Venerable One stood up in front of all of them, raised the guard high and shouted, and then said, Look everyone, does this look like a pit?

The crowd listened.

All of them froze slightly.

Dont say it.

The place was really like a big natural pit, except that it wasnt very deep.

Could it be that the pit prepared for Nameless that the Six Exalted Ones just mentioned is here?

You dont want to deal with Nameless here, do you?

Youre not even a match for Nameless, how could you possibly pit him?

After a little bit of thought, everyone came to their senses, and then they all raised their voices in question.

Not me.

In the face of the skepticism raised by everyone, the Sixth Exalted One yoyoed his head, smiled and reached out to point at the people from the major powers of the countries in front of him, saying, Rather, its you guys.

This one.

Everyone was shocked.


This is for us to make a move on Nameless?

Impossible, Namelesss fighting strength is just too strong, how do we see amount can make a move against him?

Although this trip will surely provoke Huaxia, as of right now, I dont want to make a grudge against Nameless, much less die at Nameless hands.

Everyone shook their heads.

It seemed that everyone was still very repulsed by things like pitting Nameless.

One was because Namelesss fame was just too great, and the other was that the combat power that Nameless had shown had long since deeply shocked everyone.

Not to mention fighting alone, even if a group of people were to fight Nameless alone, they wouldnt necessarily be able to win.


Seeing everyones resistance, the Sixth Exalted One was not in a hurry and said, The day that Nameless lives in this world is a huge threat to all of you, do you think that you will never provoke Nameless, do you think that you will never provoke Huaxia?

No, you will!

The purpose of our trip is to go to Huaxia to seize the resources of the Energy Jade Stone Mine, and you all know very well that if these thousands of tons of Energy Jade Stone Mine are all mined by Huaxia, then Huaxias strength will inevitably get a great growth again, and at that time, Huaxias rise is a certainty, and you and your country will forever be trampled under the feet of Huaxia.

Of course, you can choose to run away, you can choose to be subjugated forever.

Im also just offering you guys a choice.

Now, you have an opportunity to make both yourselves strong and your country strong, a good opportunity that comes along once in a century is right in front of you, are you going to cherish it or are you going to give it up?

A question.

On the scene, everyone was silent.

The atmosphere was very depressing.

The Six Exalted Ones swept their eyes over everyone in front of them and blinked slightly when they saw a certain few of them.

Of course you should cherish it.

Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd and said, Life is just a hundred years short, its not easy to come across such a great opportunity, if I give it up like this, I will definitely regret it immensely for the rest of my life.


Another man opened his mouth and said, Only those who can seize the opportunity are the ultimate winners!

I dont want to go on like this, if Im even afraid of this, then I might as well sc.r.a.p all my abilities and go back to being an ordinary person.

Yes, lose this opportunity, and maybe youll never get another one like it.

One by one, the response spread.


Led by the first few, more and more people responded, and the response became louder and louder.

The crowd, who were all originally very resistant, all nodded their heads and seemed to agree somewhat.


The Sixth Exalted One spoke again and said, Since everyone has figured it out, then I wont say much more, let me just ask, how many people from various countries has Nameless killed in recent years in the middle, could it be that you all dont dare to make a move in the face of such a great enemy?


Kill him.

Thats right, lets all do it together, he definitely wont be able to escape!

One time.

The people all spoke up and took a stand.


The Six Exalted Ones smiled with satisfaction and said, Here, this is the good place I picked out for all of you, now everyone can scatter down in all directions, and when Nameless arrives, well come out on all four sides and surround Nameless on the spot!

Everyone nodded, and then they spread out in all directions and ambushed.

And this way.

The Six Exalted Ones couldnt help but laugh as everyone went to the ambush.


This time, he was preparing to kill Nameless.

Of course, this is just the first link in the whole scheme of things.

A small no-name.

It didnt even need the Nirvanas people to make a move to get dozens of experts to surround and kill him!

This time.

For Nirvana, there is no loss at all.

The other side.


After getting off the airplane, Fang Qiu directly rushed out of the airport and rushed towards the direction of Huaxia at a surprisingly fast speed.

For the other side of the mound.

His purpose was not to pursue Nirvana and the experts from various countries, but to return to his country in the shortest possible time, as long as he returned to his country, then he would be able to deal with whatever plots and tricks Nirvana was up to head on.

Therefore, after getting off the airplane, he didnt search for Nirvana and the experts from various countries in the first place, but instead rushed directly towards the border of China.


While rus.h.i.+ng, Fang Qiu also released his divine sense, always probing the surrounding area within sixty kilometers.


After quickly flying all the way for tens of kilometers, Fang Qiu was suddenly stunned and looked towards the front.

Under the probing of divine sense.

He realized that there was a very wide area ahead of him, in which the Qi of the heavens and earth seemed to have been completely stirred up by something, making it impossible for him to probe the situation clearly, and he could only use his naked eyes to observe it.

However, under the naked eyes observation, there was nothing in that area, just a very ordinary barren plain.

It didnt seem like there was anything wrong with it.

To return home as soon as possible.

Fang Qiu didnt slow down and continued to fly quickly.

In the blink of an eye, he flew to the center of this area.

Just then.

Swish Swish Swish

A sound of breaking wind suddenly struck.

See only.

A silhouette suddenly swept out in all directions, and the powerful energy aura emanating from each one of them frantically pressed over towards this side.

Turning his eyes.

Fang Qiu just snapped, realizing that he was surrounded by the group.

Stopped immediately.

Fang Qiu turned his eyes to look around.

Hurley realized that the people who had suddenly appeared from all directions to surround him were the experts among the major powers of the world!

In the crowd.

Fang Qiu also saw a familiar figure from afar.

Six Honored Ones!


Fang Qius heart moved, and without the slightest hesitation, he directly leapt up towards the high sky, preparing to escape from it.


Just as he rose up towards the high air, half of them rose up at the same time in all directions as well, blocking all of Fang Qius escape routes!

Over there, the Six Exalted Ones stared at Fang Qiu from afar, smiling broadly.