Medical Master - Chapter 1942: Fighting to die behind me

Chapter 1942: Fighting to die behind me

Chapter 1942: Fighting to die behind me

Not far from major bookstores.

A group of young people squatted, some of these were specially hired to buy, waiting for the old man to take over after snapping out of the bookstore, and some were waiting for the old man to come out and offer a high price for it.

In this world nowadays, it is not only the young people who will be scalpers, but there are also many old people who are scalpers.

And some uninformed people, pa.s.sing by the bookstore, were very surprised to see so many old people lined up.

Whats this for?

Did the sun beat down on the west side, why are these old people still lining up in front of the bookstore?

Good lord, so many people lined up?

Outside of buying cheap eggs, Ive never really seen an elderly person stand in such a long line, and today was a real eye opener.

People pa.s.sing by laughed and teased.

After all.

This kind of thing is indeed very rare for them to come across.

This side, because of the microblogging topic of the big hit, the whole network of countless peoples hot discussion, attracted all kinds of self-media peoples climax, whether it is to rely on the self-media to make money, or hope to gain more attention on the network, have in the Fang Qius new book before the official opening of the sale of the hour, came to their respective cities in the bookstore, began to take pictures, shoot video and so on, in order to take this opportunity to gain some more attention.


A whole bunch of bookstore videos have sprung up on Shake Shack, which has become so big that its almost universally popular, with some posting long lines of elderly people outside the bookstore, and others capturing the inside of the bookstore as it prepares to open for sale.

Online, a lot of people are following these individual messages.

Almost every jittery short video that appears will reap tens of thousands of likes in a very short period of time, and some of the better shot ones have even reached hundreds of thousands and millions of likes.

Such a horrific number of likes that more self-publishers are jumping on board.

Nine oclock in the morning.

All over the country, bookstores in the cities that do it all open their doors at the same time.

Fonchos new book, The Undiseased Canon, is officially on sale!

There was a long line though.

However, in order to save as much time as possible, some elderly people, in the case of not willing to do more waiting, simply do not care about queuing up or not, iron head rush to the bookstore inside, do not care about the eyes of those who work hard to line up and questioning, and directly pull out their ID cards to be s.n.a.t.c.hed.

Faced with this situation, the bookstore staff, immediately stepped forward to maintain order.

Nay, a rat t.u.r.d spoils the pot of soup.

When one person did so, the others took one look and were all suddenly displeased, rus.h.i.+ng forward in droves, crowding each other to get up and fight for it.

This kind of footage, which happened to be lined up by some self-publishers, was transmitted to the Shake Shack short video.

As soon as this video goes up.

Immediately, it garnered millions of likes in a very short period of time.

Click on the comments, but they are all crazy trolls.

Apparently, its not the old people who get bad, its the bad people who get old.

Is this the quality of my Great China?

The drive for profit exists in every country around the world, but the place where this situation is most serious is precisely China!

Its just a book, as far as that goes? Its not like it wont be sold in the future, after this batch is sold out, the publisher will surely print more to sell, its not like its a limited edition.


There are bad ones and, naturally, good ones.

The old people rus.h.i.+ng into the bookstore and making a scene only happened in a certain number of places, and in most other areas of the bookstore, the old people continued to queue up in a very orderly manner to make their purchases.

Unlike the rowdy places, although the orderly places seem to have a calm atmosphere for the rush, the camera sweeps out and the long line has formed several S-shapes in front of the bookstore, which is very shocking at a glance.

Self-media of various videos and news on the network, received the general public, the regular media around the world, have also been scrambling to report, and even more directly on the scene to do a live broadcast.

No doubt about it.

On this day, the heat of Fang Qius new book, The Undiseased Canon, was definitely the highest, unmatched by any topic.

With Fonchos new book being a big hit in the country.

Some foreign media, have also noticed the situation in China, in the surprise of a book caused such a big craze colleagues, foreign media have also started to report.

Chinese medicine pract.i.tioner Fang Qius new book, which has caused a rush of purchases within China, is said to be the second book he has personally written about Chinese medicine.

Triumph of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine pract.i.tioner Fang Qius new book triggers Chinas publis.h.i.+ng industry.

World-cla.s.s Chinese medicine master Fang Qiu releases a new book, which has caused a mad rush to buy it in the country of Huaxia, the biggest rush ever limited to the elderly.


There were also long lines outside the famous bookstore.

er in the front section of this long line, there was a very old-looking man in the third place in line, waiting for his chance to enter the bookstore to buy a new book.

In front of the bookstore, a group of self-promoters had gathered, all taking pictures with their cell phones.

Originally, people didnt think there was anything wrong with it.


Just as this third old man walks in and pays for the book straight away.

The staff of the bookstore, who had all but picked up the packaged books and was ready to collect the money to complete the transaction, suddenly froze and said, Old sir, may I see your ID card?

The words came out.

This old gentleman who had already handed out the money, suddenly looked stunned, did not say anything for a long time, but also kept shaking his head to urge, indicating that his face was an ID card, did not need to see, and he did not have it with him.

Im sorry, because this is a sale to designated 50+ year olds, and although you do appear to be elderly, we still need to make sure and register you, so I hope youll forgive us.

The staff said, then added, We cant sell you the book without an ID card to register it.


This persons face changed, in the back of the persons urging, stammering from the trouser pocket to pull out an ID card, is trying to get two red tickets on the back of the ID card handed to the bookstore staff, tightly grasped in the hands of the ID card, but was in line behind the person, a hand s.n.a.t.c.hed it over, and handed directly to the bookstore staffs hands.


The staff member took a look at the resultant ID card, and then his eyes glazed over and he asked dumbfounded, Twenty-eight years old?

A bitter smile emerged on the faces of those who lined up to s.n.a.t.c.h it.

Im so old-looking, what if you just sell me, whats with the ID check?

This old-looking young man said with a bitter face.

Excuse me, sir.

The bookstore worker repeated the process of making sure a few times before opening her mouth to say, Your age doesnt meet the requirements, we cant sell you the book, please forgive us.


This young man, immediately cried out and said, Ive been in line for so long, and Im only in my twenties have grown so old, who have Im qualified to buy this book, you just sell it to me?

Im really sorry.

The staff member shook his head with a bitter smile and handed the ID back.


This young man could only step aside with a miserable and helpless face.

Little brother.

Seeing the painful and helpless look on the young mans face, an old man who had just finished buying the book shouted out, then came forward and said, I see that you are in particular need of this book, how about this, you give a price and Ill sell you this one in my hand, how about that?


The young man was pleasantly surprised.

Naturally, its true.

The old man said with a smile.

Old man, may I take the liberty of asking how old you are?

The young man asked.


The old man smiled very proudly, propped up his face that didnt look much longer than this young man in his twenties, then reached out and patted on the young mans shoulder, saying, Thats the reason Im willing to sell you the book, were a 70 and a 20+, but we both have a 50 year olds face, young man, youre still young, make sure to protect your body, be take care of it more, ah, try to die behind me.

At these words, the young man was struck by lightning.


And aside.

The elderly people who were standing in line were laughing their off.

Outside the door, the self-publis.h.i.+ng folks, who happened to be filming this one, captured it all.


This one very small episode made its way to the internet.

Things are known to the netizens and they are still live on video.

The netizens laughed even more when they saw this video.

Is the surrounding benevolent brother trying to laugh me to death?

Its still the old man whos great, no more talk, no more talk, Im going to soak the goji berries.


With the sales hot.

In less than an hours time, snippets of the contents inside the Undiseased Canon were quickly squared onto the internet, immediately attracting countless spectators.

The crowd, who had long been curious about Fang Qius new book, all began to study these content fragments in detail.

Just snippets though.

But when reading it, people find it particularly useful.

This is the most accessible Chinese medicine book Ive ever read.

Simply too easy to understand, right? Not only some of the very detailed, but also very specific ah, do not need to have precipitation in Chinese medicine to understand, and do not need you to think, the content of this book has directly told you what to do, this is also too good, right?

Although Im not a big fan of Chinese medicine, after watching the clips from Fang Qius new book, I decided to buy a copy and put it back no matter what, even if I dont read it on weekdays, taking it out and reading it when Im sick will definitely be very helpful.

Its no exaggeration to say that this book is really a must-have medical book for all.

And the other side.

The old and young people who had bought and lost didnt even have time to go home, so they began to gather together in twos and threes and carefully studied them.

A book that was engrossing for over two hours.

There are some people who are particularly fast readers who immediately start posting all kinds of exclamations on the Internet after finis.h.i.+ng the book.

I just finished reading all of Fang Qius Undiseased Canon from beginning to end, and the only epiphany I had was that if anyone in this world can live to be 200 years old, Im guessing its Fang Qiu. No, not a guess, but definitely Fang Qiu!