Maverick Chef - Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chief Leng and Chief Wu as he waited for them to make the decision.

Bureau Chief Leng did not say anything. Chief Wu looked at him, then he picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Screw you, why is the restaurant still closed? Do you have a death wish? There's only 30mins left, hurry up and get your ass back here. If you do not wish to live, you can kill yourself. Do not drag me down with you. Old Fu will arrive in a moment."

The fatso did not comprehend, so he relayed what Gao Yuan said to Bureau Chief Leng and Bai Lu with a gentle voice.

Bai Lu sighed, and he said, "I have already said that I have an appointment with a leader of the nation. How could you guys still not believe me? In a while, Vice-Premier Fu will be meeting up with me in about 30mins from now. If he could not meet up with me, tsk tsk."

When he declared such words, Bureau Chief Leng and Chief Wu had a sudden change in expression. Bureau Chief Leng asked, "Where is the meeting location?"

"There's no time left. We are on the Western side, but my restaurant is located on the Eastern side, which is separated by the entire 3rd Ring."

"Release this man," Bureau Chief Leng shouted, and he thought, "It doesn't matter, whether or not this guy was speaking the truth, as I was already instructed by someone to release him. If he was lying, then so be it. At least I know that this guy was a douchebag who would lie to anyone. But what if he was not lying? What would happen if we arrested the man that the Vice-Premier wants to meet with? How could we be so preposterous?"

In times of emergency, there was no time to verify the validity of his claims. Gai Yong Guo also did not dare to risk it, so he has decided to follow them on this journey.

The low-ranking cop hurriedly opened the steel cage and invited Bai Lu to come out.

Hearing Bureau Chief Leng declaring such words, the fatso kept his mouth shut. He also had hidden intentions. "If this kid were lying, then the blame would fall on Bureau Chief Leng. Even if the prisoner escaped, it would still be unrelated to me. However, if this kid were speaking the truth, then the situation would be dire, so all the more I should not be interrupting."

"Which Vice-Premier are you referring to?" Bureau Chief Leng seemed to have hit a mental block.

"Vice-Premier Fu," Bai Lu said, as he climbed out of the steel cage, "anyways, we are running out of time. If I could choose, I would call off the meeting. Give me the phone."

As for this meeting with one of the national leaders, it would be wise to assume that it was the truth, rather than to believe that it was not.

Bureau Chief Leng immediately handed over the phone and walked outside.

Bai Lu answered the call, and Gao Yuan started cursing again right away. "What the hell, you idiot. Why are you not speaking? Where are you now?"

"I am at the Western 3rd Ring, and I cannot make it back in half an hour."

"Why don't you kill yourself already, you son of a bitch? Just you wait, your ancestor" Gao Yuan produced so many expletives that it could fertilize an entire garden of flowers.

"Leave the cursing for later. Let's figure out what we can do now."

"Figure out your ass. Aren't you an awesome driver? Charge back here now."

"I guess that's the only plan."

After a short interval of their conversation over the phone, Bureau Chief Leng returned to the room nervously. "Why are you still not leaving? What are you waiting for?" he said, as he dragged Bai Lu out of the room, "We will use the police car to clear the way and go round the 3rd Ring. Hurry up."

He wanted to deploy the helicopters, but the Northern City was unlike the other places. It was not an easy task.

Bai Lu said, "I will drive."

"Are you sure?" Bureau Chief Leng did not trust him.

Bai Lu said, "If we want to make it back in half annow, there is only 25 minutes left 25minutes, then you should let me drive."

"Fine, you will be the driver." The two of them got into the police vehicle, and the cop who was supposed to be driving sat in the backseat instead.

Chief Wu also wanted to get on the vehicle, but Bureau Chief Leng said, "You sit in another car."

After he became accustomed to the police vehicle, he turned on the emergency vehicle lighting. With a booming sound, the car darted out of the police station. Bai Lu said, "You tell me the directions."

"Damn it. If you did not know the way, then why insist on being the driver." Bureau Chief Leng could not hold back his anger any longer.

"Tell me how to get on the 3rd Ring Road."

There was a GPS system installed in the vehicle. He pressed it a few times and said, "Make a U-turn at this junction. After turning around, go straight all the way."

The shortest distance between two points was a straight line. Unfortunately, in the Northern City, there would always be unpredictable accidents. Most of the time, making a detour would be the right choice.

Soon, the vehicle was on the 3rd Ring Road. The emergency vehicle lighting was still flashing, but they did not turn on the police sirens, so it did not cause a disturbance.

In the city, the most extensive road would be the bus lane, and conventional vehicles were prohibited. However, the police vehicles had exclusive rights, so Bai Lu alternated between the regular lanes and the bus lane while driving.

He was quite lucky, as the National Holidays were just over, and it was also 2:30 pm in the afternoon, so the traffic on the road was much lesser than usual. Surprisingly, he was able to make it back to Xiao Wang's Village Road in less than 20 minutes.

When he got off the car, Gao Yuan immediately charged over and smashed him with a stool in his hands.

Bai Lu dodged, and he said, "Are you crazy? Shouldn't you hurry up and open the door, and why are you smashing things around?"

"You are the crazy one, asshole. Just you wait." Gao Yuan was infuriated, he returned the stool to the dumpling store.

Bureau Chief Leng got off the car, and he said, "Who is this?"

Gao Yuan stared at him. "Why should you care about who I am? Go away."

Bureau Chief Leng wore a police uniform with an epaulet that displayed his high ranking position which was at least a level of an administrative officer. However, Gao Yuan was not even intimidated.

Bureau Chief Leng had a change of expression. However, in the face of an emergency, he had no choice but to endure this humiliation. He instructed the other police officer that was driving the vehicle. "Drive the vehicle away."

The cop said yes and left with the car.

Bureau Chief Leng looked at himself. His appearance was still considered proper. Even in this sweltering heat, he always wore his cap, which was rather commendable.

Gao Yuan looked at him with disdain. "What are you doing? Are you thinking of joining in on the fun?"

The restaurant door opened and Bao Zi came out to greet him. "Boss."

"Could you stop using so many different salutations? What is my real name?" Bai Lu said, and he walked into the restaurant, "this place looks rather clean."

"Of course. A big celebrity like myself is scrubbing the floor for you, how could it not be clean? You get out now. Come back later."

Ding Ding's beautiful face popped out from underneath the table, and then Zhang Sha Sha followed behind. They both had beads of perspiration on their forehead. Bai Lu smiled, and he said, "Sorry for the trouble."

"Get out." Ding Ding stared at him.

Outside, Bureau Chief Leng saw Ding Ding, and he suddenly had an inspiration. "A celebrity is helping him to scrub the floor? Also, there is this unidentified but arrogant young man. Then, there was also the phone call in the afternoon. It seems to me like this young boss is not an ordinary man."

Bai Lu went out of the restaurant gloomily, and he poked fun at Gao Yuan. "No wonder you are waiting outside for me. It turns out that you were unable to go in as well."

"Bullshit. It was because I was anxious, and I can't wait to kill you personally."

As they were chatting along, two vehicles drove in from the entrance of the road, with a very slow speed. After a while, they stopped in front of the restaurant. Four guys came out of the first vehicle, with full black suits that all looked the same. When they got out of the car, they started scanning the surroundings, and two of them retreated to the second vehicle to stand guard firmly. The other two guys went inside of the Great 5-Star Restaurant for an inspection.

In a moment, one of them came out and guarded the door. He nodded his head in the direction of the second vehicle.

They did not discover any abnormal circumstances. The door to the second vehicle was opened, and two people got out. The first was the driver who was about 30 years of age; He looked incredibly tough. The other person was a middle-aged man in his 40s, and he wore a white shirt with black leather shoes. It was a strict dress code, just like a secretary.

The middle-aged man first scanned left and right, and then he proceeded to open the back door. He invited a man in his 50s with the appearance of leader to step out of the vehicle. His forehead was broad, and he had a stern expression. After he got out of the car, his eyes focused solely on the Great 5-Star Restaurant and he walked towards his target.

The moment he moved his body, the secretary followed.

When the middle-aged man appeared, Bureau Chief Leng trembled, and he realized that it was indeed the Vice-Premier. Right away, he stood upright and perfectly straight, like a foot soldier that was guarding the entrance of the restaurant.

Gao Yuan also stopped talking. With a stiff expression, he stood next to Bureau Chief Leng.

Vice-Premier Fu visited the restaurant incognito, so he did not trouble anyone else. Naturally, there would not be any barricades or police stationed in the area.

With the short distance of a few footsteps, Vice-Premier Fu walked towards Bai Lu and extended his hand. He greeted him and said, "Hello."

When the Vice-Premier of a nation wanted to meet someone, there would definitely be a prior investigation. Someone would have already prepared the comprehensive data of that person, so he was able to recognize him right away.

Bai Lu extended both his hands and said, "Hello, Vice-Premier."

Then, Vice-Premier Fu took a look at Gao Yuan and said, "You are doing pretty well lately. Your grandpa is quite pleased."

Gao Yuan answered, "Thank you, Uncle Fu, for the compliment. My grandpa asked me to inform you that whenever Uncle and Aunty are free, you can come to our house for a visit."

Vice-Premier Fu nodded his head, but he did not respond to this sentence. He turned his attention towards Bureau Chief Leng.

In the data, of all the people that Bai Lu had met, there was no such person.

Seeing the Vice-Premier look at him, Bureau Chief Leng stomped his feet and saluted. "Leng Guo You reporting for duty, Vice-Premier."

As he observed the standard salutation, Vice-Premier Fu nodded his head. Then he looked back towards Bai Lu, and he said, "Owner, are you not inviting us inside?"

Bai Lu hurriedly pushed the glass door opened. "Please come in, Vice-Premier."

In the room, three young people looked reserved. Ding Ding, Sha Sha, and Bao Zi stood in a line and bowed in unison. Then they said together, "Welcome, Vice-Premier."

Vice-Premier Fu smiled, and he said, "The celebrity is working as a waitress. Your restaurant has a pretty high standard."

Ding Ding was elated, as the Vice-Premier himself knew who she was. However, due to her nervousness, she was unable to speak a word.

Bai Lu stepped forward and dragged out a stool. "Vice-Premier, please take a seat."

At the same time, Gao Yuan directed a glance towards Ding Ding.

Ding Ding seemed to have lost her mind, as she stood there motionless. He looked towards Sha Sha and Bao Zi. Those two were even worst.

Gao Yuan had no choice but to go to the kitchen himself to retrieve the teapot and a teacup.

He served it in front of the Vice-Premier. "Uncle Fu, since I knew that you were coming, I stole some of the precious tea from my grandpa. I used it to make this tea for you. It is at the right temperature," he said, as he poured the clear tea into the cup.

The tea wasmildly glistening with pure transparency; The subtle scent of the tea leaves rose in a spiral and permeated through the air.

Vice-Premier Fu did not sit down at all. He said to Bai Lu, "There's no need to trouble you. I have come here today because I just wanted to thank you in person." As he spoke, he lightly bowed towards Bai Lu.

Bai Lu was in a state of shock. "Oh my, the Vice-Premier is bowing to me?" He jumped away out of surprise and triggered the bodyguards; They almost wanted to launch into action.

The Vice-Premier stopped bowing, and he softly said, "That bowl of soup had the grace of saving someone's life. Thank you." Finally, he received over the tea that Gao Yuan offered. He lifted up his head and drank it all up. Then he said, "Not bad."

He said to Bai Lu, "Keep up the good work. Do not let this culinary talent go to waste." Then, he turned around and left.

After the Vice-Premier left, the secretary remained. He took out a name card and handed it over to Bai Lu. "My name is Liu Xiang Qian. If there is anything you need, you can call this number once. I will relay it to the Vice-Premier." After he said this, he left as well.

In less than five minutes, the Vice-Premier came and left. But, it left behind a shocking sensation for everyone else.

Bai Lu mumbled, "But, I did not save his life. It was just a bowl of soup, was there really a need to go through all that trouble?"

Gao Yuan smiled at him. "You are still inexperienced."

"What do you mean?"

At this moment, Bureau Chief Leng pushed to door open and entered. With a face full of disbelief, he asked Bai Lu, "Why did the Vice-Premier come here?"

"Why does it concern you?" Gao Yuan stared at him with a cold expression.

"If this guy called the Vice-Premier his uncle, then he is someone that I cannot offend," Bureau Chief Leng thought. With a smile, he said, "I was the one that sent him back here. Just now, he was arrested at the police station."

"What?" Gao Yuan retorted, and he asked Bai Lu, "Why didn't you say anything?" Then he turned his head and asked Bureau Chief Leng, "Who was the bastard that did this?"

Bureau Chief Leng had his plans, but there were too many people in the room, so it was inconvenient for him to say. He smiled and answered, "I am not sure as well. But I received the call from my superior, and he asked me to rescue him out. It was a race against time, so there was no opportunity to ask for more information."

Bai Lu said, "Forget it, it is all in the past."

"How could you say that it was all in the past? You almost made the Vice-Premier show up for nothing. How much reputation do you think you need to have for the Vice-Premier to wait for you?"

As it was only an informal visit, after they obtained Bai Lu's background information and sent out the notification, Secretary Liu made the preparations for the Vice-Premier to depart. According to their beliefs, no one would be unwilling to meet with the Vice-Premier. And also, no one would dare not to show up, so they thought that there would be no accidents.

But who would have known that Bai Lu would still go out for a fight after he received Gao Yuan's notification? All these events happened because of him.