Maverick Chef - Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Bai Lu had lived with the elites amongst the dregs for over 20 years, and even the newest member was 15 years at least. He learned many skills from them, and he was also very adept at catching the underlying intention of someone else that was talking. For example, when he heard He San Qing's name, he knew right away that there was a hidden meaning. Therefore, he paused his game and waited for Le Miao Miao to explain.

Watching someone's action, he could know about their personality. Hearing someone's words, he could know about their intention. Bai Lu has more or less understood what kind of person Le Miao Miao was.

Vain, egoistic, petty, greedy, and so on; It was normal for a lady to be a little cunning. People were naturally selfish and would always think about themselves first. Bai Lu did not care about this. He thought, "I do not care about how you want to torment yourself, but you should not implicate someone else."

Now, Le Miao Miao has implicated someone else.

She implicated He San Qing, but Bai Lu did not care. He thought that they were both messed up, as they fooled around shamelessly, so he deserved to be implicated. As for Duckie and Lin Zi, it was their problem since they wanted to help. They willingly helped He San Qing, so Bai Lu also did not care.

What Bai Lu truly cared about was that Feng Bao Bei was implicated.

People should take care of their own feathers. Out of the six girls that lived together, five of them consumed the drugs and got themselves muddle-headed. Even though the guys coerced them, but it was not an excuse. The real reason was that they were not resolute in defending their position. He thought, "There were more than 20 people in the party. Why was it that the others could leave, but they choose to stay? Why was it that Feng Bao Bei did not take the drugs, but they choose to take it?"

Since they were adults, they should not look for an excuse. Bai Lu did not care about those five girls who took the drugs out of their own volition. However, Feng Bao Bei was innocent. She was also worried and concerned about her classmates, so she did not leave them behind. This fact was already enough to prove that she was a kind person. Because of her kindness, Bai Lu decided to help her yesterday.

That was why he wanted to be clear about what was happening today.

After hearing him ask the question, Le Miao Miao replied. "Yesterday night, Brother San asked us to stay in the hotel and not go anywhere. We obeyed Brother San's instructions. Today, he came over to look for me and asked me to call Gai Le to let him know that he should leave my classmates and me alone. Gai Le scolded Brother San, but he ignored him and hung up the phone. Then he asked me to come back to school, and he left after that. But Brother San did not tell us what we should do, and I am afraid that Gai Le would pursue us back to the school. Therefore, we did not go back, and remained in the hotel all this while."

She explained it in great detail. Bai Lu listened and sighed in his heart. He thought, "If you are afraid of trouble, then you should stay out of it. Why did you do this to yourself?" And he asked, "How many of you are there?"

"Nine of us. Six girls from the dormitory, and three other girls from another dormitory."

"Go back to the school. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you," Bai Lu said.

"Really?" Even after hearing Bai Lu speaking the same words as He San Qing, Le Miao Miao was still a little bit worried.

"What else then? Do you expect to stay at the hotel forever?" Bai Lu looked at the table that was full of gaming equipment. He let out a long sigh, and he thought, "Unhappiness always accompanies happiness."

"Fine, I will listen to you. Brother Bai, we will go back to school now." Le Miao Miao was distraught; She did not want to hang up the call.

She yearned for an upper-class life, and she looked forward to an extravagant lifestyle. That was why she was always mingling around the rich, hoping to perch on a high branch like a magpie. But today she came to the realization, that high branches were not always that safe to perch.

After Bai Lu hung up the call, he informed Bao Zi. "Keep all these toys for me. Today, the restaurant will still be closed. If anything bad happens, give me a call." He held the little portable power bank that functioned as a phone, and he left the restaurant.

Bao Zi was at a loss for words, he thought, "In this world, there would not be another boss that is so unreasonable like him."

Bai Lu went out to look for Le Miao Miao at her school. Now, he finally understood what He San Qing and the others were planning to do. But there was one thing that he couldn't wrap his head around. He thought, "He San Qing is not a heartless man, but he does not care too much about women. If so, then why is he standing up for Le Miao Miao?"

"But then again, let's not consider why He San Qing wanted to help Le Miao Miao. Just for that barrage of insults from Gai Le, He San Qing would already be ready to mobilize a strikeforce to take him down. Oh, Gai Le, you have caused your demise."

At this moment, Bai Lu had overlooked himself. He did not realize that he was the real reason that caused He San Qing to intervene.

As he walked, his phone rang, and it was Gao Yuan. "Lu Zi, today afternoon at 3 pm, you need to stay at your restaurant."


"If I ask you to stay, then you shall stay. Why ask so many questions?" Gao Yuan scolded him.

"That's nonsense. If you do not explain clearly, then I will not stay there."

"Screw your father. It is something good. Someone wants to meet up with you."

"Screw your son. That's none of my business. Who is this awesome guy, that gets to meet me whenever he wants?"

"Vice-Premier Fu." Gao Yuan casually spat out these few words with much reservation and content. He waited for Bai Lu to be surprised and shocked. Unfortunately, he was only filled with disappointment instead.

"Vice-Premier? What level is the Vice-Premier? Even if it was the Chairman himself, I also do not care."

"You are a fool. He is the Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China. The Vice-Premier with the surname of Fu." Gao Yuan wasted all his efforts in pretending to be reserved as he exploded with a single sentence from Bai Lu.

"In our country, is there a Vice-Premier with the surname of Fu?" Bai Lu asked.

"You ignorant fool. You tell me, who is the President? No wait, this is too simple. Who is the mayor of the Northern City?"

Bai Lu kept quiet for a long time. "How about you tell me?"

"Where the hell were you staying at all these years? How could you be so ignorant about the state affairs?"

"Why should I know about the state affairs?" Bai Lu asked with a serious tone.

"Go to hell. Today at 3 pm, you better stay at the shop. Otherwise, you are dead." Gao Yuan hung up the phone in a fit of rage.

Bai Lu displayed a helpless expression, and he said, "Sigh, poor child. He only knows how to curse. I should educate him properly."

Bai Lu was very skillful. With only a few words, he made Gao Yuan so angry that he insulted his entire family tree. Regretfully, Gao Yuan was unaware that Bai Lu had not that many family members, so he was not aggravated at all.

After he hung up the phone, Bai Lu pressed on. As for the meeting with the Vice-Premier? He decided to settle Le Miao Miao's problem first before coming back to the restaurant in the afternoon.

At the same time, his phone rang again. This time, it was Bao Zi. "Brother Bai, there is somebody from the Global Investment who is looking for you."

"What Investment? Ask him to call again in the afternoon." After he hung up the phone again, Bai Lu was brimming with pride. He thought, "I had only arrived here a few days ago. But I have already attracted so many people who are giving me money willingly. I must be an impressive human being."

When he thought about the investment opportunities, he recalled about Liu Wen Qing. He thought, "What a sexy and gorgeous lady, she is much more attractive than those people from the other investment companies. At least she was polite and visited me in person."

But this investment company was also pretty impressive to be able to obtain the contact number of the restaurant. It was worth mentioning that the rest would leave behind their contact details and waited for Bai Lu to give them a call. From this point, it was apparent that the Global Investment was not a mediocre player.

The art school was located at the other end of the city. Bai Lu walked to the main road and intercepted a cab to take him to the subway. He changed trains and called another cab when he came out of the station. After about an hour, he finally reached the art school.

There were two vehicles parked at the entrance to the school. And in front of the cars was Gai Le, who was shouting outlandishly into his phone.

"These guys are pretty quick in taking action. They are here already?" Like a little hooligan, Bai Lu squatted at the roadside curb and looked over. From time to time, he would also sweep his gaze towards the beautiful girls from the art school.

After looking for a while, he saw Gai Le hanging up the call. Bai Lu contemplated on whether he should take action but he was also somewhat curious in his heart. He thought, "Where did He San Qing and the rest go?"

After thinking about it, he decided to find Le Miao Miao first, so he secretly crept into the school.

There were many faculties in the art school. Aside from the regular students who passed the college entrance examination, there were also many students that were enrolled in this higher institute after passing the special arts exam after finishing Junior High. As he observed the little girls wandering around with unique 'weapons' , Bai Lu thought about Sha Sha, "If I send her here to study, she could learn the bamboo flute weapon, or the Chinese lute weapon and more. Worst come to worst, if she has no talent in the arts, then she could still learn the calligraphy skills of a judge. In the future, she might very well become a world-class heroine with artistic abilities."

Bai Lu asked for directions while he loitered around. Soon after, he arrived at the female dormitories at the dance faculty.

Every student that had the chance to enroll in the dance school would have gone through tough training for at least five to ten years. They developed a beautiful figure and walked with charm. With their dance costumes and skirts, the girls carried their lunchbox to get food at the canteen. " Oh my, they are so attractive."

Bai Lu stopped at the huge tree by the side of the road and gave Le Miao Miao a call. But, the call could not be connected?

"Alright then," he thought, while he held the little phone in his hand. He focused on looking at the beautiful girls, and the more he looked, the more he liked this place. He decided to return and discuss with Sha Sha about enrolling in this place to study.

He was overwhelmed with boredom, but he waited for a while before giving Le Miao Miao another call. Right when he had finished pressing the numbers, there was a police car that drove into the road and parked right outside of the female dormitory. Luckily, there were no police sirens.

The door opened, and two police officers stepped out. They entered the dormitory. After five minutes, they escorted Liu Chen and Le Miao Miao into the vehicle and left right away.

Bai Lu saw the entire incident, and he thought, "Screw his father, that Gai Le is brutal. Deploying the cops right away? What the hell. This place is a school, but they just came in here to arrest the girls so overtly. How would the two young girls be able to go to school in the future?"

If he knew that it was going to end up like this, he would have called the cops yesterday at the villa.

Timing was crucial, so he had no time to overthink. He rushed off to chase after the police vehicle.

In the school, the car moved slowly. Bai Lu was able to catch up with the vehicle quickly. As he was chasing, he tried to phone He San Qing.

If this matter has involved the cops, then he could not merely solve it with his fists. He needed He San Qing to work his magic, but that unlucky bastard was still uncontactable on his phone.

Soon, the police vehicle drove out of the school. It stopped for a moment, and the car windows were rolled down. There was a 30-year-old fatso who smiled and nodded at Gai Le. Gai Le waved his hands, and the police officer drove away.

As expected, it was the act of this sly villain. Bai Lu ran towards Gai Le and stood in front of him. He smiled and said, "If I were you, I would ask the cops to release the girls."

"You asshole, how dare you to show your face?" Gai le shouted, and five men came out of the two vehicles. They were armed with machetes, steel rods, and also car locks. They surrounded Bai Lu with murderous intent.

Bai Lu looked up and noticed the surveillance camera nearby. There were also many students that were holding cameras. As it might leave behind evidence easily, he refrained from taking action right away. Thus, he turned around and escaped.

"Chase after him." Gai le ordered and gave chase with his men.

The art school was at the edge of the 3rd Ring Road, and to the west was a row of houses. Bai Lu lured Gai Le and his goons over to this place so that he could take care of them properly.

With his fighting abilities, he could effortlessly take on all six of them at once. In less than a minute, they were all collapsed on the ground.

Bai Lu chuckled and squatted in front of Gai Le. "Make the call and release the girls."

Gai Le scolded, "F*ck your ancestor. Just you wait, I will make sure I send you to hell."

"Send me to hell?" Bai Lu lightly patted him on his cheek. Suddenly, he tightened his fist, and with a loud pounding sound, half of Gai Le's teeth were gone.

"Make the call and release the girls." He still had the same smiling expression.

He did not expect that Gai Le was so tough and vicious. Even after half of his teeth were knocked off, he still shouted fiercely with his mouth full of blood. "You better finish me off now. Otherwise, I will make sure I finish you off."

"Sure, as you wish." Bai Lu stood up and stepped on his knee joint. All that could be heard was a "Kacha" sound, and Gai Le screamed at the top of his lungs.