Maverick Chef - Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Gao Yuan dazed for a while. Even though his car was modified, the top speed would still be 300kmph. Going any faster was impossible. Also, if the car were being driven at 300kmph, it would be tremendously damaging to the vehicle. He thought, "And yet, this guy actually pushed the car to its limits?"

After He San Qing heard the news, he was exhilarated and shouted. "Awesome, awesome! I love this guy more and more."

Around three minutes later, the Black Santana was like a black bolt of lightning, which flashed across the eyes of everyone present. Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, the speed of the vehicle was definitely off the charts! The only weird thing was that this guy didn't intend to stop.

Another three minutes after the Santana was gone, Yu Shan Yang's Lamborghini leisurely emerged, he left the vehicle and started cursing. "That guy is nuts! To hell with him!"

Five minutes later, the Black Santana came back from a relief road. Bai Lu got out of the vehicle and smiled mockingly. "My apologies, I wasn't paying attention. It seems like Ihave overshot the finish line."

"Are you a chef or a racer? Why not just be a professional racer instead, that would be cool." He San Qing was over the moon because the grievance was finally released. Even Duckie was overjoyed, and he said, "Bro, well done."

Hei Zi, followed by a few of his minions, came over to deliver the winnings along with the set of car keys. Gao Yuan casually opened one of the bags, he retrieved a stack of cash and threw it over. It was the rules. If the bet amount were small, the fees would be only $2-3k or a meal would suffice. If however, the stakes involved were higher than a ticket, then it would depend on the circumstances, but it would still be at least $50k.

Hei Zi received the money and said, "Thanks."

As for the Race King Club, which had many more members, for a bunch of people that were all previously frolicking and having a good time, they became unusually quiet. Except for a few of them who occasionally shouted the word 'Lunatic.'

For someone to drive at a speed of 300kmph in the 2nd Ring, could the title of 'Lunatic' be any more befitting?

A dark and skinny fellow walked out from the crowds. He stood in front of Bai Lu and said, "My name is Big Thumb. I do not have so much money. Would you be interested in competing for $100k?"

Bai Lu shook his head. "It's just a race, and purely for entertainment. There's no need to be so serious. Thanks a lot, to that somebody." He was loudly referring to Yu Shan Yang.

Yu Shan Yang gritted his teeth so hard in rage that they almost shattered. Yesterday, Bai Lu made him lose face in front of everybody, and today he won $4 million from him again. The humiliation made Yu Shan Yang so mad that he wanted to murder someone.

On the other hand, Ou Yang was rather calm and collected. He urged him softly. "Yesterday, we won five tickets. Plus the additional ticket that you won just now, that makes a total win of two tickets. Since you came out with a profit, why is there a need to be angry?"

"Oh yea, I still won $2 million." Yu Shan Yang pointed towards Bai Lu and declared. "No worries, I shall concede defeat today. We will have a rematch another day. Let's go." The whole group of them got into their vehicles and drove off loudly. No one cared about Big Thumb.

After having been rejected by Bai Lu, Big Thumb did not linger around. He just walked down into the 2nd Ring, got into a silver sedan and left.

"He must have been spooked by Lu Zi since he did not even dare to let Big Thumb race for the crew." He San Qing mocked Yu Shan Yang.

Bai Lu looked at all the money sitting on the floor, and also the car keys in his hand. He just casually tossed the keys over to Duckie. "It's yours." Then he spoke to He San Qing. "There's no need to return the money that you owe me since I have already won them back for myself." At the same time, he also handed over $1 million to him. "This is from Duckie."

"Are you insane?" He San Qing glared at him.

Duckie could not believe it either. He thought, "Who in the right mind would hand over $3 million to someone else in such a nonchalant manner? Even if it is just $300, it should also not be like this."

Bai Lu laughed and said, "It's just like the TV dramas. I should develop strong relations with the influential people so that everything I do will be more convenient in the future. Look at how humble and hard I am trying right now."

It was not because Bai Lu did not care about the money, but in this world, many things could not merely be settled just with cash alone. Say for example, if there was a confrontation with Yu Shan Yang in the future, why would He San Qing help him? Why would Gao Yuan also help him?

He thought, "Now that I have used my racing ability to win back some money that did not belong to me in the first place. I could use those winnings to curry favor with them. Wouldn't that be a win-win situation?"

He San Qing still shook his head. "Duckie lost the bet himself, so why are you paying it back for him?"

"He is right. $2million is too much for me to receive." Duckie returned the car keys.

"You also lost another $1 million. What's the matter? Refusing to admit the loss?" Bai Lu shouted towards He San Qing, and he also did not collect back the car keys. Bai Lu stuffed the remaining sacks of money into the Black Santana. "This $1 million is mine." Then he waved towards Gao Yuan. "Let's go."

Gao Yuan got into the car. "Fine, so be it." Gao Yuan had understood his intentions. Bai Lu did not care much for the money. Even though he knew Bai Lu had hidden intentions but didn't Gao Yuan also had hidden intentions to make acquaintances with Bai Lu?

After hearing what Boss Gao said, Duckie firmly hugged Bai Lu. "From today onwards, we are friends. Just shout out when you need help in the future. If I do not settle it for you, then I will let you decide my punishment."

Gao Yuan faintly said. "That's enough. Lower the stakes next time. Why can't you compete at the Drum Tower?"

"Yes, yes. I will bear in mind the orders from the Great Young Master Gao." Duckie happily went back to his reclaimed sports car.

He San Qing collected the money and got into his car. Then he asked Gao Yuan, "Where to?"

"Where to? Go home! What time is it!" Gao Yuan drove Bai Lu back home first. Then he returned to his home.

This night, everyone went back to their respective homes. The next day was a weekend, so Sha Sha did not have to go to school. Bai Lu brought her out on a shopping spree.

It was the middle of September, so it was chilly at night and in the morning. While in the afternoon it was hot. Therefore, Bai Lu wanted to buy some clothes for Sha Sha.

Sha Sha stubbornly declined.

And so, the two of them engaged in a battle of wits in the shopping mall. Bai Lu coaxed her into trying out some new clothes, which he claimed that he was buying them for his girlfriend, so he needed her help. Whenever the store assistant said that it looked good on her, Bai Lu would fork out the cash.

After a couple of tries, Sha Sha uncovered his ploy. She criticized him. "Liar."

Bai Lu chuckled. "You can call me whatever you want. Let's go and try out some new shoes."

"Again? We just bought fourpairs of new shoes a couple of days ago." Sha Sha already knew that he was buying them for her.

"Since you are going to school, we should buy another set of sports shoes so that you can wear them alternately."

While the two of them were rooted in argument, Bai Lu's phone rang. After he picked up the phone, he realized that it was the renovation workers. "Boss, a young guy is looking for you."

"Who? What is his name?"

"He said that his name was Bao Zi..." Bai Lu hung up the call and said to Sha Sha. "Bao Zi came to look for you."

"Oh? Where is he?"

"We will head back after we buy the shoes."

"Ok." Sha Sha anyhow picked a pair of sports shoes, then the two of them called a cab back to the restaurant.

In front of the restaurant, there was a muscular and tanned youngster who was more than 1.7 meters. He kept looking around and asked the workers from time to time. "When is the boss coming back?"

After the tiring ordeal of waiting for the return of Bai Lu, he finally saw Zhang Sha Sha, who was carrying a clothing bag and a shoebox. He scuttled over and asked, "Are you two together? Did he buy all these for you?"

Hearing what he just said, Bai Lu let out a long sigh. He thought, "Another troublesome guy has appeared."

Zhang Sha Sha did not answer his question, but instead, she asked him. "When were you released? You were not beaten up inside right?"

Bao Zi proudly responded. "I am fine." Then he followed up with another question. "Where did you get so much money? My mom had told me that you were the one who paid the ransom for my release. Did you ask him for help? Why would he give you the money? He even bought you new clothes? Did you..."

He was dying to ask that awkward question, but standing in front of Sha Sha, he was unable to voice it out.

She said, "The money was borrowed from him. I will pay it back by working for him."

Having heard that she was paying back the money by working for him, Bao Zi had a lighter expression. He turned around and said to Bai Lu, "I will also work for you. Since the debt is mine, I will pay it back myself."

"Damn it! From the sound of it, seems like he also wants to stay here?" Bai Lu raised his neck towards the restaurant and said, "Look. With such a bloody small restaurant, there's no need for two helpers."

"Then I will work here instead. Let Sha Sha go back. I will pay the money back myself. Thanks for helping to pay the ransom, otherwise I would still be locked up inside." As he spoke, he faced towards Bai Lu and bowed deeply.

Bai Lu scratched his head. He thought, "No wonder all the baldies in the movies like to scratch their heads, it must also be because they faced too many problems." Unfortunately, no matter how much he scratched his head, he still could not think of a solution. He turned around and looked at Sha Sha.

She firmly declared. "I am not going back. You should go home."

She knew that Bao Zi treated her well. It was precisely for this fact that she resolved not to cause him any more trouble and also not to let his mom worry about him.

"Why are you not going back? ... Could it be that you two are already living together?" Since time immemorial, every time a man offered to help a beautiful woman, it was probably born out of lust. At least, that was what he thought.

She thought about it and said, "He only lent me the money. You should go home. Otherwise, Aunty will be worried again."

"I am not going back." Bao Zi remained obstinate.

Now, even Zhang Sha Sha was at a loss for words. She put down the stuff in her hands, took out her phone and dialed a call.

Bao Zi asked, "Where did the phone come from? Did he buy it for you?"

Sha Sha did not respond to him. She called Bao Zi's mom and told her that he was safe here, so she did not have to worry.

At the same time, the interior designer came to look for Bai Lu. He held a folder in his hands which he opened to reveal a stack of drawings. "For the appearance of the tables and chairs, feel free to take your pick. Whichever design that you are satisfied with, I could get it done immediately."

Bai Lu looked through the entire stack of drawings. Then he closed the folder. "I will let you decide. As long as the entire restaurant is filled up, then it is fine, but it must not appear to be too squeezy."

The designer took back the folder. Then he made some markings on a few of the drawings and consulted Bai Lu again. "How about these few?"

Bai Lu took another look. "Done."

The designer said, "The price is a little bit steep. Let's use a table with four chairs as a base unit for calculation, so this one unit would already cost more than $5k, and this set for eight people would cost more than $9k."

"Do it. As long as you do not rip me off too much."

"How could I rip you off? Boss, you are humorous." And the designer left with his drawings.

"The furniture must be made out of pure wood, and the paint used in the restaurant must also be the most environmentally friendly version. There must not be any traces of odor, and if there are any problems, I will complain to your company." Bai Lu reminded.

After hearing what he had just said, Bao Zi looked at him with skepticism. "Are you pretty rich?"

Bai Lu sighed. "Why do you ask?"

"I was the one that borrowed the money, but if you do not need me to work here, then I would owe it toyou for now. In the meantime, I will look for another job, and I would definitely return you the money, but Sha Sha has to go home now."

"I do not even wish to acknowledge you. Why do you keep insisting that Sha Sha should go back home? To plow the fields? How many plots of land does your village even have? Even if there was many, do you expect her to be a farmer and forsake her education? To raise pigs at home? Or to idle around groundlessly? Sha Sha has a school now, do you want her to quit her studies?" Bai Lu finished his rant and told Sha Sha. "He is worried about you. Take him back to our place and show him around."

Sha Sha replied yes. Bao Zi was a little surprised, and he thought, "Could there be someone as kind as him? Putting aside the loan, he was even willing to support Sha Sha out of kindness and help her go back to school?"

No matter what, Bao Zi was not convinced that such an altruistic person exist. His first impression was that Bai Lu was up to no good.

Sha Sha retrieved the new set of clothes and shoes. Then she called out for Bao Zi. "Come with me."

He hurriedly snatched over the goods in her hands. "Let me take it." He wassecretly contemplating that it would be a good decision tonote down her address. He thought, "If something bad happens in the future, at least I would know where to look."

As Bai Lu watched her bringing Bao Zi back to their apartment, his forehead started to swell. He thought, "Why is there so much trouble? Firstly, I have to take care of Sha Sha. Then I have to cook for Ding Ding. Now there is even a Bao Zi. Could it be that I am a babysitter?"