Maverick Chef - Chapter 19

Chapter 19

The distance from the entrance of the park to the restaurant was about 500 meters away, and a long tar road extended towards the middle of the green forest.

According to the regulations, there should be no parked cars on the park's premises. There should also be no parked cars in the middle of the road. However, along this 500 meters long tar road, there were more than 30 - 40 luxury cars parked alongside beginning from the entrance of the restaurant; one by one they were lined up along the road.

Gao Yuan parked the car inside, and then he went back to the entrance of the park. His guest has arrived, it was a stunningly beautiful woman. From the looks of it, she knew Gao Yuan very well. They played along with Western etiquette, by smiling and embracing each other when they met.

He San Qing stick out his chest. "Me too, me too."

In the presence of this gorgeous lady, Bai Lu frowned and was rooted in his thoughts. He San Qing asked him, "What's wrong? Constipation?"

Bai Lu responded. "Very familiar, very familiar. I cannot seem to recall, where I have seen her before?"

He San Qing scolded. "You don't watch the TV at all?"

With the reminder, Bai Lu exclaimed. "Ah, I remember! You are Ding Ding."

Gao Yuan chuckled. "Not bad. There's improvement. At least you did not say that she was floating above our heads."

Ding Ding asked, "What do you mean by floating above our heads."

Gao Yuan explained. "Yesterday, when he saw He Xiao Huan. It took him a long time to recall and say that He Xiao Huan was above our heads. What he meant was that he saw her in one of the advertisement posters that was hanging overhead."

"You do not know who He Xiao Huan is? She is the top grade celebrity, which is much more famous than me." Ding Ding commented smilingly.

"You are much more beautiful than her. And you are much better looking in person. The way you look on TV does not resemble you at all." Bai Lu replied genuinely.

"You are a sweet talker." Ding Ding liked to laugh, and she said to Gao Yuan, "Your friend is fascinating."

"Let's go inside." Gao Yuan ushered the whole group and walked into the restaurant.

The Second Residence occupied a pretty large area, and the restaurant consisted of 30 private rooms of various sizes. The interior was opulent and magnificent. Encompassing the outer edge of the compound were individual rooms with transparent glass; To have a drink next to such a lush scenery, wouldn't that be one of the refined pleasures of life?

The room that Gao Yuan had booked was precisely such a room, It wasn't just one of the walls being made entirely of transparent glass, but even the ceiling was also the same material. At this time, it was still a little bit early. Therefore, the room was brightly lit. When night falls, with the moon shining brightly in the sky, reflecting off the surface of fine liquor in the shallow cup. It would seem like a moon was trapped in each glass. And inviting the moon to share a drink, while raising the glass to drink the reflected moon, what a marvelous feeling of expression this would be.

Bai Lu looked up, down, left and right. "Now this is rather interesting."

There was a total of five people, Gao Yuan let Ding Ding order the food first. She frowned and flipped through the menu. After a while, she handed it over to Gao Yuan and said to the waiter. "One bowl of rice, with two simple dishes. Please do not use any oil."

Gao Yuan asked Sha Sha, "What do you like to eat?"

Sha Sha said, "Anything."

"And you?" He asked Bai Lu.

Bai Lu did not show any self-restraint. "Lobsters. So long as they are as big as the ones we had yesterday." Sha Sha nodded. "Yea, lobsters."

He San Qing burst into laughter. "Haha, I want to eat lobsters too."

Gao Yuan passed the menu back to the waiter. "Just serve us a set meal with lighter dishes, with two bowls of white rice, two cups of fruit juice, one lobster and a bottle of Sorghum liquor."

A big restaurant like this wasn't just for show. All the dishes were served up in a short amount of time. Gao Yuan poured some liquor for Bai Lu. "Dude, do you still remember how you tortured me yesterday?"

Bai Lu suddenly became aware. "No wonder you are treating us to a meal today. Say it, what do you need."

Gao Yuan asked, "Do you think that Ding Ding is beautiful?"

Ding Ding was more than 1.7 meters tall. She wore a pair of jeans with a long-sleeved shirt. Even though she was fully covered up, her alluring figure was still readily apparent. Her looks was definitely a winner. She was much more beautiful than the flashy He Xiao Huan. And the way she casually tied up her long black hair made her look especially refreshing and natural.

Bai Lu carefully examined her. "Beautiful. Simply beautiful."

"Her beauty comes at a price. At first, I wanted to bring her to your place for a meal. Never did I expect that such an idiot like you would demolish the restaurant. Can't you at least inform me before you do so?" Gao Yuan was infuriated.

"That's all?" Bai Lu was fighting for the lobster meat against Sha Sha.

"Of course not! To maintain her beautiful figure, Ding Ding started to go on a diet. And surprisingly after dieting for a while, she completely lost the appetite for food. Probably, she has contracted anorexia. Since she is a celebrity, it would be wise to avoid any public health inspection. That's why I came to look for you in private." Gao Yuan mentioned his intention.

"I knew it. You would never treat me to a meal without a good reason." Bai Lu rubbed his hands, and then he said to Ding Ding. "Give me your right hand."

"You know how to read a pulse?" He San Qing couldn't believe his eyes.

"I'm just pretending. Does that count?"

It's definitely true that Ding Ding did not like to eat. Even with the whole table of food, she only slightly moved her chopsticks twice. After hearing Bai Lu asking her to extend her hand, she stood up hurriedly and walked over.

Bai Lu put on an act and took her pulse, he nodded and said, "Your skin is so smooth. What an incredibly fine texture."

"What nonsense are you saying." Ding Ding blushed and returned to her seat.

Gao Yuan asked, "Could you make a bowl of soup for me tomorrow, the same kind that you gave to my grandpa?"

"Yes I could, but can't you wait for a couple of days? The small restaurant just needs a couple of small renovations with the walls and laying the tiles then it would be opened again for business."

"It can't wait any longer, because of her anorexia, she would never eat enough when she was filming with the production crew. For more than half a year, she was afraid to take on any new roles. If this continues, let's not discuss whether or not she could continue her celebrity status, because even her body would not be able to handle it."

"Seems like you care a lot about her?" Bai Lu asked curiously. He looked at Ding Ding once more, and he thought, "Her boobs are huge! For somebody with anorexia to have such big boobs, how miraculous."

"Cut the crap. Just say whether you are helping or not."

"Fine, I will help. From tomorrow onwards, every evening she can come to my place for a meal, to eat with Sha Sha, for a duration of... 3 days."

"Just one meal? And only for 3 days?"

"What else do you expect? Why not just stay at my house permanently."

"Good idea, Ding Ding stays at your place. She can keep Sha Sha company. You go back to sleep at your restaurant."

"Go to hell. The restaurant was demolished, and even the bed was sold away. Where would I be sleeping?" Bai Lu said, with a furious expression.

Gao Yuan thought about it. "How much money do you have now?"

"What do you want?"

"In my opinion, renting an apartment is not appropriate. You should be buying your own house, with about 300 - 400 square meters. It would be best if it's a duplex apartment with proper renovations. Upstairs is the living quarters while downstairs is the restaurant, that would be very convenient."

Bai Lu contemplated for a while. "You are right, but I do not have any money. With slightly more than $7 million, I can't possibly afford those kinds of apartments."

"What the hell. You have $7 million, and yet you claim that you do not have any money?" He San Qing poked at him.

Ding Ding nodded in approval. "That's right, it's true. How many movies must I make to earn $7 million?"

Gao Yuan completely ignored them both, and he said to Bai Lu, "I will borrow you the money. Just go and look for an apartment tomorrow. There's only one contingency: Anytime that I want to eat, you will have to cook for me."

"In your dreams." Bai Lu rejected Gao Yuan, but he thought about it and said, "Your grandpa wanted me to expand my business, so that I could serve more customers. But if I want to run a big restaurant, I would definitely have to hire more people. The thing is that the people that I hire would definitely not be able to satisfy my requirements, how irritating."

"I think we have strayed a little too far. What we are discussing today is the issue with Ding Ding. Just one meal a day definitely wouldn't cut it. How about this, let Ding Ding stay in another rented apartment nearby, so that she can eat all three meals at your place."

"Boss, all I did was to request you to drive me somewhere further a few days ago, and also we only went out in your car for an errand to buy some items yesterday. You don't have to treat me like this right?" Bai Lu protested.

Ding Ding was also a little bit embarrassed. "That would be causing too much trouble for him. Originally I thought that this was just like a visit to the doctor, prescribing a few medicine home to consume."

Gao Yuan shook his head. "You do not understand this person. He is very manipulative. For a single bowl of soup, he extorted $10k from me"

Bai Lu flared up his temper. "Thanks for the reminder! I almost forgot. Return the money! You stole that $10k from me, return it!"

"Oh, yes. I already collected back the money from you, but that is another separate issue. Do not try and cover up the fact that you had extorted $10k from me."

"Extort you? You were the one at fault for trying to show off your generosity in front of the beautiful ladies. By taking the initiative to pay on your own accord"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ding Ding flashed her beautiful big round eyes and asked Gao Yuan, "Which beautiful lady? Is she pretty? Is that your wife? What does she do for a living? How old is she?"

Just one statement baited five questions from Ding Ding. Bai Lu thought, "What exactly is going on here? What kind of relationship do Gao Yuan and Ding Ding share?" He blinked his eyes at He San Qing, but he shook his head. What he was trying to say was that he did not know anything.

Gao Yuan made a coughing sound. "Where is your new apartment? I will rent an adjacent unit, and then I will pay you $1k every day for the meals. As long as you treat her anorexia."

Bai Lu shook his head. "I am a very busy person."

"Busy my ass. Don't force me to punch you." Gao Yuan screamed.

A knocking sound came from the outside of the door. The waiter pushed open the door and entered. "Sir, may I ask if the food is not to your liking?"

That guy was trying to save face for them. He was trying to remind all of them covertly to stop making a scene and to keep it quiet.

Bai Lu pointed at Gao Yuan and started laughing. Then he said, "Haha, you ask him. He's the one with the loud voice."

Gao Yuan had a gloomy expression. He took out his credit card, and he said, "Bring us the bill."

All five of them were satiated. They headed outside. When they passed by the hall, someone shouted suddenly. "Ding Ding?"

In this kind of high-end venue, the people that visited were either the rich or exalted. There would not be any fans chasing the celebrities making a rowdy scene here. Crudely speaking, even if there were notable celebrities, their influence would be negligible to some of the customers that dined in this restaurant. Furthermore, some of them even directly serviced the clients here as an escort.

That was why this particular shout seemed very abrupt, and it had attracted the attention of everyone else.

A skinny lad rushed over from the hallway, and he stopped right in front of Ding Ding. "Indeed it is you. Ha, I was not mistaken. Beautiful Ding Ding, Young Master Chai and I have established a new entertainment company. May I ask when is the contract of such a great beauty expiring? Sign with our company. I can assure you that I will do everything I can to boost your popularity."

Bai Lu took a look, and he thought, "This kid is too persistent. He lingers around like a vengeful spirit. We just met yesterday, and today he appears again." He dragged Sha Sha along and headed outside.

"Don't go. Aren't you a chef? Why did you come here for a meal? Ah, did Young Master He sneak you in to steal their trade secrets? To learn more about their dishes? You are so ambitious. This young lady, do you want to star in a movie? If you sign with our company, I will allocate to you at least one movie per year." The skinny lad was very articulate, in one shot he managed to say a lot of information.

Bai Lu was a little depressed. He thought, "There are so many other people here. Why not look for someone else to bother? Why do you keep choosing to pester Sha Sha?" He turned around, looked at the skinny lad and directly shook his head.

"Why do you shake your head? Parkinsons?" The skinny lad diverted his attention back to Ding Ding. "I have seen the movies that you have starred in. How beautiful, your acting skills are also excellent. Come to our company, we are officially opened on the 10th of next month. He Xiao Huan is also under our company."

While he was speaking, a few more people slowly walked out to the hallway. Amongst them were Chai Ding An and He Xiao Huan. There were also three other female celebrities, two male actors and a young man that resembled a son of nobility.

Chai Ding An sent his greetings to Gao Yuan. "What a coincidence." Then he also said hello to Ding Ding.

He Xiao Huan saw Ding Ding. In an instant, her expression became a little unnatural. She was secretly deducing the kind of relationship between Ding Ding and Gao Yuan.

Seeing how Young Master Chai took the initiative to greet Gao Yuan, the skinny lad was a little puzzled, and he asked, "Do you know him?"

Chai Ding An smiled. "You have wasted all your efforts in the last year if you do not even know who is Young Master Gao."

"Young Master Gao? Which Young Master Gao?"

Chai Ding An did not bother to reply to him. He asked Gao Yuan, "Tonight, at the 2nd Ring, are you coming along?"

Gao Yuan declined. He San Qing wanted to go, but since Gao Yuan was not going, he did not say anything.

"That's a shame. It's the Race King competing against your original squad. It's one ticket per race."

Gao Yuan smiled and waved his hand. "We are leaving." He led the way outside.