Match Point - Chapter 967

Chapter 967

"Relax while training", what kind of devil's speech is this?

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Hoo hoo.

Hoo hoo.

The wheels of the bicycle trainer hummed like an air-conditioning engine. In the silence, it suddenly stood out, but no one could react.

Even Pelt's pupils were trembling violently.

One second before he was still arguing with Sampras, he was only one eye away from a big fight. The next second he actually saw Gao Wenyun riding a bicycle calmly, but he still couldn't control his shock and detonated a bomb in his brain. .


Tobias was the first to come back to his senses, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, a half-smile, his expression a little absurd, "Gao Wen, I really have never seen someone who loves training so much."

Gao Wen's feet were still stepping on the pedals, he sat upright without any reaction, and shook his head, "No, John, I really, really don't want to train now, believe me, every cell in my body is protesting , my muscles felt like I was abusing them."


Agassi couldn't hold back such a vivid way of expression, and burst out laughing.

Gao Wen also showed a smile.

"So, Martin, starting tomorrow, for the next three days, I will cancel the official training, just do simple recovery training, take a good rest and adjust."

Pelt opened his mouth, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but Tobias gave him a color. Pelt was stunned, and then slowly reacted:

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, in fact, Gao Wen has a "job".

After reaching the championship, Gao Wen needs to cooperate with the Australian Open officials to carry out a series of photoshoots and promotional activities.

These include communicating and interacting with child players, meeting and thanking caddies, volunteers, and staff, as well as promoting the relevant publicity itinerary of the Australian Open, and so on.

In other words, this should have been "vacation time".

After winning the U.S. Open, Gao Wen should already have experience, and he will definitely not forget it, but Gao Wen still specifically pointed it out, which means

Last time, everything was new and strange, and it was also impactful, so that they were in a hurry, which caused Gao Wen to stay away from the training ground for a long time, and his state fell to the bottom. It took two full months before he slowly recovered. This is a painful lesson.

This time they will definitely not make the same mistake again.

So Gao Wen already had a bottom line in his mind.

This is good news.

Pelt's last bit of worry disappeared, he should trust Gawain:

Like Ferrer and Davydenko, Gao Wen is also a diligent and dedicated player. He has proved himself with his daily training and living habits, and has also won the trust of Pelt.

The brief communication between Tobias and Pelt did not attract Gawain's attention.

He is really too tired now, his brain can't function, he can only focus on one thing, riding a bicycle is basically maintained by instinctive conditioned reflexes, and speaking occupies most of the functions of the brain's memory. There is no time to pay attention to these details.

"However, today is not over."

"Even if it's the final, it shouldn't be any different from any other game, it's just a harder game."

Sampras glanced around his teammates, and then laughed happily, "Well said, this is just a harder game."

Sampras nodded again and again, full of approval.

Earlier, Sampras told Gao Wen that a Grand Slam is a Grand Slam, which is true, but a Grand Slam is just an ordinary event in the tour, there is no more and no less, and they should not pay too much attention to it. Otherwise, you will lose your sense of normalcy, and it will be easy to perform abnormally.

Now it seems that Gao Wen really understood what Sampras said, which is a good thing.

Gawain shrugged slightly.

"I just need to hold on a little longer, just a little more."

It's like the final moment of the final game, if you persist and work harder, "there is no way out, and there is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, another village", probably like this.

When the first serve win was broken, and when the second serve win was overtaken by two points in a row, disturbing thoughts rushed into his mind, but Gao Wen held on to this belief and finally persisted. , Use your own hands and feet to fight for a way out.

Now, too.

Even though every muscle in his body was protesting, Gao Wen still needed to persevere

Habits are difficult to form, but easy to break. Once broken, it is twice as difficult to get back on track. So, he needs to keep it on his own.

Hoo hoo.

Hoo hoo.

The calf was like being filled with lead, but Gao Wen still gritted his teeth, kept a constant speed, continued to step on the pedal, and explored his limit little by little.

Sampras turned his head to look at Pelt with a helpless expression on his face, "I think we who were arguing just now are like fools."

Pelt remained expressionless, and replied calmly, "You are a little stupider than me."

"So you're admitting that you're stupid too?" Sampras said without hesitation, and Agassi and Tobias both laughed.

Just when Pelt was about to refute, there was a commotion in front of him

swish swish.

At a glance, you can see the old Mr. Rod Laver who is surrounded by everyone.

Stars This respected and respected tennis player does have a supreme status in Australia, and he can deeply feel this everywhere he goes.

When he was young, Laver would fly all over the world to watch the four Grand Slam games, but as he grew older, such opportunities became less and less. However, you can still see it in Melbourne Park every year The figure of this legend has become another landscape of the Australian Open.

Gao Wen, who was riding a bicycle, saw Laver immediately, and before he could make a move, Laver walked over vigorously.

"Hey, Gao Wen, I still lack a selfie with you."

The old man said in a tone.

"At the award ceremony just now, I wanted to take two photos, but it was too late, and the flashing lights of the reporters also disrupted my plan."

"There is no other way, I can only use my privilege to go through the back door, how about it, do I have the honor to take a photo with you?"

The light words contained Laval's unique humor. Gawain's face was filled with a big smile, and he left the bicycle trainer with agility, took the initiative to face Laval, and followed him.

"Since the fans have asked for it, of course it must be met. I will walk in the professional tennis world relying on my friendly and friendly image to the fans."

The witty joke did not see the fear and respect of the celebrity at all, and instantly made everyone around laugh.

Laver laughed too, but quickly turned his attention to his phone, pulling it far away, playing with it in full earnest.

"Wait, wait, I need a little time to fight these technologies. Although it takes a little effort, trust me, I'm always the winner."