Match Point - Chapter 916

Chapter 916

In a rare sight, Murray chose to serve and attack. When facing a break point, Murray's shot was very resolute and tough.

Most importantly, precision.

Murray's forehand directly hit a dead corner of the big triangle on the bottom line. He didn't use his full strength, but used the control point to make the best use of the field.

Judging from the movement trend, Gao Wen is moving towards the forehand position on his right, so there is no need to turn, but Murray has captured a point:

In order to receive the serve, Gao Wen threw his body out, and his center of gravity was in an unbalanced state. In order to defend the next shot, Gao Wen must stand still and adjust his footsteps and center of gravity.

That's a pause.

Then Gao Wen started again, sprinted horizontally, and had to accelerate again

Running at a variable speed is always more difficult and more consuming than running at a constant speed.

This is the gap.

It is precisely because of this that Murray did not exert force blindly, but precisely asked for a landing point, trying to control the situation.

Gao Wen was indeed very embarrassed, moving at full speed, he could even feel the bumps and bumps in his internal organs. Judging from the moving distance, he should be able to touch the ball in time, but he didn't have much room to swing his racket.

How to deal with it?

Gao Wen chose to throw his body out instead of making an emergency stop to hit the ball solidly, and started to swing the racket following the inertia of his body rushing forward.

The right hand, like a roc spreading its wings, swept away thousands of troops.

If you can't take the initiative to exert force, you can use the sprint inertia and gravity to complete the force.

Not passive, not conservative, not only not, but also showing the domineering arrogance in the face of difficulties, the whole batting is smooth and smooth.


The tennis ball hits back, fast and fast, with full tail force.

During the passive defense, Gao Wen also hit a shot that was defensive and offensive.


Moreover, the bottom line was suppressed, because the sight inside the bottom line could accurately determine that it was a ball under the line, so that the entire audience uncontrollably let out exclamations.

Murray, despite moving in place in time, was also noticeably squeezed at the bat.

Then Murray backed away conservatively and pulled a straight shot with his forehand.


Murray is Murray, and he is more inclined to defense and see-saw than offense.

The ball is also facing the dead corner of the bottom line, the same is handled by the forehand, and it is also not the best position to hit the ball, but the handling of the two players is in stark contrast.

Even, Murray's hitting space is larger than that of Gao Wen, but Murray still chooses to be conservative, trying to slow down the rhythm of the round again.

This is exactly Gao Wen's purpose. Therefore, even though he returned the ball straight to his backhand position and hit the gap; and the inertia of the previous shot pulled his feet out of the singles line, Gao Wen still made a timely move. Applause arrived.

The dazzling movement made the audience hold their breath.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, Gawain had already traveled from one end of the court to the other.


Gao Wen was not soft-handed, even though the hitting point and the position of the shot were still a little lacking, but his backhand with both hands was very firm and even bold.

straight line!

Deep zone!

dead end!

Gawain's left leg supported his body, and he turned his body completely like a red-crowned crane. The blue jersey was like a wave, blooming wantonly, and his eyes could clearly capture the shape of the wind. He attacked with force for the second consecutive shot and caught Murray. The transition ball, directly started.


Zhang Sheng didn't realize that he was about to cry out in surprise, and he used all his strength to control the screaming, but the voice was still buzzing in his chest, and the whole world was spinning.

dead end!

Gawain, we are coming.

Such a bold and risky shot landed accurately in the big triangle of Murray's forehand bottom line, showing an incredibly delicate touch.

Not only did he dare to attack, but he also believed in himself. Gao Wen once again showed his courage and determination in the collision.


Zhang Sheng almost wanted to overwhelm the audience.

Seeing that, Murray immediately fell into a passive position, his forehand was obviously squeezed, his swing was incomplete, and he hit a rebound ball defensively.

This time, Murray paid the price for his defensive mentality. He did not expect Gao Wen's shot choice at all. In front of Gao Wen's aggressive shot, Murray's layout and calculation were obviously suppressed by strength and speed. to get himself into trouble.

Passive, very, very passive.

Then the tennis ball flew high

Parabola, no hold down!

So high and so floating!

All the eyes of the audience followed up, drilling into a gorgeous white light.


He closed his eyes involuntarily, and when he opened them again, he saw that the tennis ball had landed.

Press the line!

Actually pressed the line!

Murray's defensive rebounding ball also showed unparalleled touch control. He actually pulled out a super high arc and controlled the tennis ball in the bottom line deep area of the slash area.

And, press the line!

Perhaps, Murray and Gao Wen are two kinds of players. Murray is used to defending, and he can still control the situation in an extremely passive predicament.

"Offense VS Defense".

Both players showed top touch, not only making full use of the entire court, but also showing the beauty of different styles and different ways of tennis.


Absolutely fantastic!

It can be clearly seen that the audience is about to move, almost screaming; but after all, they control themselves in time, because they don't want to disturb Murray

Not Gawain.

In this room, Gao Wen's footsteps have been adjusted by moving back and forth at a constant speed, and he got in place steadily and in time, and found the hitting point again.

Even though Murray's return was deep and high, Gao Wen didn't hesitate, and jumped high through the run-up:



A forehand attack that stays in the air, finds the most comfortable and accurate hitting point by jumping, and presses down directly from top to bottom at the high point.

Surprise everyone!

In this shot, you can vaguely see the typical forehand demeanor of Federer and Del Potro. It is not only tough, but also chic. Seeing the smile on the corner of the mouth is wanton publicity.


The tennis ball, turned into an arrow, crossed the court.


Still firmly suppressing Murray's forehand, the tactical intention is very clear!

Attacked for the third time in a row, tough and sharp.


This time was accurately caught by Murray

Forehand. Forehand. Still forehand.

Murray's prediction was very accurate. He swayed his footsteps and moved to the left, but kept his center of gravity light. With a step, his left leg exerted force, and his body had already returned to the forehand position. His physical strength was still not fully recovered. For Murray, such an accurate prediction is crucial.

Then, Murray faced Gawain's thunderous shot head-on.

For a moment, the audience held their breath.

Murray also deeply felt the layer upon layer of pressure from Gao Wen, like a spring, which would start to rebound after being compressed to the extreme, and Murray chose to fight back.

Kick off! Turn! swing!

Let's do it!

"Power VS Power"!

In a rare sight, Murray also showed his toughness, resisting head-on, and energy burst out from the depths of his dantian, followed by a roar.


Murray, work hard.

As wonderful as Gao Wen's forehand attack was, then how rare Murray's forehand confrontation was, the collision was strong, and it was about to explode, and the heat wave suddenly erupted in the audience. March, early spring.

Read the latest chapter content and download the iRead novel app. The latest chapter content is already in the iRead novel app, and the website no longer updates the latest chapter content. In the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou, a corner.

The hazy sky was gray and black, revealing heavy oppression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky, smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, spreading out crimson lightning bolts, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like a low roar of the gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the iRead novel app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The blood-colored rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal world.

The earth is hazy, and there is a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the red rain of blood.

The walls and ruins in the city, everything withered, collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue and black corpses and minced meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The once bustling streets are now deserted.

The sandy road where people used to come and go is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remained, which was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a wrecked carriage was sunk deep in the mud, full of mourning, only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has already been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and strange.

The muddy pupils seemed to have some resentment remaining, and they looked at the mottled stones in front of them alone.

There, there was a figure lying on its stomach.

This is a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes are ragged and full of dirt, and there is a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his and remained motionless, the piercing cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions, covering his whole body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even if the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink his eyes, staring coldly into the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog at a distance of seven or eight feet, and looked around vigilantly from time to time.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, if there is any slightest disturbance, it will fly into the air in an instant.

Download the iRead novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the teenager is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally submerged its head completely into the abdominal cavity of the wild dog.

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